
Chapter 899 Continued Training

The master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual.

The reason is indeed so, because like the coherent training mode given by No. 1, if the apprentice is not talented at the level of Dawn Chenxing, it is impossible for him to be in such a short training match. Nei initially figured out his own way to break through the bottleneck in the future.

And in addition—

After taking such a small step now, how to continue to improve is actually entirely a matter for Li Xiaochenxing to work hard on alone, and no one else can give more help no matter who they are.


Enough is enough.

How many people just stay at the bottleneck of a realm threshold and spend their entire career time unable to move forward?

Not to mention the difficulty of reaching the current level of Lixiao Chenxing, from the half-step of the Four Emperors to the highest level of the Four Emperors, which cannot be described in simple words. Those few people at the top of the competition pyramid...

For so many years, the so-called talented newcomers have emerged one after another, but the Four Emperors are always only those four. The so-called "four emperors" powerhouses that have emerged, in fact, those who know the truth know that they are just some of the previous generations. Just an old guy who is almost rotten.

Therefore, to be able to play such a role as a guide for Li Xiaochenxing on the road to break through the threshold of the realm, even if it is only a little help——

Someone's contribution has really reached the sky.

Even the entire national server should be grateful for someone's dedication, because this helped the national server to have the possibility of having a Four Emperors who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the other top existences in the world.

Not to mention for the God team club...

As long as Li Xiao Chen Xing succeeds in breaking through, someone will almost become the top VIP that the whole club will enshrine.

The chief team leader of the God club also walked in front of Lin Feng at this time, grabbed someone's hand and shook it vigorously, his tone was excited and full of sincere thanks, sincere to the extreme:

"Little brother, thank you so much!"

"Whatever happens in the future, please remember to come to our God!"

"This is your home!"

This can be said.

And the faces of the other God team members around did not have the slightest disapproval on their faces, instead they nodded in agreement.

"Is that so—"

Someone's eyes lit up.

This can be regarded as the gratitude and friendship of the strongest team club in the national server. There may be nothing to use it now, but after that, he will return to the professional e-sports circle and the professional arena of the national server with the new team he created. For all kinds of big and small things, there must be a lot of places where the God team can help, and they can save themselves a lot of trouble.


Think more beautifully.

Looking back, if you don’t pay attention to meeting God team first on the field, if your condition is not good, let others put some water or something, wouldn’t it be easy and happy...

"Stinky boy, what are you thinking?"

Noticing the colorful expressions on someone's face, you can almost guess without thinking what crooked thoughts the former must be having, and No. 1 squinted over:

"It would be nice to accept some thanks. Letting you come as a training partner is what you should do. What other things do you want to plan?"

"Have you had enough rest? If you have enough, continue training."

"Time is running out."



Although each of the two training matches that just ended was full of highlights and full of ups and downs, the amount of information contained in them is simply so great that most of the God team members in the training room are still confused. not fully digested.

But speaking of it, it only took two games.

It took only one third of the time this afternoon.

There are two thirds left.

However, since it took so little time to achieve such great results in training, wouldn't it be possible for the remaining half of the training schedule in the afternoon to make the training results go up a big step by the end of the evening? ?

Such thoughts flashed through their minds, and the members of the God team couldn't help cheering up and looking forward to it.

And Lin Feng also cheered up his fighting spirit:

"oh oh!"


"The last one was practiced. Next, Ah Xing, let's play a mid-single enchantress at the same time!"

At this moment, a certain person is also full of confidence. Originally, the strength of him and Li Xiaochenxing is here. In addition, the first coordinating cooperation just now has achieved such satisfactory results, and the tacit cooperation will only become more Strong, and this mode is really interesting and challenging to play——


No. 1's eyes fell on Lin Feng again, and he raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Thinking too much."

"In this game, go back to the group lineup of the first game."

When such an order was issued, someone was immediately stunned and dumbfounded: "Huh?"

When he reacted, Lin Feng was anxious:

"Hey senior! How can this be!"

Just now he led an apprentice like Li Xiao Chen Xing into the door in front of his master, but he didn't have enough fun with the results just now, so he changed Li Xiao Chen Xing back to his opposite?

No. 1 had a half-smile: "Why, are you afraid that you will teach your disciples to starve to death as a master?"

Lin Feng shrank his head, and couldn't help muttering: "Ben, it was originally..."

It was hard to teach Lixiao Chenxing. If it was before the last training match, it would be no problem to let him face off against the original Lixiao Chenxing, but the current Lixiao Chenxing...

Already starting to find a new state.

That's scary.

If you let someone fight against a half-step Four Emperors with their current strength and state, they can barely suppress to a certain extent.

But let him face an opponent who is really only a little distance away from the realm of the Four Emperors, and who may even break through at any time, it is completely unrealistic to want to take advantage of it.

It is destined to be a tougher battle than the previous first training match.

One laughs:

"That's what I want."

"It's just right, let Ah Xing experience this new state by himself. It's not suitable for others to be a sandbag. You still have to continue to be an honest partner."

At this time, before Lin Feng could protest again, Li Xiaochenxing had already heard the flame of fighting spirit in his eyes rising and burning again, turned his eyes to someone, and bowed slightly again:


"Just please!"

Unprepared to receive such a gift again, Lin Feng felt a headache and felt helpless:

"Okay, okay... hey, but take it easy."

Three minutes later.

The third training match started again.

The God players watching the game, including several coaches from the coaching staff, couldn't help looking forward to it, full of nervous anticipation, wanting to see the specific training results of their own A Xing after the previous training in the same-tuning mode.

And this time.

The result did not disappoint the expectations of everyone present in the training room.

The blue square where the dawn stars are located.


The purple side where Lin Feng is.

In the end, the blue team won the victory.

However, what was unexpected was that the victory won by the blue team made the atmosphere in the training room not boil with cheers at the first moment, but fell into a situation that made people even wonder if it was true. In the long frozen silence where time stood still.


This matchup.

Played for a full forty-eight minutes.

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The update is here, the next chapter will be later, it is recommended to read it tomorrow morning, but it will definitely be there in the evening!

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