
Chapter 965

Compared with the top and middle lanes, the rhythm of the bottom lane at this moment seems to have accelerated as the level of the blue and purple bottom lane combination has increased.

Just go from level 1 to level 2.

But no matter for the blue side's ADC Vayne or the purple side's ADC Delevingne, the two heroes have more room to operate and play under the control of their respective players, and become more flexible.

Draven level 2 learns W.

Just a wave of grabbing 2, directly let the girl control the Glory Executioner to chase and kill along the line of soldiers, consuming the health of Wei En and the auxiliary Fengnv on the opposite side.

After Wei En reached level 2, Huangxue Yege added skill points to the E skill "Demon Trial".

A knockback skill.

Cooperating with the Q skill's "dodge and surprise attack" displacement and rolling effect, it ensures her agility in the laning phase, and also makes it difficult for the opponent's support girl who is also upgraded to level 2 to get close to her and control her easily.

But because the controller is Huangxue Yege, Wei En's online performance after level 2 is more than that.

Seizing the gap between opponent Draven's flat A shot, the blue ADC Vayne rolled forward with a Q skill like lightning, and at the same time, his own assistant Fengnv teammate reacted very quickly and tacitly matched the E skill shield.

A flat A arrow with two buff effects was shot out.

Directly knock out Draven's blood volume.

Immediately, Wei En quickly withdrew and retreated without any hesitation, a small right-angle dance step, perfectly dodging the E skill "Zenith Blade" of the Japanese girl assisted by the purple side on the opposite side.


The God players watching the battle couldn't help but let out a low voice of admiration.

Sure enough, after all, he is the hero of his destiny. Watching Wei En operate in the hands of Huangxue Yege is simply a pleasing visual enjoyment, too smooth. With a protruding face, it is basically impossible to get close to Wei En's body.


The following facts seem to prove this point.

After level 2, the purple side assisted the Japanese girl to become more active and strong under Lin Feng's control. She crossed the pawn line and wanted to put pressure on the opponent blue side's bottom lane combination, but the E skill "Zenith" twice in a row "Blade" throws out sunlight, but is always dodged by the opponent's Vayne with a Q skill.

The game time is 3 minutes and 50 seconds.

It was another E-skill initiative by the Japanese woman, who swung her sword and threw a beam of golden sunlight towards the target night hunter.

Wei En seems to have prepared a "dodge surprise", Q skill rolls to the left to dodge, passing the light beam thrown by the goddess of dawn.

The Japanese woman who lost her dashing ability has no other threats to Vayne. Instead, she avoids the control of the wild snow night song to control the ADC Vayne, and cooperates with her teammates to assist Fengnv to turn around and press forward, chasing Leona. Tapped three times in succession.

Letting someone's auxiliary Japanese woman lose a lot of blood in vain.

Many God players watching the battle shook their heads for a while:

How rash.

Or too impatient.

Your Japanese girl only has one E skill that can make Wei En a little afraid. After handing it over so hastily, you are not destined to become a living target for others to fight back?

It's too bad... and it seems that the Japanese girl still has [Flash] plus [Ignite] as a summoner skill, but now it seems that there is no chance to use [Ignite] with one hand.

"This little brother Lin Feng... the level of support is still a little worse than his mid laner." A God player smacked his lips, making such an evaluation, and other players around him also nodded in agreement. It's understandable, after all, the mid laner Lane and support are completely two concepts. It doesn't mean that if you play well in the mid lane, the support can also be very good at 6.

However, at this moment, on the side of the purple army on the field, Lin Feng in the auxiliary seat did not seem to be affected by his mentality because of the failure of the E skill a few times just now, and his face was still relaxed and calm.

Just suddenly said aloud:

"Do you see it?"

A very endless question.

But Tang Bingyao, who was sitting next to Lin Feng, was looking away from the blue Fang ADC Wei En who was not far away, thought for a while, and nodded seriously:


"To the right."

The corner of someone's mouth raised slightly: "Anyway, as long as you can see it - then... let's do it."


The game time came to just over 4 minutes.

At this time, on the bottom lane of Summoner’s Canyon, near the central area near the mouth of the river, the minions of the blue and purple sides continued to fight in a stalemate, ping-pong-pong. The grades should not be far behind.

"It's the purple side that will get to 3 first."

The sharp-eyed God players judged and counted the remaining number of minions on both sides of the field, but immediately someone curled their lips in disapproval:

"It's useless to grab 3, it won't start anyway."


It seems to be the case.

However, almost at this moment, when a melee soldier on the blue side had the last trace of blood left and not far away, a level A throwing ax from the purple side's ADC Delevingne whizzed towards him, and the auxiliary Dawn Goddess It has also taken a step forward quietly.

The fuse of * seemed to be ignited silently like this.

On the blue side, Huangxue Yege was very keen to notice the Japanese girl's movements for the first time, and without thinking about it, he sent a signal to his teammates to assist Fengnv, and the two were about to retreat temporarily.

next second.

Draven's flat A rotating throwing ax hits the bloody blue square minion.

Complete the kill.

At the same time as the little soldier fell, two successive upgrade lights lit up from the heads of the two heroes, the Executioner of Glory and the Goddess of Dawn, and they were upgraded to level 3!

The next moment——

The W skill key on the keyboard was suddenly pressed twice in succession, and the Goddess of Dawn, who learned the skill in seconds and opened the "solar eclipse", was instantly covered by a golden halo, and at the same time, there was a crisp keystroke "snap" Ring, E skill "Zenith Blade" shot!

Leona swung her sword forward.

A golden light beam suddenly threw towards the target blue ADC Vayne not far away!

Judging from the ballistic trajectory of the skill cast, the Japanese girl's E skill is almost unavoidable for Wei En purely by moving!


It's a pity that Wayne doesn't just move around.

His gaze caught the first moment when the opposite Japanese woman's E skill was used, and the light in Huangxue Yege's eyes lit up. He had already prepared himself for this move, knowing that the opposite Japanese woman would grab the opportunity of level 3 and come up again. The sudden face is forced to open, so there is no panic, and it is a smooth Q skill "dodge and surprise" that is completely relying on the subconscious inertial operation.

The body of the night hunter rolled over and moved obliquely to the right.

This kind of dodge operation, even if it was only used several times in the first few minutes of this match, was already familiar to Huang Xue Yege, so there was no need to worry about any accidents at all. .


It was another effortless and smart escape.

But at the same time, in front of the computer screen on the auxiliary seat on the side of the purple army, Lin Feng, who clearly should know that his E skill is about to fail, can't see any regrets on his face, even...

Instead, a dangerous gleam flashed in his eyes.

Then the accident happened in the next moment.

pong! ——

The scene suddenly changed so quickly that people didn't have time to pay attention, but after hearing such a "pong" sound, we could only see that the ADC Wei En on the blue side had staggered back to the original place at some point. It happened to be hit by the Japanese girl's E skill beam!

next moment.

The figure of the Goddess of Dawn, Leona, has charged forward with boiling murderous aura!

The pupils of Huangxue Yege's eyes shrank suddenly.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth raised slightly.

***************************************************** *****************************

The update is here, go away and continue to code, ah, after taking antipyretics for a day, I finally feel better, after taking the medicine tonight, I should be fine tomorrow!

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