
Chapter 971 Girls Are Not Bad at Playing AD

On the field, Summoner's Canyon went down the road.

The purple ADC Draven chased into the tower almost single-handedly with two axes in hand, and the last flat A hit the target's residual blood Vayne, directly bursting the blood bar of the empty night hunter.

Kill under the tower.

It is simply a strong and domineering that makes one's heart skip a beat.

The entire training room of the God club was full of excitement, and at the same time, No. 5 in the back row of the crowd was smiling and turned to look at the coaches of God's coaching team beside him:

"Girls... are not bad at playing ADC, right?"

This is to respond to the questioning remarks of the first few God coaches at the beginning of this training match with facts.

And if the previous God coaches had to be submissive because of No. 5's status and face, then now...the entire coaching team really has no other objections, and they all nodded in agreement.

Yes Yes Yes……

Really not bad.

Not only is it not bad, it was Draven's skill...Xiu overthrew Prince Jiawen, the main jungler of God's first team, and then cooperated with the Japanese girl to forcibly jump over the tower and kill Huangxue Yege ADC Vayne.

This kind of strength, this kind of operation, how many professional ADC players in the entire national server can do it?

Thinking of this in mind, the gazes of several God coaches looking at the back of Tang Bingyao on the side of the Purple Fang Corps on the field have also become different——


This little girl is of the same nature as Lin Feng and Li Shiyi from yesterday.

They are so secretive that they will be shocked as soon as they make a move!

But having said that... Where did the two gentlemen, No. 1 and No. 5, find so many training partners who are basically unknown but have such terrifying strength?

If there are a few more, the entire national service professional e-sports circle can change, okay?


On the field, on the side of the purple army, Lin Feng, who cooperated with his ADC teammates to capture Wei En's head, looked relaxed and happy:

"Oh, Tangtang is nice!"

Tang Bingyao, who was the Vayne slayer and stunned the entire training room of the God Club with a wave of operations, also had a joyful brilliance on her small face at this time. She let out a happy "hmm" and at the same time turned her gaze to the blue square not far away. The wild prince looked up and down.

The girl, who was obviously still interested in killing someone, had other plans.

But at this time, the jungler prince on the blue side is also smart. He handed in all his skills and did nothing, and handed in a flash penalty. It would only be their side that was at a disadvantage, and immediately turned around and retreated towards the tower, and the auxiliary Feng Nu hurried up to cover.

Tang Bingyao felt a little regretful, but Delevingne, who still controlled her, gave up her original idea and turned back.

Seeing the girl's thoughts, Lin Feng laughed:

"It's okay."

"There is still a chance later."

"Anyway, this wave...the advantage has already been revealed."

This is indeed the case. At this moment, the atmosphere of the blue army on the field seems a bit heavy and depressing. It is fine to send a blood on the top road, but the bottom road is the line they trust most and think that there will be no problems. , it turned out that Wei En was killed by the opposite Draven with the support of his teammate Prince.

After a moment of silence, Huang Xue Yege shook his head and smiled wryly:

"My my..."

"It didn't count, the other side drove so decisively."

This is the truth, because just after the battle in the top lane just ended, the purple side's auxiliary Japanese girl on the bottom lane directly flashed on the face of the sudden without warning to give Q a strong control, and in the wild snow Yege's Wei En Naturally, there is no way to avoid it without flashing.


The more important point lies in the performance of the opposing ADC Delevingne just now.

Really... Even thinking about it now, Huangxue Yege actually found that he couldn't help feeling a faint palpitation.

The momentum is too fierce.

At that moment, Draven's chasing momentum almost suffocated him for a moment,

And such a huge scalp-tingling oppression, even for a moment, has rarely appeared in his career for so many years, and the only few times may have been in the World S League.

But right now, this is just an ordinary training match.

Taking a deep breath, he temporarily suppressed the complicated thoughts in his heart, and calmed himself down again, Huangxue Yege spoke in a deep voice in the voice channel of his blue team;

"Prince, don't come down."

"In the early stage, try to find opportunities to help Shangzhong open the situation."

This is not because of the angry decision made by the prince who just supported Taikeng. After his strength has reached the level of Huangxue Yege, such small problems will not affect his mentality at all. The reason for making the decision is just Because he has finally seen clearly the current situation on the court.

down the road...

Can't help.

Draven on the opposite side got the kill, and almost announced that the rhythm of the bottom lane will officially enter the active control of the purple army on the opposite side, and his own side is only an ADC Vayne, so the early laning is not considered strong. It's good to survive this period of time with steady and stress-resistant development.

On the contrary, it is the upper and middle lanes. What their blue side has to do now is to prevent the opponent's top laner ice girl and mid laner male sword from developing as much as possible, otherwise the mid-term team battle will really be impossible.

It's just that after making such a decision and arrangement, Huangxue Yege couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Really... never expected.

Originally thought that his bot lane was the core of the most powerful force, but now the situation has taken a turn for the worse. On the contrary, the line where his ADC Vayne is in needs to be given up by himself for the sake of the entire team.

A bad move is really a bad move.

only hope……

Don't lose everything in the end.


The game lasted less than five minutes, and the number of kills of the blue and purple armies on the scene became 0 to 2. To everyone's surprise, the purple army captured the economic advantage of two kills one after another, and even killed the blue team in the bottom lane. Fang Huangxue Yege's ADC Wei En was crushed.

The God players around watching the battle were in a low commotion, couldn't help whispering, and even began to worry that this game would really upset like this, could it be that the purple team really wanted to win?

"Not yet."

The head coach of God's coaching staff shook his head, and spoke calmly and steadily:

"It's just a small advantage for the purple side. The blue side... still has a lot of room for redemption."

Another coach next to him subconsciously nodded his head with a deeply approving expression:


"After all... the overall situation is still a situation of one team playing two teams."

The game time is 6 minutes and 10 seconds.

In the middle of the road, a kill announcement came from the female voice of the system, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. Many God players who supported the blue side couldn't help but shout out in surprise:

"I rely on nice!"

The body of the purple Fang Zhong Dan Nan Dao fell on the line of soldiers in the middle, and the blue Fang Zhong Dan Syndra not far away had residual blood on his head and was hung with the real damage burning effect of [ignite], but in the end it was still Relying on the blood bottle to forcefully stabilize the blood line in the early sixties or seventies.

Single kill!


The other main players of God's first team on the blue side couldn't help being excited and surprised. This wave didn't have any jungle gank to help, it was purely a solo between the mid laners, and Syndra's solo kill was easy. It was really a wave of morale directly back!

The number of heads between the blue and purple sides became 1 to 2.

The rhythm seems to be slowly regained by the blue team.

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The update is here. It's been more than a week and the fever hasn't gone away. I'm going crazy. . .

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