
Chapter 981 Unaffected

Among all the supports, the offensive ability of Dawn Goddess Leona is almost always at the forefront.

Too much control.

And it's hard control.

No matter backhand or first hand, as long as it is played, it will have a terrible effect.

This time Lin Feng's choice was still to go first.

The big move "Sunflare", forced to open under the tower, stunned and controlled the target Fengnv for a moment, Leona under his control has followed up, and the golden beam thrown by the E skill "Zenith Blade" points to The target Wind Maiden Janna suddenly cut her face in front of her.

The keys on the keyboard clicked and pressed like lightning.


The Goddess of Aurora wields a shield with a Q skill "Shield of Dawn" to continue to control the wind girl's dizziness!

The W skill is activated, propping up a bright golden solar eclipse halo!

At the same time, the ADC Draven under the control of Tang Bingyao turned on the W skill to speed up to catch up, and the two round giant axes of "Cold-Blooded Pursuing Life" took the lead in the big move, piercing through the bodies of Feng Nu and the prince directly, and the next second It was already a swinging throwing ax with a flat A in his hand and threw it at Janna.


A splash of blood!

The extremely quick-responsive blue jungler prince surrendered his EQ second company and rushed towards Delevingne in an attempt to fight back, but almost at the same time, Tang Bingyao, who was in front of the computer screen on the purple side, reacted extremely fast ——

The E key is tapped and pressed!

Clearing the way, the sharp ax suddenly threw his hand in mid-air, shocking everyone's eyes, and forcibly interrupting the second company of the prince's EQ!

Pick up an axe.

The W skill refreshes and resets and reopens instantly!

An accelerated side-shifting position, miraculously predicting the opponent's single Syndra's QE skill, the second company even directly relied on the position to dodge the energy ball that was shot by a "weak retreat" from the dark head of state open!

Then tie A!

Another splash of blood!

The training room of the entire God team club was boiling like a tide again,

Almost all the God players who watched the battle couldn't help but suddenly widened their eyes and their faces were full of surprise and shock——

This operation!

To be reasonable, no matter how many times you have seen it before, it is still the same, and you can almost see the goose bumps all over the body standing on end!

The real move is aggression like fire!

Sharp as a knife!

No. 1 in the back row of the spectators couldn't hide the expression of admiration on his face, turned his head to the beautiful fiancee beside him and said, "I take back what I said before, little girl Tangtang... It doesn't take half a year to practice, just a little bit of sculpting ...It is a seedling that can be placed on the world stage."

And No. 5's eyes were shining brightly:


"Her talent...is even better than Ah Ye."


And no matter how many people can't help but feel shocked when such a comment spreads out.

At this moment, Feng Nu, the assistant of the blue side, was sentenced to death again almost instantly.

Tai Long, the single male swordsman in the purple square, reacted a little slower, but followed him in the next second. The E skill rushed forward and cut in front of the wind girl, tied A and Q in seconds, and directly activated the big move in the next second. .

"Shadow Raid"!

Suddenly, Tai Long's figure turned into countless cold and sharp throwing knives and shot them in all directions!

Vigorously penetrate the body of the target wind girl!

Between the shocking large canopy of blood splashing all over the sky, there is no need for more follow-up damage to make up for it. The blood bar of the crispy blue side auxiliary Fengnv has been emptied and returned to zero at this moment!


The kill announcement of the system's female voice suddenly sounded.

From the beginning to the end, from the first move of the Japanese girl's big move to the end of the second stage of Draven's flat A receiving the big move, it was only a moment.

The blue side's auxiliary Fengnv didn't even have the chance to use her ultimate move this time, and at such a moment, she was taken away by a wave of instant kills from several heroes of the purple side's army bursting out with terrifying damage.

Another moment.

Accompanied by a "ding" warning signal to retreat, the purple side assisted the Japanese girl to retreat first, and the male sword Tailong and ADC Delevingne of the mid laner followed closely and exited the attack range of the defense tower.

On the blue side, the only remaining Syndra and the prince couldn't continue to chase them out.

Can only give up.

A wave... a perfect tower jump.

In front of the computer screen of the purple army on the field, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at the opposite tower:


"Wait for the next wave of troops and keep pushing."


It wasn't until watching the three heroes of the purple army retreat that the God players who were watching the battle broke out in an uproar once again. Somewhat amazed or even awed.

so horrible.

Originally, they thought... In a 3v3 situation, the blue team would have a few heroes and nothing else, but at least it shouldn't be a problem to defend under the tower, and there might be a chance to accuse people and fight back.

But it turns out they were all wrong.

Even under such circumstances, the purple side relied on the mid laner ADC to assist three people, but they still said that the more towers, the more towers.

If you say kill, you will kill.

The instant burst of damage is too exaggerated.

As long as the Japanese girl is the first to give the upper hand control, and Draven's output damage at this time is combined with a combo set of the male sword, almost no one on the blue side can hold it, and it is really impossible to react directly. Will be raped in seconds.

Just now, Fengnv was arrested, but if it were Syndra or even the prince...it is estimated that the ending would not change in any way.

"Delevingne... the reaction and positioning are simply amazing."

Some God players who watched the game were still reminiscing about the wave of Draven's operations just now, and couldn't help murmuring.


It's almost as if the script was written and performed in advance.

The E skill instantly interrupts the second company of the prince, the W skill suddenly speeds up and moves to avoid the second company of Syndra's QE, and a set of operations is done in one go without affecting the output damage at all... This level is placed in their God team club. , Among so many professional players, it is estimated that there are not many people who can do this.

And soon some people refocused their attention on the mid lane of Summoner's Canyon on the field:


"The blue square central tower is not easy to defend either."


It is indeed difficult to guard.

Without an auxiliary Fengnv, the blue team in the middle is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, and after the wave of tower jumping just now, it is enough for anyone to fight against the purple side. The combination of the three heroes Dao Tailong created great fear.

Even though he just killed Fengnv with all three ultimate moves, when a new round of pawns arrives, the normal skill CDs of several purple heroes will be cooled down again.

By the time……

Let the Japanese women seize a chance to force it open.

Let Delevingne cooperate with the male knife to make up for the damage.

Syndra and the prince, who are the only ones left on the blue side under the tower, seem to be healthy regardless of their blood volume, but they may be killed in the blink of an eye.

With such a mentality, the two blue heroes under the middle tower could not help but become more cautious and cautious. On the contrary, the three purple heroes seemed to be more aggressive and active when they pushed a new wave of soldiers into the tower. The support girl, with her W skill, went directly to the top and began to help Tower A, and the male sword also began to press forward, intentionally or unintentionally, seeming to be eyeing the two blue heroes.

In this case, Syndra and the prince, who were under a lot of psychological pressure, could not wait for the support of other teammates, so they had to choose to retreat.


Soon, the system's female voice announced from the middle:


at the same time.

On the side of the blue team on the field, Huangxue Yege's eyelids twitched slightly on the ADC seat, who was controlling the night hunter and continued to make up the attack on the road.

Then, he took a light breath, as if to calm himself down again.


Steadily make up the knife and control the line.

It was as if it had never been affected by anything else.

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I finished coding last night and fell asleep. . This chapter is from yesterday. . Today's next chapter is around three o'clock in the afternoon.

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