
Chapter 999

The number of defensive towers remains the same.

The overall economy of the team is not far behind.

Even the CD cooldown of summoner skills is basically the same.

At this nearly 30-minute game time period, the blue and purple teams on the field are considered to have returned to the same starting line, and just as the head coach God said off the field, the game will start from this time. The real battle prologue.

"For the mid laner... In fact, Syndra's role in this period of time is already greater than that of the male sword."

Off the field, the God players who watched the game exchanged discussions:

"Well, the male sword will gradually lose its strength in the middle and late stages, and it is impossible to forcefully cut people in seconds."

"Sindra is still stronger in the late stage. Originally, there are no front-row heroes on the purple side. A set of skills can be smashed out with a big move. Basically, no one on the purple side can hold it."

"Dashu and the prince can stand in the front row now."

"It's not easy for Ye Shen's Wei En, who has survived such a difficult situation in the early stage, but now his fighting ability is already very scary."

More than half of the comments and comments are still in the position of supporting the blue team.

The analysis is indeed correct.

However, there are also many God players who watched the game with cautious reservations: "I can't say that completely, don't forget that the overall lineup of the purple side is still very capable of cutting the back row." "That's right, Ice Women, mantises, male swords and Japanese women, the ability to start a team first is still very explosive." "And there is Draven..."


It was really Tang Bingyao's solo mid-lane kill by the Glory Executioner just now, which almost shocked the hearts and eyes of all the players in the training room of the entire God Club.

Few people would have imagined that an ADC could solo kill the mid laner in this period of time.


It should have been under the strict protection of teammates to be able to carefully look for opportunities to output damage.

It is actually possible to play this kind of strong and violent demeanor comparable to an assassin.

"ADC... can also play first."

Some God players who were watching the game murmured, with sincere sighs, but in fact, there are not many ADC players in the entire national service professional e-sports circle with such a bold and adventurous style, but Coincidentally, it just happened to be...

At this moment, the controller of the blue ADC Wayne who is playing against the purple ADC Draven on the field.

A core main ADC player of the God team.

Also exactly...

It is also the number of this style of play.

"That's why I said... this game will be very interesting." In the back row of the spectators off the field, the corners of No. 1's mouth could not help but curl up slightly, and his tone was obviously full of joy.

Number five beside him smiled when he heard it:


"One is to treat AD as an assassin."

"One is the feeling of playing AD out of the mid laner and top laner."

"This kind of confrontation between the two ADCs...is not something you can see at any time."


When a game reaches this time period, in fact, the themes of the team battles of the two teams will gradually approach the same.

The concept is basically the same.

That is, as long as you kill the core ADC on the opposite side, you can basically ensure that a wave of team battles will be in a stable and unbeaten situation.

Also therefore...

There is no suspense about the tactical concepts of both sides:

"Protect AD."

Lin Feng's voice sounded in the voice channel of the purple team, his words were concise and clear, but the other members of the purple team heard slightly different objections:

"Guaranteed to fight AD?"

"Sister Tangtang's Draven has a high output, but it's okay for a few people on our side to hurt. If we only use protection...it's too wasteful."

"Yeah, our lineup is originally offensive, and the team battle against Wei En will be basically stable in seconds."

But for the suggestions of several temporary teammates,

Lin Feng shook his head:

"It's not that easy."

"The next thing I want to do is cut their Vayne... It's more likely that something will go wrong on our side, so there's no need to take this risk."

In fact, for someone, if he is in charge of operating the mid lane male sword or the top lane ice girl, then maybe he will make different adjustments in terms of the number of team battles, because he is very concerned about himself. operation is sufficient.

But the current situation is that he is only a support Japanese girl, and the top laner and mid laner include the jungler... The strength of the few temporary teammates is still a bit weaker.

That would make it impossible for Mantis Ice Girl and Male Knife to grasp the timing of the cut-in in team battles to a top-notch standard.

And when the opponent's ADC Vayne is controlled by Huangxue Yege...

It is really a risk to cut it rashly.

"Just keep Tangtang's AD to fight."

In the end, Lin Feng took out the identity of the captain, and made a conclusion in an undeniable tone:

"Kill them in the front row."

"I'll find the rest of the opportunities."

At this point, he paused, turned his head to look at Tang Bingyao, and gave another order: "Tangtang, I'm going to deliver mercury next."

This is actually another somewhat unexpected arrangement. As an ADC, the blue ADC Vayne, who needs to make mercury ribbons to save his life, chose the pure output flow equipment route of breaking the boat, but now he wants the purple one instead. The ADC Draven went out with such a life-saving outfit.

It seems to be getting the cart before the horse.

Tang Bingyao was slightly taken aback, but the subconscious trust in someone made the girl not hesitate too much, she just nodded seriously and responded:



Then it entered the rhythm of the situation where the blue and purple armies gathered and held each other online and confronted each other.

The top laners on both sides ran to the side to deal with the pawn line.

On the middle route, the remaining four heroes on both sides stood cautiously and carefully, and then continued to test through waves of pawn lines, so that it would be easy to not really start a team battle.

During this period of time...everyone's level has risen.

Then the time required for resurrection after death will naturally increase accordingly.

Especially at the moment when the defensive outer towers on both sides of the blue and purple are almost completely lost, once one side is wiped out or even just one or two people are killed, it is very likely that the other side will easily destroy at least one way The highlands may even be two-way.

The later the time goes, the lower the error tolerance rate for the team on the field will be.

No one can easily make mistakes.

The atmosphere in the training room of the God club also became a little bit frozen and depressing with the stalemate on the field. The God players watching the game off the field couldn't help holding their breath, watching the game on the field nervously .

This stalemate...

It's not easy to break.

No one dares to make a casual move, as long as they make a move, it is easy to reveal flaws, allowing the opponent to take advantage of it in turn.

"But to be reasonable, it's obvious that the purple side has more initiative and advantages." A God player who watched the game couldn't help but speak, with some doubts in his tone: "It's an offensive lineup, how can it play like the blue side? Just as conservative..."

This is also the thinking of the vast majority of God players watching the game.

Lissandra and the Japanese girl on your side are both very capable of team-starting, at least stronger than the opponent's lineup of the blue team, but looking at the situation on the field, it seems that your purple side is a little bit proactive It doesn't mean anything, what's the situation?

If you are going to drag it all the way to the later stage, not to mention the benefits, at least it is not a profit.

But there are also a few spectators like Lixiao Chenxing who can see the truth. In fact, it's not that the purple side doesn't want to go first, but that it doesn't make sense to just open the opponent's front row casually, and only open to the blue side's core. C position Syndra or Vayne, and kill them directly and instantly can be regarded as able to achieve the purpose and effect.

But as long as you can't drive these two people, especially if you can't get Wei En...

This team battle can never be fought.

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The update is here, the time of the next chapter is uncertain, it should be like before 12 o'clock.

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