
Chapter 1073

Regardless of the first blood kill in the middle of the previous opening.

In fact, the set of burst second-person damage of the goddess of the moon, which is well-known to most League of Legends players, is after reaching level six.

Compared with the bottom lane, the duo on the purple side, Obama paired with Thresh, as long as Thresh's initiative control is given to the target opponent, Obama can keep up with a set of explosive output is the basic rhythm of killing——

Then the blue Fangzhong Dan Jiaoyue on the middle road...

In fact, even more so.


is under someone's control.

The "Crescent Strike" of the Q skill is almost synchronized with the big move "Luna Sprint" in no particular order.

The ultimate move is refreshed and reset at the moment when the sudden face cuts to the target clockwork marked by the moonlight.

A set of damage.

After receiving the second big move, another segment of displacement dashed forward to chase and kill.

It is a forced instant.

The mid laner Clockwork Demon on the purple side also turned in a flash of death at the end, but it still didn't help, so the record data of the blue side's single Moon Goddess came to 2/0/0, and both the blue and purple sides on the field The head count was also equalized again to 2 to 2.

The cheers and applause from the audience just now turned into a commotion and exclamation.

In the spectator stands, No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5 looked indifferent, and they didn't feel the slightest bit of surprise, because this wave was... too natural for the kid on the field.

There will be no suspense at all.

Even if this wave of Diana didn't kill anyone after reaching level six, that would be a really strange thing.

However, in contrast——

On the side of the purple army on the field, like Huangxue Yege and Tian Tian, ​​they couldn't help but tense slightly after hearing the kill announcement from the middle.

The joy brought by the simultaneous flowering of the up and down roads has also faded away most of the time.

Jian Ji and Obama got heads one after another...

Of course it is a good thing.


"Biaoyue has developed a step faster than Jian Ji and Lu Xian now—" Shi Hang's face in the front row of the spectators' seats was filled with sincere regret, while the joyful and hopeful light in his eyes is constantly blinking.

Dawn Morning Star next to him nodded slightly, and his eyes fell on the giant LCD screen on the stage:

"This one... it's really a hit."


On the one hand, the development rhythm of the top laner and ADC is smooth.

On the other side, the mid laner took two kills in 6 minutes.

Of course, it can be said that the rhythm of the purple army is more reasonable and better, but no one can easily ignore the existence of Shan Jiaoyue in the blue army.

Diana the hero...

It's really scary to grow up.

"Don't be a widow, it's useless."

Immediately in the voice channel of the purple team, Huangxue Yege quickly made a decision, and it is true. If you want to let the widow go to the middle lane to gank, it is too late. With the set of burst damage that Haoyue now has, Going to a widow may even be counter-killed.

Then the clockwork demon can only resign itself to its fate and continue to resist the pressure and develop wretchedly as much as possible.

at the same time--

"I don't even use it on the bottom road, I'll help you on the top road first!"

This is the second order of Huangxue Yege.

Because on the bottom lane, his Obama and his teammates assisting Thresh have been able to stabilize the opponent's bull head and life master, and can take the initiative without the help of the jungler.

in addition……

A deeper consideration is that their purple army needs to support a point faster to ensure that someone can hold back the terrifying Moon Goddess on the opposite side before the mid-term stage arrives.

This point can only be Tian Tian's top single sword girl.

No matter the personal operation ability or the characteristics of the hero itself, it is determined that except for Kai Tiantian's sword girl, the rest of the purple side are not qualified for this arduous job.

Even if it's just the current sword girl, the level of economic and equipment development may not be enough to compete with Haoyue.

So more help is needed.

In front of the single-seat computer screen on the purple side, Tian Tian also nodded decisively without hesitation:


"Widow...the next wave is ready to come."

"Overtake him!"


The game time slowly came to just over eight minutes.

The number of kills of the blue and purple sides on the field is still 2 to 2, but the number of last hits of the heroes on the three routes has gradually widened the gap.

The top laner Jian Ji on the purple side and the bottom lane ADC's Lucian are both ahead of their opponents in terms of CS, while the blue team's mid laner Jiaoyue... is already almost overwhelmed in terms of CS The Clockwork Demon has doubled in size.

This is actually quite a scary situation.

You know, the God team on the purple side originally took out Clockwork Orianna in the middle of this game. The original intention was to find a hero who can stably resist pressure and develop online. Clockwork Demon is naturally a very suitable choice. But facing someone's mid laner Jiaoyue... Clockwork's current development is almost suppressed to the extreme, and it is not even an exaggeration to describe it as Xiao Beng.

The current clockwork can only passively guard under his own defense tower, waiting for the opposite Haoyue to push in the line of soldiers, even fearing that the opponent will become more aggressive and kill them, but Diana will disappear online to counter them. All the F6 wild monsters can let the clockwork relax, at least they can grow under the tower with peace of mind for a while...


Suddenly, the face of the KG mid laner on Zi Fang's middle road changed suddenly, as if realizing something, he anxiously issued a warning on his team's voice channel:


"Miss mid laner!"


Although there have been more than one times in the past that Haoyue disappeared from the online line after pushing the pawn line, and they just went to the wild area to farm and develop, but this time... Jiaoyue disappeared from the online line for too long.

Then there is only one possibility——



Summoner's Canyon went down the road, and Huangxue Yege immediately controlled his ADC Obama to retreat almost immediately, and at the same time quickly pressed the V key to send an emergency retreat signal to his auxiliary Thresh teammates.

The reaction is fast enough.

But the opposite blue side's ADC and assistant Niutou also suddenly launched a wave of active and fierce counterattacks as if they had received some reminder information at this moment!

Niutou WQ Erlian suddenly charged towards the target Obama!

Huangxue Yege almost didn't dare to hesitate at all, and directly handed over [Flash], another wave of extreme reaction speed to forcibly avoid the control of the opponent's auxiliary bull head!

But at the same time.

Accompanied by a bang from the void——

In the distance, the blue-fanged ADC's life master started his big move "Perfect Curtain Call".

A huge cone-shaped barrage enveloped almost the entire lower road area, and the first super-shot shell of the playmaker who quickly set up the weapon turret blasted out of the chamber, piercing the air with a mournful whistling sound. Thresh slammed into the back of the target Obama!

boom! ! !

Obama, who had just flashed to the ground and couldn't dodge in time, was directly caught by Jhin's big move, which was slowed down!


A calm evaluation voice suddenly sounded in the voice channel of the blue team.

next moment.

Under the control of Lin Feng, the mid laner Jiaoyue has already quickly crossed the river in the wild area and rushed towards the lower road at the mouth of the river!

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Here comes the update, drinking with a client last night. . I fell asleep after drinking it. . . . The next chapter will be around midnight.

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