
Chapter 1079: Three Points

For those who are familiar with Lin Feng, when someone says "you can call and see", objectively speaking, the success rate should only be 30%.

However, for someone himself...

A 30% grasp is enough.

All the results were presented half a minute later.

As a result, there was an uproar in the spectator seats below the stage. The players, team leaders and coaches of the God and KG clubs could not help but stare. On the contrary, the team leaders and coaches of the Hayami Club were overjoyed and cheered. Say:


"Fucking beautiful! Awesome!"

"The bull's head beat well!"


It's done.

There are three reasons.

The first point is that in this wave of battles that took place in front of Xiaolongfjord in the river, Tian Tian's top laner sword girl summoner skill [Teleportation] on the purple side's side has not yet finished cooling down, and in order to continue to suppress the opponent's top laner Gotou Therefore, they did not rush to Xiaolong's side to support him. Of course, the other members of the purple army did not expect that they would have an accident in a wave of 4V3.

Second point.

It is the blue team's auxiliary bull head's performance in this wave of team battles.

A bull head chief who just handed over his flash and ultimate move in the lane not long ago lost the most complete combat power, but when someone commanded him to make an arrangement, he assisted the bull head with a decisive WQ skill second company He slammed into the center of the purple phalanx, but perfectly slammed into the opponent's two heroes, the jungler Widow and the Clockwork Demon.

This lays the perfect foundation and foundation for the last point.

Last third point -

It was Lin Feng's mid laner, Bright Moon.


The team battle started almost simultaneously with the crisp knocking of the mouse and keyboard in front of someone on the stage.

Almost at the moment when Niutou's WQ skill Erlian rushed into the crowd, the goddess of the moon under the control of Lin Feng stepped forward,

The "Crescent Strike" of the Q skill with a raised hand swayed a cold and silver crescent energy arc.

The hit penetrated the bodies of the purple jungler Widow and the mid laner Clockwork.


Instantly open R.

A lightning-fast "Luna Sprint" caused Diana's figure to suddenly cut into the center of the enemy's formation holding the icy moon blade!

Suddenly, she suddenly faced the target widow!

Turn on W.

Take A.

The figure of the wild prince of the blue side also decisively cut into the field with lightning-like EQ two times at almost the same time, a steel spear accurately flew to control the widow Evelyn, and the big move "Heaven and Earth Cracked" was overwhelmed Circle the two heroes in the middle and wild of the opponent's purple side at the same time!

Cooperating with the W skill "Pale Waterfall" to detonate the body protection ball, and then a flat A to play the passive Moon Goddess directly harvested and took away the crispy widow's head, and the control cooperation with the two Nosuke teammates even made Yi It was too late for Flynn to use her ultimate move.

"You-have--an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)."

The same moment when the system's female voice announced the kill.

Also trapped in the ring-shaped rock wall of the prince's ultimate move, the purple side's single clockwork member hastily handed over [Flash] to escape, but the moonlight mark of the moonlight Q skill on her body made her the most eye-catching next to be caught Hunt the target.

The goddess of the bright moon, whose R skill was refreshed and reset, tapped and pressed the big move button again under someone's control.

"Luna Sprint"!

After another period of displacement, he dashed forward like lightning to kill Orianna, the target!

And almost at this moment——

The figure of the Bright Moon Goddess, who protruded her face to the front of the target spring, suddenly turned into a pure golden statue with a crisp "ding" sound!

Zhongya's golden body!

Just at this moment, Thresh's Q skill "Death Judgment" from the purple side's assistant Thresh roared and shot, accompanied by the clockwork demon subconsciously and urgently backhanded the big move "Command·Shock Wave" "The energy storm swept across itself centered on itself.


It was as if hitting the soft cotton with force, and it was as light and unaffected as if a fist had been thrown into the air.

Perfectly dodged by a golden body!

The Purgatory Lesser Dragon in the fjord didn't care about the battle that broke out in the river in front of him. He flapped his wings and roared, flew out of the fjord and aimed at the nearest target, the Warden of Soul Lock, and spit out a mouthful of flames.

But in the next second, it was suddenly hit by a light of [Punishment], and the fire dragon's health bar was emptied and returned to zero. Amid the unwilling roar and roar, its body hit the water heavily and splashed a lot of water.

The widow is dead.

So at this time, the only one who can use the Summoner skill [Punishment] is Prince Jiawen, who is the jungler of the blue side.

"The-blue-team-has--the-dragon (the blue team has killed the dragon)."

The notification announcement sounded by the female voice of the system suddenly came.

In the audience, the members of the Hayami club were overjoyed:


"There is a fire dragon!!"

Yes, no matter what the outcome of this wave of team battles will be, at least one fire dragon has been successfully snatched by the blue army on their field. The value of a fire dragon has reached the middle and late stages... far more than one or two kills bounties are more important,

in addition--

The outcome of this wave of team battles is uncertain!


Jiaoyue's Zhongya's golden body status has not yet been released, but the punishment of the blue side's jungler prince who snatched the fire dragon has quickly become the primary target of several heroes of the purple side.

The clockwork demon quickly used a QW skill to control the magic ball and flew towards the prince Jiawen.

Although the ultimate move failed on Jiaoyue, the double-combo damage of ordinary skills hit the blue jungler's body solidly, and it still took away a considerable amount of blood from the target's blood bar in an instant.

At the same moment, the ADC Obama under the control of Huangxue Yege quickly handed over the E skill displacement and rushed forward!

Raise the gun like lightning!

Two straight A shots!

bang bang!

Almost at the moment when the back shake of the basic attack operation has not yet started, the Q key on the keyboard was pressed and pressed again in an instant!

"Holy light through the body"!

Hit the prince, the mouse moves quickly and hits the point!

Two more draws!

After receiving the W skill "Persuasion Bomb", the position cancels the attack and the back shake, the whole combo combo of the Holy Gun Ranger is almost smooth to the extreme at a speed that is difficult for the naked eye to capture under the operation of Huangxue Yege. All the firepower was poured on the target prince Jiawen.

Perfect and extreme slashing, the connection and linkage between skills and basic attacks is impeccable!

In the blink of an eye, the blood bar on the prince's head suddenly bottomed out!

Thresh's Summoner Skill [Ignite] is applied, and the extra damage of the E skill is charged passively to level A. Obama's last basic attack is given, killing the last few blood lines of Prince Jiawen's blood bar. Walk!

Everything happened in just two or three seconds.

Finally, when the news of the death of his teammate prince rang in his ears, the goddess of the moon under Lin Feng's control was quickly released from the state of the golden body.

same moment.

The pupils of Huangxue Yege's eyes suddenly narrowed, and almost without thinking, he shouted a warning on the voice channel of his team:


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The update is delivered, the two updates are done, friends, rest early, Abu, I will continue to roll and go to work.

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