
Chapter 1096 Do it!

In theory, you need to wait another minute.

But in practice...it's not that easy.

Because for the blue army currently on the field, if they take a tough enough and resolute attitude to defend the vision of the Dalongfjord area and not fall back into the opponent's control, it means that the main force of their large forces must stay in the Dalongfjord On the river in front of the bay, they were in a stalemate with their opponents.

And this also means that Lin Feng's mid laner, Jiaoyue, must also stay here.

Otherwise deterrence is not enough.

On their side, Jiaoyue is the only one who has the most ability to force the first move and even second the opponent. If he is not there, even if the shadow puppet's assistant Niutou finds a chance to make a beautiful control first move, no one can keep up with enough subsequent damage.

The opponent doesn't have enough pressure, so they don't have any scruples when they come up to grab the vision, and the widow may even repeat the previous tricks of sneak attack and assassination on their ADC's life master.

But when someone's bright moon can't go away, another problem comes——

At this time, although the purple army also stayed on the river in front of the Dalongfjord, Fiona, the sword girl in the top lane, was still alone.

middle road.

The line of soldiers has been pushed by Jian Ji to the blue side's highland defense tower.

At this moment, there is only one dog head on the blue side to face the sword girl again to defend the tower, but it doesn't mean that Nasus is still not enough to pose a threat to the sword girl, and even the other way around... Tian Tian's top sword girl has already He unscrupulously followed the line of troops to touch the blood volume of the highland defense tower several times, and unexpectedly used the Q skill to hit the dog's head twice.

While consuming dog head blood.

While killing the HP of the Highland Tower.

Of course, whether it's killing or demolishing towers, it won't be something that can be done quickly, but this is enough to cause invisible huge pressure on the other blue heroes on the Dalongfjord side.

It's not that Lin Feng didn't think about Jian Ji's problem.


When the mid laner Jiaoyue he was controlling tried to quietly retreat from the river into the wild area quietly, and put a mark to indicate to his teammates that the top laner Kotou would double-team Jian Ji back and forth.

The sword princess Fiona on the opposite side was always able to detect danger with incomparable keenness.

As long as the bright moon figure is lost on the small map.

Jian Ji quickly withdrew and retreated to a safe position without any hesitation.

Don't give your opponent a chance.

Even in the end, Sword Princess Fiona directly chose to give up advancing in the middle lane. Just when a wave of pawns in the bottom lane was automatically pushed over, she directly shifted to the bottom lane, and began to fight against the opponent's blue side's bottom lane high ground tower. abacus.


There is no other way.

The middle lane is a little easier to solve, and there is still time to return to defense, but if it is the bottom lane...the summoner skill of someone's mid laner Bright Moon Belt is not [Teleportation], and he has no power at all. Running down the road, I really have to run until I am exhausted.

But Jian Ji has [Teleportation].

I will lead the line and push the tower down the road. If you fight with Dalong, I will be able to send support as soon as possible without any delay.


Lin Feng had a rare headache:

"I can't do that!"

He had indeed just made up his mind, waiting for a shadow puppet's auxiliary bull-head double call to cool down, flashing the first hand control to cooperate with his bright moon's damage to fight a wave of frontal groups.

However, it seems that there is no way to safely delay until that time.

This stalemate continues...

Jian Ji, who is definitely fat, can break them all the way to nothing first.

At the same time, the anxious voice of the shadow puppets came again from the voice channel in the team:

"I'm still 35 seconds away from flashing!"

"If this goes on...the other side will definitely break through our lower road first!"


Even after the flash cooldown of the auxiliary bull head is finished, it may not be possible to start the team battle as soon as it is said, and it is also necessary to find opportunities, and at this time, it can already be seen that the opponent's purple army is on the side of the Dragon Fjord. The four of them started to be obscene and cautious, and they didn't rush up to grab the view at all, they were just delaying time on purpose.

The abacus is clear——

Your Summoner ability to drag the Taurus is on cooldown.

I dragged my sword girl off the road solo chance.

Who wins and who loses...

I know.

"Wait no more!"

Lin Feng finally got a bad temper. Originally, his personal style of play did not belong to that kind of steady flow line. He just thought that if he could wait until the shadow puppet's auxiliary bull head double summons were completely cooled down before starting a group, he would have the greatest confidence. But since The situation can't wait...

I can still fight!

Big deal...

He will force it!

The flame of fighting spirit in someone's eyes suddenly came up:

"Look at me first."

"It's all ready, I'll cut to the C position in the back row, you...follow up at any time!"


The game time came to 24 minutes and 50 seconds.

Summoner's canyon went down the road, and a large wave of purple side soldiers was pushed to the front of the blue side's highland defense tower again. At this time, the single sword girl on the purple side had followed the line of soldiers again.

On the blue side, the top laner Gotou was originally responsible for marking Fiona the Sword Ji, but in the past period of stalemate, the Gotou has been found by Fiona several times and hit an unknown number of flaws. His health was crippled by the beating, so he didn't dare to go forward easily at the moment.

Far away, a "soul flame" fired by an E skill ignited in the small soldier pile.

This is for clearing soldiers.

But after all, it is not an AP dog head, and an E skill is almost useless in the face of such a large wave of soldiers.

Seeing that the Highland Tower has less than half of its HP left.

Jian Ji is going to take the tower alone now.

Many spectators from several clubs in the audience seats couldn't help shaking their heads:

This wave...

Blue square blood loss.

But I really can't blame anything, the dog's head has done a good job, and it's true that Jiaoyue can't come to mark, facing Yuanshen's top sword girl... It's really quite embarrassing.

"The main reason is that Dalong can't afford to form a group easily."

A member of the second team of the God team is quite proud. There are three main players on the purple side on the field who are members of the first team of their club:


"Using the dog's head to hold Jian Ji back was already helping Lan Fang get rid of a serious problem."

"But the purple side here is also very stable on the Dalong River. Even if the blue side can't find a chance, it can only be dragged to death—"

This point of view, although it sounds a bit exaggerated.

But the truth did make many other spectators agree with it.


In the case of 4V4, the blue and purple sides are at most trying to test each other here in Dalongfjord. If one side wants to avoid the battle, it is really difficult for the other side to force a team battle, and even if it is really rash If you start the attack first, it may be that you are too anxious to cause a flaw on your side.

After all, it was a competition of this level.

None of them are mediocre.

Most of the time, the fight must be played according to the rules, you advance, you retreat, you retreat, you advance, and the place is negotiated and determined...

Such views and remarks also reached the ears of Shi Hang and Li Xiao Chen Xing in the front row of the spectator seats. Although they subconsciously agreed with such views from a rational point of view, they still vaguely felt that there seemed to be something wrong. .

According to the rules, there is a deal and a quantity.

The truth is that there is nothing wrong with such a truth, but...

When a certain idea almost coincidentally rose from the minds of the two of them, it took shape.

Just at this very moment.

on stage.

The blue side army here.

A sudden sound of mouse button movement and knocking exploded from the computer screen of the single seat in the middle!

the same instant—

In the voice channel of the blue team, Lin Feng's voice suddenly resounded through the eardrums of every teammate:

"Come on..."


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The update is delivered, and the two updates are done. Friends, rest early, see you tomorrow.

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