
Chapter 1103 Manchester City in the Rain



A heavy rain that started in the afternoon enveloped the entire city. The poor underground drainage pipes made the water level on the road gradually rise. The red lights at the crossroads on the intersecting streets were frequently on and the countless vehicles jammed the traffic in Manchester City. into a severe stagnation state.

Similarly, the travel time from Manchester City Railway Station to St. Edinson's Hospital, which was only a short ten minutes, was extended to more than double.

The old yellow-skinned taxi passed by on the road and splashed a lot of water, which shocked the pedestrians on the side street to retreat in a panic, but they were still splashed a little bit, so naturally there were angry complaints and even "shit" scolding The sound followed the car exhaust.

In the driver's seat of the taxi, a middle-aged Mexican driver with curly flaxen hair and wearing a floral shirt curled his lips. He didn't take such trivial matters to heart, but spoke in English with a strong Spanish accent. With my own disdain—it’s like this on a rainy day, don’t blame anyone, who is easier to drive a Cab or walk?

The Chinese man sitting in the passenger seat was holding a briefcase, and responded politely with a smile, but looked down at the time on the watch from time to time absent-mindedly.

The driver glanced over, noticed the passenger's thoughts, and grinned:

"Sorry-Sorry, there's nothing we can do about this damn weather, Manchester City is like this, it's okay if it doesn't rain, if the sun is shining, you can find a small bar by the Ewell River and sit down and have a drink or two, Enjoy the scenery and see the beauties passing by the roadside, but when it rains..."

As he spoke, the driver paused, and tsk-tsk:

"It's raining, the whole city of Manchester is damned blocked."

"Hey I say Amigo (friend), don't complain, you're lucky, no one wants to go to St Edinlon in this weather, it's on the Mersey River, a whole street in rainy days The road is very muddy, if it wasn't for my aunt who was also sick and hospitalized there and I was planning to visit, I wouldn't be bothered to pull your list."

Full of the righteous and confident style unique to Mexican drivers, it even seems to be boasting to passengers in turn to ask for credit.

The man who knew the driver was not malicious laughed and nodded:

"I understand I understand, thank you Mr Driver for your generosity—"

"As long as I can go where I want to go, but... If you can, I hope you can step on the accelerator a little bit harder,

You know, I've wasted a lot of time too. "

While expressing his gratitude, the man did not forget to make his request tactfully and politely.

When he finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at the time on his watch.


According to the task entrusted to him by Vice President Chu, he has been delayed for a while. Although it is only a personal matter, it is rare for the young and promising Vice President Chu to ask him personally. Request, this weight is not light at all.

The driver, who was amused by the little compliment from the oriental passenger, nodded repeatedly:

"No problem no problem my friend!"

"Our luck is also good. There are not many vehicles on the last section of the road. Believe me, we will be there in five minutes at most!"

The man felt a little relieved, and expressed his sincere thanks again:

"Then please."

The bold Mexican driver grinned: "You are the most polite oriental guy I have ever seen... You are much more lovable than those British guys who look like men in suits and ties. Are you from Japan?"

The man shook his head with a smile, and corrected the answer: "No, I'm from China."

"Oh China!"

The driver's eyes lit up when he heard it. If it wasn't for the rainstorm and the slippery road, he still needed to control the steering wheel. At this moment, he couldn't help but danced excitedly in the driver's seat:

"Chinese Kung Fu! Bruce Lee! Oh, my friend, you come from a rather mysterious and wonderful country—speaking of which, I have also carried many guests from China, but their English is not as good as yours."

These words came from a Mexican driver with a strong Spanish accent. The man couldn't help but smiled knowingly:


"I've been in the UK for three years."

"Oh~" The driver suddenly realized what he heard, and then he was curious: "What is your job here?"

The man made no secrets and replied with a smile:


"The full name should be called electronic-sports."




The man's name is Zhou Wei, and he is a resident employee of the China Electronic Sports Association's London office in the UK. His main job on weekdays is to represent the information exchange and communication between the China Electronic Sports Association and the World Electronics Association at the European headquarters. In addition, it is also responsible for the reception of the domestic professional team in the UK on behalf of the domestic electronic association, and is responsible for all relevant matters when the domestic professional team comes to the UK.

The S6 World Finals is coming, especially the first round of the group stage is held in the UK, so his work has been extremely busy recently, running back and forth between London and Manchester City, and he has to catch up with the three domestic LPL teams Get all the preparations done before you arrive.

So in such a heavy and busy situation, nothing else should be an obstacle to his work.

Even the beautiful girlfriend he met in London had dated him several times, but he was helplessly apologetic but resolutely pushed back.

Compared to my personal feelings...

Undoubtedly, in his mind, this S6 World Finals is even more important.

And it is precisely because of such examples——

That's what made it so special and unusual for him to take time out of his busy schedule to go to a hospital in Manchester City today.

But also like mentioned.

There are only a few people who can make him willing to take the initiative to worry about it in person at such a time, and there are only a few people who make him need to sell this kind of face.

Chu Fangnan, the vice president of the Shanghai Electronic Sports Association branch, is one of them.

outside the window.

Still pouring rain.

Zhou Wei in the passenger seat watched the huge raindrops hit the car window with the transparent water marks that were pulled out with the speed of the car, and frowned slightly, still feeling a little puzzled and confused. Puzzled.

He still remembered the exact words that Chu Fangnan asked him for help in the private phone call that Chu Fangnan called him a few hours ago:

"The address is St. Edinson's Hospital, Manchester."

"I hope...you can go there."

"There's a girl in the inpatient department there. I'll text you the basic information later... Yes, there are some reasons that I can't explain at the moment. Someone needs to help confirm the situation there."

"Very important."

"Yes, the time is very urgent, please hurry up as soon as possible, as long as you confirm the news, please reply to me."


As early as four years ago, I got acquainted with Chu Fangnan, and I knew very well what kind of character and temper this current vice president of the China E-sports Association has risen, and the future is not limited to this, so at the end of the phone call The three words "please"...will make Zhou Wei feel the weight of it even more.

A... girl who lived at St. Edinson's Hospital.

Recalling the basic information in the short message that Chu Fangnan sent to him at that time, Zhou Wei murmured a name subconsciously, and the Mexican driver with a keen ear suddenly looked over curiously:

"An Xin?"

"My friend, what were you talking about just now, is it Chinese?"

However, before Zhou Wei could answer, the driver raised his head and looked out of the car window in front of him. The wiper wiped away the rain that obstructed his vision, and he immediately stepped on the brake and stopped abruptly. Then he announced with a smile on his face:

"OK OK!"

"Look, my friend, here comes St. Edinlon!"

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The update is here, there may only be this chapter today, think about the following plot.

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