
Chapter 1115 Pain and Warmth

Zhou Wei once saw some reports about ALS on the Internet.

The incidence of this disease in China is almost 4/100,000, which means that there are about 40,000 to 80,000 patients among a population of more than one billion.

And at this moment—

What Dr. Phil in front of him gave was an event with a lower probability.

Variant disease.


Even in ALS patients, there is only a 3 in 1,000 chance of occurrence.

Three thousandths of four thousandths of a mile.

"One in ten million..." Zhou Wei murmured almost subconsciously, and for a moment he felt his heart tighten slightly uncontrollably.

The world is so big.

Tens of billions of people.

The probability of one in 10,000,000 was originally a number that could be so low that it could be ignored.

But when it falls on a specific person... what kind of mood, what kind of powerlessness and despair should it be for that sick individual.

as if...

It is a kind of doomed in the dark.

"It's terrible luck, isn't it?" Dr. Phil looked at Zhou Wei, and the corner of his mouth slightly twitched, showing a smiley expression: "It's even rarer than winning the lottery."

It sounded like he was telling a joke.

But maybe the rigid British are not good at humor, or maybe it's because the wind and rain in the garden at the moment has cooled the atmosphere, so that when this joke is told, neither the speaker nor the listeners are at all amused Feeling.


Then heavy.

Trying to adjust his mood, while thinking about whether the Vice President Chu in China also understood this matter clearly, Zhou Wei looked at Dr. Feier again: "This... Oxenmore, is better than ordinary gradual freezing. more serious?"

This is to confirm and verify again.

Not surprisingly, Doctor Phil nodded:


"It's also trickier."

"In terms of incubation time and duration of the disease course, its characteristics seem to be similar to those of ordinary ALS, but the therapeutic drugs we can provide for ordinary ALS patients in terms of medical treatment can play a role in what Oxenmore can do. The effect is only less than 30%."

Zhou Wei faintly woke up when he heard that:


Dr. Phil took a deep breath: "So, the pain that Oxenmore patients have to endure during the course of the disease... is far more than that of ordinary ALS patients."

Zhou Wei only felt his eyelids twitch slightly, suppressed his mood and asked again: "What kind of pain is it?"

Doctor Phil took a look at Zhou Wei, with a flat expression on his face, and the answer he gave was extremely concise:


"Physical pain."

In addition to dysphagia and dyspnea in the middle and late stages of the disease, in the ordinary ALS patients, in the early stage of the disease, there is only gradual muscle weakness in the limbs, but at least it does not reach the level of physical pain.

But the Oxenmore patient would.

"From the moment of the onset of the disease, it means suffering from pain all the time."

Dr. Phil, who spoke calmly as if he was just stating a plain fact, could not stop his eyelids from trembling slightly at this moment:

"Thirty percent of the effect of the drug is limited to alleviating muscle weakness."

"But in the case of physical pain—"

"There's nothing you can do."

Hearing that, Zhou Wei felt an unstoppable chill rising from his back and rushing straight to his forehead, which was slightly numb. Even through the oral narration of Dr. Phil in front of him, he could imagine what kind of situation it was. ——

Pain that cannot be resolved by drugs is always accompanied.

The body and limbs are a little weak.

What kind of despair should that be, it can literally crush a person no matter how determined his mind is?

And all of this, the current bearer is just a girl who may not be in her twenties.

How much pain must she have gone through... Can she persist until now?

Suddenly thought of something,

Zhou Wei looked at Dr. Phil:

"How long has this disease been on that girl?"

Dr. Phil's eyelashes trembled slightly when he heard this, and he lowered his eyelids, and slowly answered, "It's been a whole year since the beginning of the illness...it should be half a year since the hospitalization began."

"That is to say, in the first six months...she hasn't even been to the hospital for treatment?"

Zhou Wei couldn't help but widen his eyes, almost unable to believe such a thing.

With this disease...

Bearing that pain...

She didn't go to the hospital immediately, and it took half a year to start the formal and serious treatment. That girl...or what did her family think! ?

Shaking his head and temporarily putting aside such inexplicable shortness of breath and anger, Zhou Wei persevered again and asked expectantly:

"Then this disease... this Oxenmore, is it possible to be cured?"

Before he knew it, even Zhou Wei himself didn't realize that he seemed to have more worries and concerns for the girl who had never masked his face than a stranger should have.

However, such an expectant inquiry fell on Dr. Phil, but he could only get a wry smile for the answer:

"Even ordinary ALS is not easy to cure."

"Cassie's Oxenmore has very few other cases in the world that we can learn from, so there is no way to refer to it. Even here in St. Edinlon... we can only try to control her condition. Don't make it worse while you keep trying experimental drugs."

Zhou Wei was startled:

"Experimental drug?"

Then he suddenly realized: "Isn't that just treating people as..."

"Mice." Phil took the words directly, and admitted bitterly and helplessly: "Yes, this is the only way to do it now."

"Then...does it work?" Zhou Wei swallowed.

Phil was silent.

After a while, he shook his head with difficulty:

"Very little."

"Even because it is an experimental drug that has not been confirmed, many of them have side effects on patients after taking them, such as possibly exacerbating pain—"

As he said that, as if recalling something, Dr. Phil sighed a little:

"Even Cassie's parents couldn't take it anymore, but that good girl...has never cried out in pain, or even complained even once."

"The gradual weakness of the muscles of the limbs requires continuous rehabilitation exercises."

"There are also various injections."

"Pain from various experimental drugs, and pain from her own condition."

"Yes sir, you should also be able to imagine how unbearable it is, any grown man can't hold on, even I have seen someone break down and cry, but that girl—"

"It's always just a smile."

Zhou Wei couldn't help but tremble slightly when he heard it.

And Doctor Phil was looking at him, with a tone that had never been more serious than before:

"From her face, you can never see pain or sadness. She always uses that warm smile like the sun to infect, comfort and encourage everyone around her."

"To be honest, before I met Cassie... I never thought that such a pure, flawless and perfect girl like a gemstone existed in the world."

As if infected by Dr. Phil's description, Zhou Wei couldn't help but feel a little erratic, and nodded subconsciously:


"That's really amazing—"

But at the next moment, Zhou Wei suddenly came to his senses and thought of something, and his mood suddenly sank to the bottom:

"What about the surgery this morning?"

The expression on Dr. Phil's face also became serious again at this moment:


"As I said, there were some accidents—"

"So sir, maybe now is not the right time for us to stop and talk slowly, let's hurry up and go first."

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Ah, the third update was delivered yesterday, and the next chapter will be around 5:00 pm. The next plot should be carefully considered.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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