
Chapter 1130 Remote Obscenities

Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with worrying that the opponent's blue team may force their intentions.

After all, a Katerina and an ADC mouse, whenever a team battle breaks out and finds an opportunity, they can play explosive harvesting power.

But also—

At this moment, Lin Feng's confidence is not without reason.


The formation position of their side is maintained very well.

In order to allow his top laner teammate Galio in the bottom lane to successfully dismantle the tower with a single belt, the four purple heroes in the middle lane were especially careful to maintain a tug-of-war formation with the opponent's blue army under the arrangement of someone. .

The prince stood at the front.

Morgana and Varus are in the middle.

female gun...

The station is the most rearward.

In this case, the top laner on the blue side is currently also facing Galio in the bottom lane while defending the tower, so among the remaining four blue team heroes in the middle lane, there are not many remaining ways to start a team.

The most formal thing is nothing more than the control of the Japanese girl. Regardless of whether the big move goes first or the E skill suddenly controls the person, it can start a team battle-but on this point, the only target that the Japanese girl can currently get is the prince. , maybe the range of the ultimate move is farther away, and it may slow down and control Verus or Morgana...

But not to mention how wretched someone's position is when playing ADC, it is impossible to be driven easily, and Shi Hang's mid laner Morgana next to him has a control-free shield with E skill, which is not a vegetarian.

The second way is for Katrina to rush forward and force open.

However, this is nothing to worry about.

Lin Feng's ADC Verus has a big move "Chain of Corruption" in his hand, and Shi Hang's mid laner Morgana's Q skill "Dark Imprisonment" is specially prepared for Dawn Morning Star's mid laner Katerina .

The hero of Ominous Blade...in the team battle, the output and harvesting are not relying on the big move, but the continuous use of the E skill to refresh and reset the damage of the passive swirling blade.

Therefore, once Carter was imprisoned and fixed in place, most of the threats were basically abolished.

Not to mention that the shadow puppet's auxiliary female gun has always stood in the last row of the formation,

Once a team battle breaks out, the big move "Barrage Time" will be activated at any time to pour out a torrent of firepower. If the opponent wants to start a team head-on... it is destined to be instantly overwhelmed by the firepower of the bounty hunter's big move.

This is what someone prepared in advance——

The few heads he captured earlier were basically given to the shadow puppet's auxiliary female spear, intentionally or unintentionally, so that the level and equipment development of the female spear can be quickly and basically formed when the game has just entered the early and mid-term stage.

at this time.

The damage that an auxiliary female gun can do with a big move... is even more impressive than his ADC Verus.

As for the blue ADC mouse's possible Q stealth attack and big attack——

Needless to say.

For the same reason, Lin Feng and Shi Hang's reaction and operation speed are not vegetarians. If the mouse really dares to do this, it is destined to die faster than Katerina.


To sum up.

As long as the four members of the purple team on the middle side continue to maintain such a rigorous see-saw formation, the opponent's forceful opening is doomed to seek their own death.

But then again --

"If you just drag it like this, their defense towers will continue to be lost."

Someone narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the blue heroes under the second tower in the middle road not far from the opposite side:

"If you don't want to be dragged to death...they have to open it by force."

But nine times out of ten it will explode when it is opened.

"So this opponent is basically out of play."

This is the conclusion that someone threw out lightly at the end.


There is a good saying, if you want not to be restrained by the opponent's routine, you should easily get into the opponent's routine first, or at least forcefully break the opponent's routine before it is formed.

But the problem facing the blue team now is that they have completely entered the opponent's trap because they are unprepared for the double ADC bottom lane lineup of the purple team.


The situation is done.

Huangxue Yege and Lixiao Chenxing smiled wryly without words.

This showed them themselves that no matter how optimistic they were, it was useless. Basically, they had already lost more than half of the battle.

As for the rest—

Dawn Morning Star took a deep breath:

"Let's call again."

Huangxue Yege nodded helplessly, and agreed, the two of them had simple thoughts now, even if there was no hope of winning this round, at least they had to put on a desperate struggle—the right was to help the audience The teammates of the clubs and the leading coaches of the various teams went to the bottom, and also helped someone on the opposite side who proposed this strange tactical routine, and tried to test this routine as thoroughly as possible in actual combat.

"The second tower can't easily let—"

Dawn Morning Star, who quickly gathered his thoughts, opened his mouth on the team's voice channel to remind the other temporary teammates of the blue team, because if the second tower is pushed down, their vision and development space will be further compressed. That's really more difficult...

The voice did not fall.

The situation is steep.

The blue side's auxiliary Japanese girl stood a little forward, but she didn't notice a purple-black energy ball whizzing through the wall behind the foggy vision of the wall on the right side of the middle road near the wild area——


The body of the Goddess of Dawn was suddenly controlled by a Q skill from the purple square mid laner Morgana who was stuck in the corner of her vision.

Another moment.

A muddy swamp of death suddenly appeared on the ground under Leona's feet!

At the same time, not far away, the Q skills of the purple side's ADC Verus and the auxiliary female gun shot almost in no particular order!

In an instant, the blood bar on the top of the girl's head plummeted from two-thirds to the endangered blood line!

In the spectator seats under the stage, there was a commotion and exclamation of "Oh!" suddenly one after another.

Under the numbness of the scalp, Huangxue Yege urgently used the summoner skill [Healing] to assist teammates with residual blood, and at the same time anxiously drank:

"Let's go!"

In the next second, the mouse's ultimate move will be forcibly activated!

Aiming at the purple heroes who are about to rush forward, it is a crazy pouring shot of venom arrows!

The supportive Japanese woman with residual blood immediately backhanded desperately with a big move "Sunflare Flare" which exploded on the ground in front of the purple army formation not far in front of her, forcibly slowing down and dragging the opposite side for a moment——

Then immediately hand over the summoner skill [Flash] the next second after getting rid of the control of Morgana's Q skill, retreat and escape.

And it was after the Japanese girl handed over her flash.

The heroes in the middle lane of the purple army, who seemed to be about to pounce, stopped their attack in an instant, and retreated without any fumes.

As if nothing had just happened.


In the voice channel of the blue square team, the voice of the auxiliary Japanese female team member was still in shock and annoyed and blamed herself.

Huang Xue Yege's eyelids twitched, and he held back for a long time without uttering a word.

Dawn Morning Star smiled wryly for an unknown number of times:

"never mind."

"Let's give up the second tower."

Yibo was forced to give up the flash and ult that supported the Japanese girl on his side, and also let the mouse's ult be fired in order to save people. They had lost the capital to defend the second tower in the middle.

And on the other side...

But it's just relying on Morgana's Q.

"Hey, I think it's too wretched to hit like this?"

"It can disgust people to death."

Shi Hang on the purple side babbled on the team's voice channel, feeling a little bit sorry for himself, his lineup's style of play was really simple and mindless.

But a certain person had a happy smile on his face:

"Why do you care so much, as long as the method is easy to use!"

"Come, come, tear down the second tower!"

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The update is here, happy new year's Eve, friends! ! The next chapter is around nine o'clock! !

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