
Chapter 1158 It's over

From the words and reactions of several people in dormitory 514, the reliability and authenticity of this news was confirmed, so at this moment, Jingu Sakura almost instantly put aside her doubts about someone who was in a bad mood and was in a bad state. The heart suddenly became alive.

She had already given up hope.

The three training camps of the national service LPL team... the review is too strict and the precautions are too cautious. She has found a lot of network resources here, but she can't do anything about it. She has hit a wall in a day or two. I missed the training with these three companies.

but now……

If someone is actually qualified to participate in this top-level and highly secret actual combat training in China's professional e-sports circle, then no matter what the reason and qualifications are, perhaps it is not impossible to bring her an extra person... ?

Just at this time, Lin Feng came back from outside the classroom, still looking silent with his head down, as if he had no interest in the surrounding environment, but Jingu Ying suddenly regained his energy, tried to adjust his mood quickly, and greeted someone like the wind. up:

"Mr. Lin—"

Sensing a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards his face, someone finally stopped.

look up.

He looked at the beautiful Japanese girl in front of him with indifferent eyes.

Just this one look directly choked the words that Jingu Sakura was about to utter in her throat for a moment, and almost lost the fighting spirit and confidence that she had finally cheered up on the spot, but then she quickly took a deep breath , Squeeze out your most beautiful smile:

"I just heard that Lin Jun, you actually went to the three training camps of the national service LPL yesterday."

"is that true?"

During the questioning, the beautiful Japanese girl blinked her eyes, with a look of anticipation as if admiring, almost enough for any opposite sex to find enough vanity and satisfaction from it.

But someone's reply was just an extremely simple word:


Jingu Sakura's eyelids twitched slightly. The conversation didn't go very smoothly, and she already had an ominous premonition, but she still didn't give up and continued to work hard to maintain her mood. She even showed a more charming expression and softly begged:

"I've heard it said before,

This three training camp is an unprecedented move in the Chinese LPL e-sports circle. "

"Very rare."

"I don't know if Mr. Lin can think of a way... take me to see it too."

"If I could, I'd be willing to do whatever it takes—"

The beauty softly asks for each other.

Coupled with the pitiful expression of please with folded hands.

It's almost to make the other three boys in the next bedroom 514 couldn't help but be excited. If it were them, they wouldn't have the slightest hesitation and hesitation, and Jingu-san would agree to whatever he said!

Lin Feng also didn't hesitate at all.

He didn't even look at Jingu Sakura again, and while walking towards his seat, he casually threw two words:



There seemed to be an invisible sound of hitting a wall.

The charming expression on Jingu Sakura's face froze again, and the expression on her face changed from green to red for a long time, and even made one's heart skip a beat, fearing that this beautiful Japanese girl would go crazy and bite someone. In the end, she He just gritted his teeth resentfully, stomped his feet, and turned back to his seat.

Just know!

This dead wood doesn't eat this at all!


Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Feng to agree to Jingu Ying's request.

Although after getting along with each other recently, he has gained more knowledge and understanding of this beautiful girl from Japan, and the relationship is definitely much more familiar than in the past. In addition, he has fought so many games together Competition... If it was some other ordinary requests, perhaps he wouldn't have refused so relentlessly.

But Jingu Sakura's request was to visit the three training camps.

This is not negotiable.

Even though at the moment most of his thoughts are put on the childhood sweetheart girl on the other side of the ocean, and he has no time to think about it, but Lin Feng will still not relax in the slightest on such a principled issue.

Three training camps.

It is related to the top secrets of the national service LPL division preparing for the S6 World Finals this year.

Even the other LPL brother teams and even many domestic official commentators and some high-level bosses have no choice but to come back if they want to come to talk about friendship and ask for face, let alone other irrelevant and miscellaneous personnel there.

This level of secrecy must be achieved.

Otherwise, if even a little bit of information leaks out and affects the performance of the three LPL teams on the national server in the S6 finals, no one can bear the responsibility.


If you really insist on bringing it, it is not impossible for Lin Feng to be able to do it given Lin Feng's current status in the hearts of the top bosses and all the players of God, Hayami and KG.

But having said that, the current Lin Feng...is still not in the mood for this at all.

Right now, he has only one thought on his mind, and that is to get an expedited visa as soon as possible and buy a plane ticket to fly to the UK as quickly as possible.

Speaking of which.

Lin Feng finally remembered the business, and after sitting down, he looked at the roommates in Room 514:

"Is there a game to play this afternoon?"

Just now, Qiu Le, Feng Tao and Shen Zhuang were stunned by someone's unceremonious and indifferent attitude towards Jingu Sakura. Also a bit sluggish:


"Competition? What competition?"

Lin Feng frowned: "Jinge Cup, isn't the time this afternoon?"

At this time, he has already started to think that if Brother Chu misremembered the time, then he can't wait until tonight when he goes to the three training camps to give the passport. Ministry office building.

"Oh oh oh!"

Qiu Le, who reacted the fastest, finally woke up like a dream: "Yes, Jin Ge Cup in the afternoon! Semi-finals!"

They were still talking about it before.

Feng Tao and Shen Zhuang also reacted, and immediately nodded:

"Yeah, yeah, because the finals are about to start, so the organizers gave a notice, and the schedule has been adjusted and brought forward."

"Our President Dou Zi just went to draw lots this morning."

"Two groups of BO3."

"We were in the first round. We were lucky enough not to hit Fudan—they matched Tongji."

"Our opponent is the Shangwai team. Fengzi, you should still have an impression. I met in the arena in the quarterfinals last time. Their president, Zou Siyuan, is an ADC. He likes Tangtang."

Several people rushed to report the information to Lin Feng.

There was quite a bit of excitement in his tone.


The grouping of the Jin Ge Cup semi-finals is really ideal!

On the one hand, Tongji and Fudan, two top-ranked and veteran teams from domestic universities, were arranged in a group. When the two strong teams competed, there would be injuries.

on the other hand--

The opponent is SISU, so there is something to see!

Last time in the quarter-finals, someone had a conflict with Zou Siyuan, the president of the e-sports club, and it was unforgivable that he dared to have any thoughts about Tangtang girl.

It just so happened that they met in the semi-finals, and the friends gathered together to settle a grievance.

"It's nothing to say, it's over!"

Qiu Le's face was filled with joy.

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The update is here, there are only two updates today, let's strive for the third update tomorrow, friends, rest early.

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