
Chapter 1164 Competing for the Story of a Girl

For Tang Bingyao, when she just received a text message from Lin Feng at noon and hadn't clicked on the content, she couldn't help but feel nervous, because she was afraid that someone would ask her about steamed stuffed buns again. Son.

And after reading the information, she was relieved, just talking about the Jin Ge Cup, and after a little hesitation, she gave an affirmative answer.


Even though she was uneasy, the girl knew that if she refused to go abnormally, it might be more likely to arouse someone's speculation and suspicion.

On the way here, she has been very preoccupied, constantly thinking about how to react when she sees someone at the competition venue, how to hide her mood without revealing too many flaws.

after all--

Today is even different from yesterday.

Before today, all she needed to hide was the part of the secret she knew before, about Baozi's illness and hospitalization, but after last night... from Su Xue, she learned that the girlfriends and girls on the other side of the ocean are now extremely urgent. The unexpected serious illness means that the secret she needs to keep is suddenly more than one point or two points heavier.

Now, she couldn't let someone know all this.

The burden of responsibility has become heavier.

Fortunately, after coming to the competition venue here and seeing Lin Feng, someone's attitude seemed extremely relaxed, even as if the conversation in the wonton shop last night had been forgotten, which made the girl feel a little stunned and dazed. Besides, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the current situation is naturally the most ideal.


Compared to Tang Bingyao who was relieved and slightly relaxed, Lin Feng at this moment was actually in a different mood.

Drinking the milk tea specially bought by the girl, showing relish, chatting with the girl in a casual tone, but in the details that the girl didn't notice when she was happy, the gaze in someone's eyes seemed a little flat .

I can see it...

Tangtang quietly relieved.

But like I said before, now he doesn't intend to ask the girl for the bottom line.

Because, since I have already held the idea of ​​"it doesn't matter if it is concealed, go see all the truth with your own eyes\

,"Then many things really don't need to be so complicated.

Perhaps everyone has their own difficulties.


What's more, he has already made his own preparations for dealing with it.

That being the case, there is no need to cause more troubles to other people around him because of him, and there is nothing wrong with maintaining such a superficial harmony and tranquility.


During the chat with Tang Bingyao, Lin Feng's eyes swept around the competition venue as if inadvertently, and after looking around in the crowd, he didn't find the familiar figure he was expecting, which made his brow slightly frowned for a moment:

Are you here yet...

So suddenly I couldn't help feeling a little irritated, the careful girl in front of me noticed someone's frowning expression, and cared:

"Fengzi, what's the matter, aren't you feeling well?"

Someone's expression quickly returned to normal, laughing:

"No, I'm looking for someone."

Find someone?

The girl was a little confused, and Lin Feng answered frankly without hiding anything: "I made an appointment with Brother Chu and he said he would come over later."

As he spoke, he paused, and added as if nothing had happened: "There is something I want to give to him."

Then there is no more specific explanation.

Tang Bingyao obediently said "Oh", originally it was not something worth paying attention to, but when her eyes fell on someone's face inadvertently, seeing the calm and calm look as if nothing had happened, the girl subconsciously gave birth to a faint feeling disturbed.

as if……

What's the matter? It's like she was kept in the dark.


The number of people in the venue gradually increased.

The loud voices also made the atmosphere gradually lively.

Looking at it, basically all the college teams that participated in the Jin Ge Cup in the previous rounds seem to have players. Although they have been eliminated, they have come to the scene as spectators. Sitting in the audience and watching the game can be a bit easier. .

In particular, today's semi-finals have been very interesting and extremely gimmick.

First of all, a BO3 will be played between Tongji and Fudan, two veteran teams in Shanghai. The battle is hard to predict, but what is certain is that the confrontation between these two teams will definitely spark quite intense and wonderful sparks.

Many college team members who found their seats in the spectator seats under the stage have already started to communicate and discuss enthusiastically, guessing who will be the first to advance in this group of BO3.

There are more people who support the Fudan team. After all, it is recognized as the strongest high school team in Shanghai, and the mid laner Qiu Yijie has faintly surpassed the strength of ordinary high school players. It is very likely that he will directly switch to professional games in the S7 season.

Of course, there are not a few supporters of the Tongji University team, so the support groups on both sides are in their own camps, talking and arguing fiercely with each other.


The more topical gimmick is another group in today's semi-finals.

Get rich.

Against Shangwai.

If it was before this Jin Ge Cup, the reputation of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics team was not very famous in the e-sports circle of the Shanghai University of Technology. Regardless of its strength or previous results, it could only be ranked at the middle and lower levels. I'm a bit impressed that Dou, the president of Shangcai's e-sports club, seems to be doing well in the jungle...

However, compared with SISU, it will definitely be overshadowed by the latter.


After the first few rounds of competitions, the reputation of the Shangcai team has suddenly been completely established in the circle.

It even surpassed the concept of an ordinary "dark horse".

It was... deafening.

Of course, this adjective does not actually refer to the Shangcai team as a whole. Although this year's Shangcai team produced a beautiful and stunning jungler... It seems that she is an overseas student from Japan. The core jungler captain, Dou Zi, has been squeezed into other positions, but if it's just such a new jungler girl, it's not enough to attract the attention of everyone in the magic city's high school circle.

focus core.

It just fell on one person.

Lin Feng.

At the mention of this name, many team members from other colleges and universities in the spectator seats couldn't help but see a hot light in their eyes, spitting like beans in a bamboo tube with other classmates and even newcomers beside them. Talking bluntly about someone's awesome deeds:

"The last Jin Ge Cup!"

"No, what was even more powerful was last year's National College League!"

"Does the Shanghai Electronics Association team know?"

"...Killed through! Yes, yes, almost all the top college teams in the country, and even the other two Guangzhou and Beijing Electronic Association teams, all overthrown... It's like cutting melons and vegetables!"

"That mid laner, against the sky, has no solution at all!"

Some new audience members who had never heard of someone's glorious deeds were taken aback for a moment, but more old audience members who had heard of or even witnessed these deeds nodded their heads in agreement look.

Of course, if we simply emphasize the strength of Shangcai's team today, it may not be enough to constitute a considerable gimmick and attraction.

Just like talking about cross talk, some people are in charge of making fun of it, while others are in charge of supporting it.

Someone still needs to cooperate.

This time, it is the Shangwai team that is in charge of cooperating with the Shangcai team to play "opponent games".


The perfect ideal candidate.

"During the quarter-finals last time, did you know about the conflict between the captain of SIU, Zou Siyuan, and the god Lin Feng?" A spectator who was present at the last quarter-finals sold the news to other newcomers with a mysterious face: "I heard it was for A very beautiful girl!"


A group of people were amazed.

The well-informed audience waved their hands, full of pride: "It is said that a hero is sad for a beauty, this time... it's time to see Lin Feng become a beauty in anger!"

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around ten o'clock, get out and continue coding!

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