
Chapter 1174

It wasn't just the Shangwai team that was aroused by the veteran jungler blind monk of the blue team's Tongji team on the field who got the first blood in a wave of wandering ganks.

In the spectator stands, many other college teams who attended the semi-finals, especially the bot lane ADC support players of each team, showed expressions of concern on their faces.

It's really hard to play down the road...

Too easily bullied.

Top laners, mid laners, and junglers, wandering over to any position to engage in a wave of counterattacks can immediately make their situation in the bottom lane extremely uncomfortable.

Just look at the bottom lane of the Fudan team. With such a strong strength, they were still forced to take first blood by the blind monk gank. Their strength level is not as good as the two Fudan bottom laners. Wouldn't it be more troublesome if they were targeted.

So for a while, there were low commotion and discussions everywhere in the spectator seats.

The ADC support players complained to the other teammates around them, and they used the blind monk killing first blood as an argument to sell a wave of misery. At the same time, they did not forget to tell their teammates in other positions to play the game afterward. Remember to give Xialu more love——

Only the Shangcai team is an exception.

Lu Ze, Dou Zi, Sun Ming, Deng Zhe and other members of the e-sports club all looked relaxed and nonchalant, as if they were not affected by the surrounding environment at all.

Frankly, I can't, I can't.

The mentality is more relaxed and calm than the other.

Bot lane is easy to be targeted and crashed?

Tsk tsk, that's all about other teams, if you have the ability, you can try against our bot lane?

What a joke, they still hope that everyone will focus their firepower on the bottom road!

The result...

Definitely have to crash as many as you want in the bottom lane, okay?

Thinking gloatingly like this, everyone in Shangcai looked at Jingu Sakura and someone in unison. The beautiful Japanese girl who was the support of the team felt everyone's gaze and smiled slightly:

"If Feng Nu was me just now—"

"Blind people don't have this kind of chance to kill first blood.


There is a touch of pride and confidence in the tone.


Although her main role is in the jungle, things like hand speed will not change due to changes in position. Jingu Sakura is extremely confident that if she controls the wind girl just now, it is absolutely impossible for the opponent's blind monk. Play that kind of combo with Braum.

And as for Lin Feng, who is the ADC of the Shangcai team——

Someone casually glanced at the large LCD screen on the platform, and simply glanced at the blue jungler blind monk:

"It was actually able to counter-kill just now."

In a word.

It is even more sensational than Jingu Sakura's confident guarantee.


In fact, it can really kill.

Maybe the blue team's jungler and Bron's combo combined with the assistant Bron's combo just now is really exciting and admirable, but in fact, if the purple team supports Fengnv and ADC policewoman...even only needs the operation of the policewoman If it can be stronger, the first blood will also be born, but it will definitely not fall on the head of the policewoman.

to be honest.

It's still not strong enough.

The veteran jungler of the Tongji team is able to show off such a wave of operations because his personal strength is stronger than most of the players of ordinary college teams.

But if the opponent is an ADC female policewoman whose strength is far stronger than the old captain of Tongji's jungler.

Then it should be a wave of operations against the show.

Yes, the bottom lane is really afraid of being targeted.

But that was based on the premise that the strength levels of the ten players on the two sides were almost the same.

And an ADC in the realm of the Seven Kings or even the Four Emperors.

Let's say he was targeted by a group of college student players who hadn't even reached the normal professional level.

"The other side is looking for death, hahahaha——"

Dou Zi laughed out loud.

For a while, the entire Shangcai team was in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Vice President Deng Zhe looked at the OB screen on the big LCD screen in the stands, and subconsciously pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose:

"However, it seems that Tongji's jungle rhythm has brought out the effect."

And this time.

No need for Lin Feng to speak, Jingu Ying on the side has already shook her head:

"This word—"

"It's too early to tell."


On the field, the rhythm of the blue jungler's blind man has indeed been brought up.

The veteran jungler of the Tongji team took out Li Qing, a blind monk, to fight for an absolute advantage in the early and mid-term by snowballing to win the game first. The rhythm followed quickly.

A wave back to the city.

Run directly into the wild area to brush the wild.

Immediately following a wave of invasion of the opponent's upper half of the field, the opponent's jungle prince was caught amidst the exclamation and cheers of many spectators in the audience.

A wave of solo kills in the wild!


The kill announcement came from the female voice of the system.

The game screen on the computer screen in front of the jungler Prince of the Fudan team turned into a gloomy black and white TV.

The blind monk's record data quickly reached 2/0/0.

Another wave of wandering on the road.

Cooperate with his teammate Riven on the blue side, and use the summoner skill [Flash] of the captain on the opposite purple side, forcing the captain Plank who is in a state of residual health to return to the city, and this will lose another wave of soldiers Wire.

up and down...

They were all brought out by the blind man!

Xifeng on the commentary stage was full of praise for the veteran jungler of the Tongji team:

"As expected of the captain of the veteran Tongji team!"

"This one-handed blind man is really convincing. The early offensive was fully displayed, and no minute or second was wasted!"

"According to this rhythm... the pressure that the blind man will put on the opponent will definitely increase!"

And Mo Sheng on the side also nodded slightly, but then looked towards the middle of the Summoner Canyon:

"Right now, the purple side is the only one that still maintains a small advantage..."

"There's only the middle lane."


The middle lane is the line between the single player in the blue side and the single clockwork monster in the purple side.


Just two brush heroes.

*Human needs to eat thread and brush development even more than clockwork monster.

This is also something that the Tongji University team has planned in advance. The veteran jungler of Tongji has made a decision and decided that this one will mainly target the upper and lower lanes and the opponent's jungle. The purpose of the *man is to slowly fight against the Clockwork Demon.

The frontal operation can't be fought, and the development of the wretched brush line is always not too stressful.

Although the strength is not as good as the opponent's Fudan mid laner, the Tongji University team's mid laner is not that weak. In the voice channel of the team, they patted their chests and promised:

"Don't worry, I'm safe here."

"Captain, help me out and down the road more. I'll hold on to the clockwork. When you have the upper hand, it won't be too late to deal with him in the mid lane~"

The tone is full of confidence.

The veteran jungler of the Tongji team controlled his blind monk Li Qing and chose to go back to the city again. At the same time, he glanced at the clockwork demon on the opposite side of the road, and frowned slightly:

"Don't be careless."

"Be more careful."

Although the rhythm in the early stage was indeed in the ideal plan, the faint vigilance in his heart at this time has never disappeared.

after all……

The opponent is Fudan University.

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The update will be delivered, and the two updates will be done. Good night, friends, see you tomorrow!

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