
Chapter 1176 The Sharpest Spear Point

Mo Sheng and Xifeng on the stage were both professionals who had commented on countless top professional competitions, so their eyes were sharp enough to be able to immediately see what was wrong with the current situation on the court.

And in the audience seats, some spectators gradually began to notice something strange.

It's not quite right.

It stands to reason that the blue team of the Tongji team currently has a significant advantage in the number of heads and the number of defensive towers. In terms of team economy, it should at least open up the opposite team by two or three thousand.

But now... the economy is completely flat!

And don't forget that the blind monk Li Qing, the old leader of the Tongji jungler, almost spared no effort in roaming gank, and the offensive rhythm was very beautiful, but the huge results obtained in this way... fell on the statistics of the team economy of both sides However, it was as if a mud cow had entered the sea, but it didn't cause any changes.

This is really scary.

The blind man has already played like this... He has done everything a jungler should do impeccably and vividly, and still can't give his team a clear advantage, so what should he do next?

What else should I do to suppress the opponent's rhythm?

"There is no other way."

Deng Zhe from the Cai team in the spectator seats spoke in a deep voice, calmly making an objective analysis and judgment:

"The strength gap between the two sides is mainly due to the large gap in the strength of the players in the other positions. The blue side can only rely on Tongji's jungler Blind to lead the rhythm desperately."

"He has to keep catching people, and he has to fight every time so that he won't get the result in vain, so that he can barely maintain this little advantage."

"Otherwise... he slows down the pace of the blind jungler, and the opponent may immediately overtake him economically!"

This is like entering a situation where riding a tiger is difficult.

Even if the blind man works extremely hard, he may not be able to cause too much interference to his opponent; but if he relaxes a little bit, the situation will be reversed at any time.


"Don't forget, this lineup is dominated by the purple side in the middle and late stages."

West Wind on the commentary seat spoke slowly.

One sentence directly awakened many spectators in the audience seats,

Suddenly woke up:


Look at the lineup of the purple side, the top lane captain, the jungle prince, and the mid laner clockwork monster... This set of combo coordination between the upper middle and the wild is simply explosive in the mid-to-late team battle, and when the bottom lane female policeman develops , and with a god-level protective support like Fengnv, this lineup is almost destined to make the later Tongji team helpless!

"The Tongji team drags on at the current pace... it is actually a slow death."

Mo Sheng's eyes flickered on and off, and his eyes fell on the giant LCD screen on the stage:

"If you can't play a big rhythm in the next ten minutes."

"This game can basically be awarded to Tongji."

Many spectators in the spectator seats under the stage couldn't help but feel a little worried by such comments. Indeed, the old team leader of the Tongji jungler on the blue side has too much responsibility, and the other teammates can't compare When the opponent can only rely on himself to carry... can he still turn the tide?

It's too difficult.

"Difficult is difficult."

On the Shangcai team, Lin Feng, who had just watched the game quietly for a long time, suddenly spoke at this moment, looking at the blue jungle jungler Blind Monk on the big screen watching the game from a distance:


"Even if the blind man is alone, there is still a chance."

The other members of the Shangcai e-sports club couldn't help being stunned when they heard it. Dou Zi had a thoughtful expression on his face, but Jingu Ying nodded slightly in agreement:


"It all depends on the operation."


There is indeed a chance.

It is indeed necessary to see the operation of the blind monk.

Because although it seems that the veteran jungler of the blue Tongji team is trying to bring the rhythm, the development of his teammates still can't hold down the heroes of the purple team on the opposite side, but at least——

The development of the blind monk is still the best in the game.

3/0/1 record data.

At the highest level, the development is even stronger than that of Qiu Yijie's mid laner Clockwork Demon on the opponent's purple side.

It is very terrifying for blind monks in this period of time to have such development.

Basically invincible.

Therefore, in the current situation, if the blind monk as a jungler wants to break the deadlock, he must abandon the original so-called "targeting opponents and helping teammates to establish advantages".

Instead, use yourself as the sharpest point.

Become the sharpest spear point.

Vigorously pierce the opponent through!

Fortunately, the veteran jungler of the Tongji team, who had enough experience in the game, also realized this in time.

and put it into action.

Eight or nine minutes into the game, after the bottom lane pushed down the opponent's defensive first-blood tower, the blue Tongji team's ADC explorer and assistant Bron switched lanes to the top lane.

On the other hand, Riwen, who was in the top lane, was replaced by the ADC female policewoman on the purple side and the auxiliary Fengnv.

It is not easy for a melee Riven to defend the line against a combination of long arms like a female policeman and Fengnv. She can only stay under her own defense tower and try her best to clear the troops and make up for the knife, but she can't defend against it. The tower pushing rhythm of the female policewoman on the opposite side.

Seeing that the blood volume of the blue side's bottom lane defensive outer tower was consumed little by little.


one third.

When the health bar of the defensive tower is only the last quarter.

In the grass at the mouth of the lower road, the figure of the blind jungler from the blue side dashes out like lightning, and quickly kills the target policewoman and wind girl in front of his lower road tower!

There was a burst of exclamation from the spectator seats below the stage.

But this time...

The exclamation sounded a little less excited and anticipating, but more anxious.

Because through the OB screen from God's perspective, almost everyone in the audience can clearly see... This wave of blind monk's wandering gank was clearly predicted by the opponent in advance, and the purple Fang Fudan team's gank The wild prince is squatting back in the grass!

The wind girl and the policewoman began to retreat quickly.

Still selling.

On the blue side, Riwen, the top laner of the Tongji team, picked up the knife and cooperated with his teammate jungler Blind Monk to start chasing forward.

The blind monk continued to move forward and quickly approached the target.

Seeing the distance keeps getting closer.


Just at this very moment.

Accompanied by a crisp "ping" sound, a military flag suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of the blind monk!

Immediately following the golden armored and helmeted prince Jiawen, he received the Q skill "Dragon Impact" in seconds, and his figure rushed towards the target blind monk fiercely like lightning!

The exclamation suddenly exploded from the spectator seats below the stage.

But the next second——

On the side of the Blue Fang Legion on the stage, the old leader of the Tongji jungler in front of the computer screen did not have the slightest panicked look on his face, but the cold light in his eyes suddenly became sharp to the extreme in an instant!

The skill buttons on the keyboard cooperate with the lightning-like sudden movement and tapping operation of the mouse!



Insert the eye and move forward obliquely, and at the same time exchange the W skill to assist the displacement instantly!

Directly avoiding the control of the prince's EQ second company, and at the same moment cut to the target not far in front of the purple ADC policewoman!

Another second.

The "Tianyinbo" who threw Q close to the face hit the target Caitlin.

The big move "dragon wagging its tail" is shot.

At the same moment, the summoner skill button on the keyboard was hit hard and pressed down!


A shattered golden light exploded, and the blind monk Li Qing, who was kicking his feet, suddenly appeared behind the target policewoman at this moment——


The terrifying Peiran Juli kicked the fragile body of the policewoman in Piltover so that she suddenly flew into the air!

It hit his other two teammates like a cannonball!

Hit Flying Wind Girl!

Crash into the arms of the prince!

At the same moment, in the voice channel of the blue team, the old captain of Tongji's jungler suddenly yelled:

"Rui Wen!!"

off stage.

In the front row of the spectator seats, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly turned sharp:


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Things are finally almost over, friends, we will have three shifts tomorrow!

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