
Chapter 1191

In the second match between Fudan and Tongji, in the first five minutes, the blue and purple teams played 0-2.

The purple Tongji University team has a slight advantage.

The rhythm of this period of time was similar to that of the previous game, and this time the veteran jungler captain of Tongji chose Nightmare Nocturne. In fact, he was inferior to his previous game in terms of roaming gank and offensive aggressiveness. The blind monk came out, but this time the old leader of Tongji's jungler had a very clear and clear thinking. Two waves of roaming on the road, a gank and a back squat all worked.

"The next step is actually after watching Nocturne level 6 learn the ultimate move."

Xifeng on the commentary platform commented like this:

"Nocturne has a big move at level 6, and with the current economic development situation, the success rate of ganking with online teammates is very high."

Mo Sheng next to her answered with a smile:

"And don't forget, when Nocturne reaches level 6, Pantheon will also reach level 6. This purple party is a full-map roaming lineup. I look forward to Pantheon and Nocturne looking for opportunities to open big ganks at the same time. the picture of—”

"However, this Fudan team, which looks like the blue side, played a little tepidly." Xifeng touched his chin: "In the last game... anyway, they had an advantage in the lane, and they were caught by the jungler. It took a few times to fall into the passive position, but this one is not very flattering in the three routes of the Fudan team."

Mo Sheng nodded:

"After all, they are all heroes who are relatively late-game and team-fighting. This kind of laning situation is also acceptable."

Xifeng patted his thigh: "Oh yes, at least Captain Qiu Yijie of Fudan in the middle has completed two solo kills. This time he met the opposite murloc, and he is a mechanical pioneer. If he wants to do another solo kill, it is indeed It's a bit difficult—"

The voice fell.

It just so happened that the game time came to 6 minutes and 15 seconds at this moment.

Suddenly, the angle of view of the big screen watching the battle on the stage was quickly switched to the middle of Summoner's Canyon by the background director.

All I saw was a burst of fine golden light that stings everyone's eyes.

Immediately, a mechanical pioneer with residual blood backhanded the little murloc with the E skill on the ground, followed by a Q skill to tie A, and combined with the thunder and magnetic storm damage of the ultimate move, he directly hit the little murloc with the residual blood on the head. Kill and take away.

Whoa! ! ——

There was an uproar and exclamation from the audience.

Xifeng on the commentary seat suddenly stared wide-eyed: "Wait a minute! This is... a solo kill!?"

There was an unbelievable taste in the tone.

On the other hand, Mo Sheng's eyes lit up suddenly: "It seems...it seems to be a counter-kill."

You can see the summoner skills of the blue and purple mid-lane heroes on the field at this time. The purple side's mid-lane murlocs are [Ignite] and [Flash], and they have just entered CD. Others include All skills including the ultimate move have also been used.

The mechanical pioneer on the blue side had [Teleport] left, but [Flash] had already been handed over just at that moment.

It seems that this information can be used to reverse the battle situation in the middle lane just now——

"The little murloc's big move should have missed."

Lin Feng looked at the blood bar and blood volume of Victor in the blue square in the big screen on the stage, estimated it, and gave an analysis and judgment:

"Then connect to the Q skill to rush, and the E skill to pole vault and then to the second stage of the E flash."

"It was dodged by Viktor's synchronous dodge."

Although he also couldn't see the process of the mid-lane fight with his own eyes, the analysis and inference made by someone at this moment almost perfectly matched the actual situation.

On the side of the purple team Tongji on the stage, the mid laners looked dejected:


"Damn... just a little bit-"

His voice was full of dissatisfaction.

The old team leader of Tongji jungler frowned. This wave of teammate's mistakes in the middle lane was indeed a bit big. Finally, they watched their little murlocs play a little initiative in the lane. It gave Victor a wave of development.

Now the time for them to fight for the rhythm left by Tongji became more urgent.



Victor, who got a head, is still not fully up for the time being, and still has to clear the line, and——

"The other side didn't flash, did it?"

The veteran jungler of Tongji marked the signal point in the middle:

"Little murloc wave control line."

"I'll see if there's a chance."

Indeed, although it is said that a wave of manipulative shows killed the mid laner little murloc of the purple Fang Tongji team, but at this time the Summoner skill [Flash] also entered the cooldown of the Mechanical Herald, which also lacked a key life-saving means. If Nightmare finds an opportunity to roam in the middle and cooperate with the murlocs to fight a wave of ganks, the success rate of killing will be very high.

However, it seems that he is also aware of the danger, or it is estimated that the opponent's purple jungler Moteng is about to reach level 6 at this time. After returning to the line, Qiu Yijie manipulated his mid laner Victor to suddenly change in the line. Be cautious.

The line of soldiers does not easily push through the center of the river mouth.

Qing Wanbing directly retreated into his own wild area to continue to brush F6 and the development of three wolf wild monsters.

Obscene and cautious to the extreme.

In the face of such a situation, even though the veteran Tongji jungler who originally intended to wander the middle lane had no choice but to give up after frowning and thinking about it, the opponent was too careful. If you want to fight hard at this time, use him after level six His ultimate move may be some chance, but it is not 100% sure.

in addition.

His first big move after Nightmare reached level 6, if he used it in the mid lane at such a risk, even if he finished killing Victor, it would still be overkill and a bit wasteful.

It needs to be used in a more critical wave of warfare.

While thinking about it, the old leader of Tongji's jungler looked at the small map, and his eyes fell on the bottom lane of Summoner's Canyon.


The game time came to more than 7 minutes.

At this time, Tongji's top laner Pan Sen and jungler Moteng on the purple side have both steadily risen to level six.

Two full-map roaming support ults were also selected.

The basic conditions have been met.

The time is almost ripe.

just wait...

A wave of hands.

"It should be the bottom lane."

Mo Sheng in the commentary seat looked at the God's perspective OB screen on the big screen watching the battle, and gave her own analysis and judgment: "The middle route is too short, it's not convenient for Pan Sen to jump big, and the income is not high enough, for the bottom lane... The blood volume of the blue side's outer tower has already been worn down by the policewoman and Thresh a lot, if this wave of Tongji team can play a wave of beautiful upper-field linkage, the blood tower in the lower road can also be quickly taken away."

"There is also the first little dragon." Xifeng next to him added: "The first one is the fire dragon, which will greatly benefit the team. It can be said that as long as the first wave of coordination effects of Tongji's lineup can be played... it will directly be A wave of big rhythm!"


Mo Sheng's gaze quickly glanced at the summoner skills of the blue and purple heroes:

"Team Fudan's top laner Dashu Summoner skill [Teleportation] hasn't cooled down yet."

"So if Tongji takes the opportunity to make a wave of things... the big tree is too late to keep up with the support, and it will be even bigger."

"that is--"

"It must be done as soon as possible!"

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The update will be delivered, and it will be done at midnight. If you are sleepy, get out and go to bed. Good night, my friends.

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