
Chapter 1194 Rescued!

In this wave of encirclement and siege by the purple Fang Tongji team in the bottom lane, the timing of the selection is actually very particular.

On the one hand, the policewoman cooperated with Thresh to push a large wave of soldiers to the opponent's defensive tower, which just gave Thresh a conditional opportunity to play Q first.

On the other hand...

It is also a more important aspect. At this time, when the policewoman and Thresh in the bottom lane of the Tongji team first rose to level 6, while the two heroes in the opponent's bottom lane had not yet reached level 6, it happened to be a wave of time and level difference.

Xiaopao and Japanese girls who have reached level 6 have almost instantaneously increased their combat power compared to before level 6.

Knowing this, the Tongji team deliberately pinpointed the timing of the roaming gank in the bottom lane at this time.

However -

Such a wave of encirclement and siege should have been perfect and impeccable, but at the beginning of the outbreak of the war, there were too many chaos and unexpected situations.

For example, Thresh's Q skill, which was supposed to hit the small cannon, was blocked by Fudan's auxiliary Japanese girl with her body.

As a result, the small cannon did not receive too much hard control and damage in the first place.

Another example is the moment when Pan Sen's big move landed, Xiaopao's W skill "Rocket Jump" jumped out of the damage range of Pan Sen's big move, and the Japanese woman's Q skill "Dawn Shield" held up Pan Sen for a moment

Another example--

this moment.

When Pan Sen, the top laner of the Tongji team, flashes and receives the two-stage displacement of the W skill "Holy Shield Strike", the moment he suddenly jumps in front of the target cannon.

Mai Lin Gunner, who was forced to complete three back-ups and clearing troops as quickly as possible, and his support teammate Nina, were upgraded to 6 at the same time.

It was almost like a flash of light and flint.

Pan Sen's W skill "Holy Shield Strike" suddenly jumped into the air and charged towards the small cannon.

The Mailin gunner, who had been upgraded to level six, learned his big move in a flash. On the stage, the Fudan team’s ADC team members in front of the computer screen suddenly moved and operated, tapped the mouse and keyboard, turned around and threw the barrel of the gun barrel to make a big move, "Destroy Shot". Aim at the King of War, whose W skill is unbeatable! !

At this moment, the speed of the operator's hand is almost off the charts, reaching the extreme!

Even in the spectator seats under the stage, you can hear the crisp sound of keystrokes made by Fudan ADC players!


for a moment.

The gun barrel in Tristana's hand flashed brightly, and a giant cannonball was aimed straight at Pan Sen's front!

boom! ! ! ! ! ——

The King of War, who had just leaped into the air, ate the small cannon, which was a near-simultaneous response to the cannon, and his body was suddenly bombarded by a huge force, so he flew backwards at a faster speed and fell back under the tower ! !


There was a sensation in the audience seats!

I don't know how many audience members were so stunned that their jaws dropped to the ground!


Xifeng on the commentary stage yelled unbelievably.

The small cannon's big move interrupts Pan Sen's W displacement!

Get yourself unscathed!

This is not only about the player's personal operation and reaction speed, luck also accounts for a large part of the proportion, because under normal circumstances, if the big cannon's big move is slowed down by even a beat, when the giant cannon pops out of the hand, Pan Sen It will still raise the shield and jump down, even if it is immediately repelled by the big move, but the stun control effect of "Holy Shield Strike" will still be determined by the system to hang up.

But this wave...

It's Xiaopao's big move that perfectly synchronizes with the timing of Pan Sen's W!

Perfect... and directly cracked by force and violence! !


It seemed that the first wave of the most powerful attack from the purple team Tongji was stopped for a moment by the two players in the bottom lane of the Fudan team who had been forced to temporarily rise to level six.

At the same moment, in front of the computer screen on the purple side of the Tongji team, the veteran Tongji jungler was almost anxious and shouted:

"Small fire cannons, small fire cannons!"

"Ignite it!"

"Tresh turns around and hits!"

"Little murloc, where's the little murloc!!"

This wave should be a gathering of five players to siege, but the single little murlocs of the Tongji team who broke the line early and invaded the opponent's blue side's lower half of the field did not enter the field at this time.

Finally, an anxious reply from a mid laner at the same level sounded in the voice channel of the purple team:

"I'm on my way!"

"The jungle excavator is on the opposite side, dragging me and I can't get there!!"

His eyes quickly scanned the small map, and he saw that besides his own little murloc, there was also the avatar icon of the jungle excavator on the opposite side of the stone man in the lower half of the opponent's blue side. The old captain Ye only felt that his mood suddenly sank to the bottom of the cold valley.

Variations and surprises...

Too much.

An extremely ominous premonition has almost formed in my heart.

But even so.

This wave is already on the line.

Can only go forward but not back.

Gritting his teeth, he made up his mind again in an instant, and the next moment, the old leader of Tongji's jungler moved like lightning and tapped the mouse and keyboard, and the R skill button on the button was suddenly hit and pressed!

Snapped! ——

for a moment.

it's dark.

The dark night like ink suddenly covered the entire Summoner Canyon, accompanied by the deep and deep laughter of Eternal Nightmare, the next second, only an orange-red streamer suddenly passed through the river channel in the lower half of the Summoner Canyon Swipe, slash and swipe towards the blue ADC small cannon on the next route like lightning!

Nightmare Nocturne's ultimate move.


"Moteng has opened up!!" Mo Sheng in the commentary seat couldn't help but exclaimed, and the audience in the spectator seats below the stage also burst into commotion.

Even though the ADC support players of the Fudan team in the bottom lane have played extremely powerful counterattacks, they still can't stop the purple Tongji team's powerful full-map support flow lineup tactics.

After Pan Sen's ultimate move was broken.

Almost all the skills of Xiaopao have been forced out.

And at this moment, Nightmare enters the arena and locks on the target Mailin Gunner. With Nocturne's current burst damage... the little cannon will have no way to retreat!

In the blink of an eye, Nightmare's figure suddenly rushed to Xiaopao with cold murderous intent.

Just at this very moment.

On the blue team Fudan team, Qiu Yijie's mid laner Victor teleported to the ground!

"Give the Japanese girl to the guarantor!"

Qiu Yijie shouted angrily on the team's voice channel.

At the same moment as the voice fell, the Fudan team's auxiliary Japanese female team member quickly responded and used the big move "Sun Flare" just pointed out to control Leona to swing her sword forward——

The dazzling golden spot suddenly detonated and exploded at the feet of his teammate Xiaopao!

Between lightning and fire.

Tongji's veteran jungler's big move suddenly cuts the face and cuts the small cannon flying down, and the same instant backhand flashes to open the W skill control-free shield in seconds!

Perfectly offset the dizziness control of Japanese women's big moves!

Immediately, a set of AQAE received Tiamat's combo almost instantly and smashed them all down in one go!

The blood bar above Xiaopao's head suddenly plummeted crazily and bottomed out!

It's almost instant!

But another moment.

The Japanese woman suddenly flashed forward, and a [Weakness] was immediately applied to Nightmare.

One mouthful of small cannon【Treatment】Forcibly return a mouthful of life-saving blood!

Dawn Goddess Leona's Q skill "Shield of Dawn", which quickly cooled down, once again slammed down on Nightmare in front of her——

this time.

Eternal Nightmare without a second W shield is caught by the spot stun!


Mo Sheng on the commentary stage exclaimed excitedly.

off stage.

Lin Feng, who was in the front row of the spectator seats, showed an undisguised expression of admiration——



The rhythm of this whole wave of downhill...

He was forcibly rescued by Fudan University!

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The update is here, the next chapter will be later, I have something to do to go out tonight.

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