
Chapter 1207 So Strong!

"It's not Lulu's problem."

At this time, compared with the still uproarious audience in the audience, the two commentators in the commentary booth still had to react one step faster to recover, Xifeng said in a deep voice:

"This wave...it's not that Lulu won't turn W into a sheep."

As he spoke, he paused, and gave his judgment with a solemn expression:

"I can't give it!"


It's just 【can't give】.

The wave of kills just off the lane actually happened very quickly, everything started and ended like lightning within two to three seconds.

Everyone just watched the purple ADC, Obama, play a whole set of combo combos as if his operations were smooth, and rely on a set of burst damage to easily kill and take away the opponent's ADC female policewoman without being affected by any obstacles.


In fact, this is not the case.

If the director at this time replays the killing screen just off the road in slow motion, you can see many details in it——

Just at this time, the picture on the big screen for watching the battle suddenly switched.

The director in the background work room of the competition venue seemed to understand the minds of the audience at this time, and replayed the killing screen just in time.


What appeared was a wave of soldiers entering the tower, and the purple side assisted Bron step forward.

"Pay attention here!"

Xifeng on the commentary seat spoke anxiously, and at the same time fixed his eyes on the assistant Bron on the replay screen:

"Many people may think that this wave of kills has nothing to do with Braum, but that's not the case!"

"Although there was no perfect Q to the policewoman, Bron's Q hit Lulu and also completed the deceleration control, paving the way for Obama's next kill."

The voice fell.

The purple side in the playback screen assisted Bron with a Q skill shot and hit the fairy witch to complete the deceleration.

The next moment, I saw Obama, the ADC on the purple side, rushing forward with an E skill.

"Look here! When Bloom Q arrives at Lulu, Obama will go straight to it!"

"E followed by two flat A points on the policewoman."


Almost in sync with the playback screen, Xifeng's commentary and analysis voice continued to ring in the ears of every audience at the scene:

"Pay attention, Obama's next move is upward."

"It's a little distance from Lulu here."

"The female police handed in treatment, and Obama's QA did another round of damage. At this time, Lulu actually leaned towards Obama and wanted to turn W into a sheep—but was slowed down by Bloom and couldn't be controlled immediately. .”

"And then Obama is still going up!"

"Keep the target policewoman always within the range of my level A, and at the same time keep ensuring my position is always outside the casting range of Lulu's W skill!"

"At this time, Lulu was in a hurry, so she flashed her hand and forcibly shortened the distance!"

"Obama flashes simultaneously!"

The voice fell.

On the replay screen, only two tiny golden lights flashed in succession almost simultaneously.

Lulu flashes forward!

Obama flashed directly over the wall!

"In an instant, Lulu lost her vision of the target, and W, who was about to make a shot, didn't hit it again."

"In the end, Obama went straight to the second WA through the wall. This is a passive continuous shot from the A floor, which instantly took away the last bit of blood from the policewoman."

After finishing the analysis and explanation of the entire kill replay screen in one breath, Xi Feng finally paused for a moment, and then stared at the scene of the policewoman being killed and knocked down on the big screen watching the battle with piercing eyes:


"From the beginning to the end, Lulu has been desperately trying to control Obama's W skill."

"But Obama has always used precise calculations to pull him out of the scope of the spell!"

"This is……"

"It's a god-like skill control!!"

Mo Sheng on the side also showed a look of great approval and sincerely said:

"This time... I really saw Lin Feng's ADC operation level again. As expected... it didn't disappoint at all!"

There was unbearable excitement and excitement in his tone.


The wave just now... Even as a professional commentator, she couldn't react immediately and felt dazzled. However, when she saw the director's replay screen again and looked at every detail of ADC Obama controlled by someone in slow motion, she felt dazzled. The details of operation and positioning really make people get goosebumps almost all over their bodies.

I can't stop trembling!

This is……

Almost surpassing the strength level of ordinary professional ADC players!

It may even be the realm of ability that only the top ADCs in the world can possess! !

The audience in the spectator seats under the stage couldn't help being stunned, and after some people came back to their senses one after another, they became even more commotion-


Isn't this Lulu's problem?

Is it really Obama who calculated all the details?

Purely relying on positioning and distance predictions... A W skill that was forced to be held in the hands of the opponent's fairy witch from the beginning to the end can't be released! ?

"Cheat, lie, right?"

In the back row of the spectator seats, Zhou Xiaoyao couldn't help but stare blankly, and was speechless.

Because this kind of reality is too shocking.


It has exceeded the limit of her imagination.

How could an ADC be able to do this! ?

Even Chen Mo and Zhang Jing on the side couldn't help showing shocking expressions on their faces. Based on the analysis of the two commentators on the stage, and the kill replay screen they saw with their own eyes...

That Lin Feng.

Is it so strong! ?

Only Tang Bingyao, who was sitting next to a few girlfriends and roommates, couldn't help showing joy and excitement on her face at this time——

She knew it!

If it's Fuko, even the seemingly impossible situation can find a way to forcefully break it!

However, the next moment, when she suddenly thought of someone's words and attitude towards her earlier, the expression on the girl's face couldn't help dimming, and she lowered her head sadly again.


This is how the first blood kill was born in the bottom lane of Summoner's Canyon.

Whether it was still a little unbelievable or something else, at least at this time all the audience in the entire venue were deeply shocked by this wave of Obama's actions.

At the same time, a thought subconsciously popped up in everyone's minds—

This Shangcai team's ADC...

If so strong.

On the other side of the opponent's foreign team, Zou Siyuan's bottom duo team, isn't this a game that is completely useless?

There is nothing wrong with this idea.

Because almost at the time when the background director cut the replay screen to the real-time live broadcast screen of the game, suddenly there was another kill announcement from the system female voice from the bottom lane, which caught everyone by surprise again:

"Double Kill!—"

Everyone froze again.


In front of the defense tower on the blue side's bottom lane, Lulu, the assistant of the Shangwai team, turned into a cold corpse and fell to the ground.

Not far away is the purple side's ADC Obama, following his support teammate Bron, retreating calmly and gracefully.

Double kill!

This is so...

He actually forcibly killed Lulu again! ?

Everyone's eyes straightened.

On the side of the purple party on the stage, someone in front of the computer screen looked relaxed and calm, slightly turned his head to look at Jingu Sakura beside him, and praised:

"This wave is fine."

The beautiful Japanese girl smiled without losing her reserve:

"I won the prize."

***************************************************** ***********************

The update was sent, and I fell asleep after the embarrassment last night. . . That's three o'clock today, nine o'clock in the next chapter.

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