
Chapter 1212 One Way Kill Through

It is true that only professional players... even top professional players can possess such qualities.

It wasn't just Mo Sheng who came to such a conclusion, Zou Siyuan in front of the computer screen looked at the game screen in front of the computer screen with a pale expression on the side of the blue side Shangwai team on the stage at this moment, and couldn't stop feeling the same in his heart. Such a trembling thought.

Recalling the scene of a wave of strong kills by ADC Obama just opposite, he could hardly control his trembling mood.

That is……

A sense of dread.

It's unclear, but it seems to slowly make people fall into the fear of depression and suffocation in the invisible.

You know, as the core ace captain of the Shangwai team, his personal strength has rushed into the top 100 or even the top 50 in the first king division of the national service, and he has met passers-by. a dozen.

Among them, there are even some semi-professional or even professional players, and he has also had the experience of fighting with them.

Sometimes it can be defeated.

But he also gained some experience and cognition in the past countless games of top kings and passers-by ranking games, that is, professional players are indeed different from ordinary passers-by masters.

When meeting passers-by, even if he is at a slight disadvantage, as long as he waits patiently, he can always find an opportunity to complete the counterattack.

However, if you are a professional player...

Then after he falls into a disadvantage, it will be difficult for him to find a chance to get back to the rhythm. The opponent will leave too few loopholes for him, and he knows how to snowball the advantage without giving him any room to breathe.

But these are nothing.

Even though there is a certain gap in strength between those ordinary professional players, at least Zou Siyuan has confirmed that he still has a certain chance of winning against a strong player of this level.


Similarly, there are still a very small number of top powerhouses that make him not even have the slightest confidence in winning.

Once, he encountered Yege Huangxue once in the passerby king's game in Ionia.

That's right, it was one of the two core trump cards of the God team, who was almost side by side with the "Star King" Dawn Morning Star.

The top ADC player recognized by the national server.

that time……

It really completely crushed his original confidence and fighting spirit to nothing.

At that time, the ADC hero he took out was also the Piltover policewoman who was quite strong in the early stage, while the opposite Huangxue Yege used the dark night hunter who is recognized as the shortest range among all ADC heroes and needs the most stress-resistant development in the early stage. Wayne.

Long hands beat short hands.

Moreover, the collocation of my auxiliary heroes at that time had to be stronger than the opponent in terms of laning ability.


The result is that in the first four minutes, his female policeman never overwhelmed Wei En at all, and the poke effect on the consumption of HP was almost negligible. Wei En seized the opportunity to cooperate with the auxiliary Japanese woman to force open and kill directly.

That is to say, after that wave of kills, he found that the seemingly little initiative advantage of his ADC female police officer in lane was shattered in an instant. It was also when he cheered up and learned his lesson to continue to go back to the bottom lane... …In less than a minute, Wei En, who had reached level 6, single-handedly killed his female policeman even under the protection of his auxiliary teammates.


It was another strong kill in the early 8 minutes.

A wave of double kills in about ten minutes.

The almost unstoppable crushing force smashed all his confidence and courage to resist.

At that time, there was such a powerless sense of despair in his heart——

It was as if, facing a top powerhouse like Huangxue Yege, it was impossible for him to have even a 1% chance of defeating him.

In the early stage, it is destined that no strong combination can suppress the development of the opponent.

Then...he is destined to be gradually formed by the opponent, crushed to death in an instant with the fastest and most irresistible strong posture.

In the end, there is a crash that is so fast that people are even caught off guard.

This is the level of strength of the top professional ADC in the national service LPL. It is beyond the reach of an ordinary passer-by king like him. Even an ordinary professional player is also difficult to face an existence like Huangxue Yege. Chance.

Since then, Zou Siyuan has left such a shadow in his heart, but he never mentioned it to anyone else.

But what he didn't expect was——


It was actually in such a Jin Ge Cup semi-final match.

Someone on the other side...

It actually brought him the same sense of suffocation and horror as he did when facing the wild snow night song.

So at this moment, Zou Siyuan couldn't help feeling a little dazed:

that guy.

Could it be.

Can it be compared with the wild snow night song?


Just at this time, Lin Feng was also thinking about the matter of Huangxue Yege.

The reason is that when the bottom lane took the double kill and was about to break the opponent's bottom lane blood tower, Jingu Sakura next to him suddenly asked suspiciously:

"Lin Jun, your Lucian's skill CD seems to be a bit fast."

A little detail that is difficult for ordinary people to notice.

But Jingu Sakura noticed it very keenly.

Just now, someone's operation combo combo to kill the policewoman was done in one go, extremely smooth and free, almost every second seemed to be able to trigger a passive flat A burst to pile up explosive second-person damage in the blink of an eye.

But under normal circumstances, a Holy Gun Ranger with this kind of development in this period of time should not be able to reach the CD level of this skill.

Lin Feng laughed:

"Oh yes."

"I made some adjustments to the talent runes."

This time after he was selected as the Paladin Ranger, what he brought with him was not the common and common ADC panacea talent rune, but he made a little fine-tuning of the details, to put it simply...

Just made some enhancements and adjustments in terms of CD reduction attributes.

And speaking of it, this is actually another attempt at a routine that he has figured out a while ago——

Obama who favors CD streaming.

If this thing is really well researched, it may not be limited to the ADC position, and even the mid laner can be considered for use. Yesterday, the three teams were in a hurry during the training camp, and did not pay attention to He Tiantian, Dawn Morning Star, Shi Hang and Huang Xue. A few people from Ye Ge went to discuss in detail.

After the game here is over, I can mention this point in the past today.

And just right.

I will use it first and try the effect in actual combat.

Soon the outer tower of the blue square was bulldozed and demolished. Lin Feng, who won the economy of the blood tower, cleared a wave of soldiers and chose to return to the city. When the equipment was updated in the spring water of the base, what did he think of, and turned his head to ask God Miya Sakura:

"You didn't hand in your double summons just now, did you?"

It is rare for a beautiful Japanese girl to look at someone with reproachful eyes:


"Lin Jun, you drove so fast, you killed the opponent before I had time to catch up. How can I use skills?"

Lin Feng suddenly said: "Yes."

Then he paused and nodded: "That's fine, you can continue to kill later."

Jingu Sakura was slightly stunned: "Still going down the road?"

Someone who bought a mercury sash directly from the spring water equipment store had a look of course on his face:


"Kill all the way through."

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The update is here, today is the third update, and the next chapter is at nine o'clock sharp, get out of the code and work!

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