
Chapter 1224 Unexpected line change

The five-man lineup of Shangcai team on the blue side has been confirmed and locked, and finally there is only the first-hand hero selection on the fifth floor of the purple side Shangwai team.

At this time, the audience in the spectator stands couldn't help talking about the ADC Vayne played by the Shangcai team. They always felt that this move of Vayne was unreasonable. On Fang Juntuan's side, the junglers of the Shangwai team are also looking at their captain:

"Captain Zou, the last move...was the jungler?"

This sentence revealed the original intention of the previous Shangwai team.

Yes, that's right.

The choice of Mouse Tuqi in the front is really a swing position, just as the two commentators in the commentary booth speculated and judged.

For Zou Siyuan, although the ADC mouse is almost his best signature hero, even after he was selected, he still didn't have enough confidence, and kept stuck with his team's jungler until the final choice. It is to be vigilant in order to see all the opposing lineups before making a decision.

However, if someone on the opposite side chooses a strong ADC in the early stage like the female policeman or Verus, he will immediately consider putting the mouse in the jungle position and then choose another EZ or Jinx——

Even if he had already prepared to change lanes to "avoid the battle".


Now, seeing that the opponent's ADC position is to choose the hero of the night hunter Vayne, Zou Siyuan finally let out a sigh of relief in his heart and made a decision:

"Well, you can play wild."

He now has the protection of top laner Shen, mid laner Karma, and auxiliary Fengnv, which is equivalent to invisibly increasing the safety factor countless times. The last jungler can choose more flexibly.

So soon, in the ban selection interface of the large LCD screen on the stage, the purple square's fifth-floor hero selection box lit up——

The hero confirms the lock.

Void Reaver Kha'Zix!


"Praying mantis playing wild—"

Xifeng on the commentary seat couldn't help but exclaim:

"It's fine to hold,

In the early stage, the mantis is very aggressive, whether it is fighting in the wild or roaming gank, and the combination of the ultimate move after level 6 is even more powerful. Cutting the back row in the mid-to-late team battle can also bring great damage to the opponent's C-position hero. stressful. "

On the other hand, Mo Sheng carefully examined the purple team's final locked lineup:

"In that case... the lineup positions of Shangwai are all determined."

"Mouse, it really is still an ADC position."

But looking at it now, in fact, there are not as many problems as before.

On the one hand, it is true that the mouse has several teammates who can closely protect the safety, and can have a more ideal early stage development and team battle output environment; The stress on the mice wasn't particularly strong—

"However, this is Lin Feng's Wei En."

Mo Sheng's gaze turned to the direction of the arena where the Shangcai team was located, and her eyes shone slightly:

"It can't be measured by general principles."


Because it doesn't matter the discussion on stage or off stage at all at this moment, someone from the Shangcai team on the blue side has once again started an almost identical communication with the support Jingu Sakura:

"The first wave of skills at level 2 will be released later."

"The second wave will be forced to kill."

It is simply a routine template that is so simple and rigid that there is no change.


Speaking from someone's mouth as if nothing had happened, but it always makes people feel a chilling and dangerous atmosphere.

It was as if the game hadn't even started yet, and the bottom lane combinations of the two sides hadn't met in lane yet, but the ADC mouse of the purple side's upper foreign team seemed to be almost dead.


The screen on the big screen for watching the game has entered the stage of reading the progress bar of the game, and the second round of the BO3 match between Shangcai and Shangwai is finally about to officially start.

"This one... the match point."

Xifeng looked at the big screen watching the game: "If Shangcai wins, it will directly advance to the final 2-0 and join forces with Fudan University, but if Shangwai can win this round... then it will go to the final third game, and there will be Gotta fight."

Mo Sheng nodded noncommittally, and did not make too many predictions about the outcome of the match, but then changed the topic:

"The lineups of both teams are not bad."

"Shangwai team is almost equivalent to 4 guarantees and 1. In the early stage, Mantis can roam and take the rhythm. After level 6, Shen has a big move and can cooperate with support at any time."

"Shangcai team here... the card also has a very strong roaming gank ability after level 6. In the mid-term, we will hold a group to see if the combo of the prince's daughter and Rambo's ultimate move can be effective—"

Xifeng beside him couldn't help laughing:

"That's right."

"But I don't know why, but there is always a feeling... It seems that the biggest core focus is still on the ADC players of the two teams."

When these words came out, the audience in the spectator seats couldn't help but nodded violently, showing deep approval.


They all feel that way too.

The outcome of the game is put aside for now, but the confrontation between the two bottom laners, especially the ADC players of the two sides... is what they are most concerned about at the moment!

"Well, if you want to talk about this, although the blue side's Shangcai team chose Wei En, who was not too strong in the early stage, the combination of Wei En and Japanese girls should still be able to fight well in the early stage. It should be more active and aggressive." Mo Sheng took the words and analyzed a few sentences.


On the one hand, the combination of Wei En and Japanese girl is still stronger than the opponent's mouse and Feng girl.

on the other hand……

To put it bluntly, it is actually a matter of the gap in player strength.

After all, it has not been long since the end of the last game, and the scene of someone's ADC Obama killing the foreign team in the bottom lane is still deeply and clearly imprinted in everyone's mind.

The strengths of the ADC players on both sides really cannot be compared together.

"But it's actually not bad."

West Wind touched his chin:

"In the early stage, the mouse and Fengnv played defense, and it was enough to make up the knife and eat the line under the tower. After five or six minutes, Shen, who was the top laner on my side, had a level 6 ult, and Wei En and the Japanese girl on the opposite side really didn't dare to mess around. .”

Then Shangcai's bot lane combination wants to find a chance, it seems that it really has to grab the opponent's top laner Twilight Eye before reaching level 6.

But the problem is that if the mouse and the wind girl are determined to grow under the tower, and you press too hard and stand too far ahead...then the mantis on the opposite side will swim over.

In the early stage, Mantis's gank ability to catch people is much higher than that of Pig Girl.

"So this bot lane may not be so easy to gain an advantage."

Xifeng made a conclusion, but then changed the topic:

"Of course, after all, student Lin Feng's strength is there, so it's worth looking forward to—"

Lin Feng himself also has enough confidence.

Even at this time, he and Jingu Sakura have already finalized the rhythm arrangements for the first few waves.


The only thing is that even he didn't count it.

The game starts.

The ten heroes of the blue and purple armies bought their equipment in the base spring water equipment store and went out quickly.

And not long after, many audience members suddenly discovered something, and there was a low exclamation and commotion. Xifeng and Mo Sheng in the commentary seat subconsciously looked at the small map, and suddenly they couldn't help showing surprise:

"Wait a moment!"

"Shangwai team is here to..."

"Change the line!?"

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The update is here. The next chapter will look like after ten o'clock. I have some work to do in the evening.

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