
Chapter 1242 Waiting for Opponent to Give an Opportunity

Sometimes it is difficult to make a final decision when faced with choices.

But there are also times when the decision is not even in your hands.

The angle of view is shifted from Manchester, England, back to Shanghai, the magical capital of China. In the Jin Ge Cup semi-final venue, the second BO3 match between Shangwai VS Shangcai is being watched on the stage on the big screen OB. There is really no other choice left for the blue Fang Shangcai team——

passive defense.

The right to speak is completely in the hands of the opponent purple team's foreign team.

Now, the choice of the Shangwai team is to continuously push the line and invade the field of vision and resources of the wild river, so the corresponding Shangcai team, which is the disadvantaged side, can only try to parry and defend as much as possible.

Eye of Twilight Shen on the purple side on the top lane has already made Tiamat, directly declaring that the initiative to push the line is completely under his control. Now whether it is clearing the line or fighting head-on, Lan Bodu is no longer an opponent at all.

"If you play Tiamat, Shen's single-tape push and 1V1 ability will be significantly strengthened."

"However, in fact, there is no need for this original Shen to be equipped according to this route."

Xifeng and Mo Sheng at the commentary booth were exchanging and analyzing:

"After all, the main core output point of this purple side is a mouse. As long as the mouse uses its big move to play a perfect explosive harvest in a wave of team battles, it will basically be stable. It is not necessary for Shen Zai to go to the side lane to find opportunities. Instead It might be more appropriate to be Tiamat, with a little meat—"

West Wind shrugged:

"However, it doesn't matter how you dress up, right now."

"Shangwai team has too much advantage after all."

This is a big truth.

In the early ten minutes, they broke the two defensive outer towers on the opposite side, and their economic lead was close to 3,000. In this case, a purple army with a perfect start can indeed do whatever it wants. It is certainly more stable to be cautious, but even Being a Tiamat can also play another advantageous rhythm by suppressing the opponent Rambo in the top lane——

Even if Rambo is not careful, he may be solo killed by Shen.

"Fuck, just kill a ghost!"

On the front row of the spectator seats, everyone from the Shangcai E-sports Club,

Qiu Le was so angry that he jumped his feet: "If Lanbo, that guy in the old road, can still be killed by Shen Shen alone, let's get out of it as soon as possible, okay? It's better to let old Shen go!"

Shen Zhuang, who was suddenly named, waved his hands in panic, "I can't, I can't, I'm useless—"

Feng Tao's gaze swept across the OB screen on the big screen watching the battle on stage, and his brows were already tightly frowned:


"Now we can only try to stabilize here first."

"It doesn't matter if you are crushed, I'm afraid that the praying mantis and the mouse on the opposite side will wander around and take the rhythm..."


As I mentioned before, the purple team's lineup can start to exert its strength in the mid-term team battle, but if it has already achieved a significant advantage in the early stage, then the two points such as the jungle mantis and the ADC mouse... It is also able to give the opponent greater threat pressure in advance.

Both belong to the heroes who can use stealth and stealth to get closer and steal people.

Especially when the opponent's field of vision is occupied by a little bit of nibbles from his own side, the role that mice and mantises can play is even greater.

As the defensive side, the Shangcai team has nothing to do about it at present. They can only try their best to buy real eyes one by one, and make a good defensive vision in their own wild area and various grasses as much as possible.

But on the whole, it is still passive.

The right to view is still more in the control of the opponent's purple army.

This makes it easy for any of the purple team's Shangwai team to push a wave of troops all the way, to easily penetrate into the wild area or retreat to the Shangcai team's field of vision and disappear in the shadow fog, making the blue team's upper In the team voice channel of the Cai team, there are almost continuous warning reminders on various routes:

"Miss on the road!"

"Karma in the middle lane is gone - oh, it's okay, he's still there. He should have just gone to F6 to clear the jungle."

"Be careful, people who can't see their praying mantises, my F6 in the second half of the jungle is reversed."

All kinds of information and intelligence gathered, but it seemed a bit disorganized, and it also made the players on the various routes of the Shangcai team feel anxious, for fear that if they were not careful, they would be killed by a gank from the opposite side.

Even in the bottom lane, the situation of Lin Feng's ADC Wei En is not too good.

A wave of soldiers from the opposite side was pushed over, and someone controlled his night hunter to stand still in front of the second defensive tower in the bottom lane, waiting patiently for the soldiers to enter the tower, but he saw the disappearing man not far away. The two heroes in the opponent's two-player lane still made him frown slightly.

Control line development...

It is naturally a good thing for his Wei En now.

At least hold on.

But also if the final victory of this game is to be the goal, then the current rhythm is far from satisfactory.

The opposite ADC mouse, even with such a leading economy, still has no intention of forcing the line at all, just relying on wave after wave of soldiers to keep pushing his ADC Vayne to no other way .

On the contrary, this is precisely the most correct choice.

It is also the most troublesome problem for Lin Feng.

He wasn't afraid that the opponent would force him to trouble him, but they didn't want to trouble him, but they just used the initiative to push the line while holding him down while looking for opportunities on the side lanes... This made him powerless.

The line of soldiers stopped near the edge of the range of the blue side's bottom lane defense second tower, and the minions on both sides of the blue and purple sides fought into a ball again. Lin Feng patiently controlled Wei En one by one. Withdraw troops and make up for the knife.

At this time, there is really no rush.

Unsure of the location of the opposing mouse and the jungle mantis, he rushed to take the line outside... Even he could hardly guarantee his own safety.

Can only control the line to develop slowly.

wait slowly.

Wait for the opportunity on the other side.

However, at this moment, when another small soldier's supplementary knife was in his bag, Lin Feng glanced forward inadvertently, and saw that the opposite support, Feng Nu, was coming towards his stone man wild area from not far away. A real eye was placed in the grass below.

But it's just to assist Fengnv alone.

Don't see the ADC mouse on the opposite side.

Someone's eyelids twitched suddenly.

As if realizing something, his eyes immediately turned to the small map.

At this time, close to the middle of Summoner Canyon, Jingu Sakura's support girl has rushed to support Sun Ming's mid lane card master. It seemed to be trying to seize a wave of ganks, but was caught by the opponent on the river. A true eye found out that the purple fan's mid-laner fan mother backhanded a psionic ball with Q skill and directly blasted out of the position of the Japanese woman who was trying to hide her figure.

So the card and the Japanese girl walked through the grass at the mouth of the river to get rid of the opponent's true vision guard.

Karma, who was not far from the opposite side, seemed to be preparing to block the interference and stepped forward.


This walking and approaching distance, if it is purely for a little harassment, it seems a bit too close——

Suddenly, the eyelids twitched again, and almost instantly Lin Feng's low voice rang out in his team's voice channel:

"Center, retreat!"

"There is someone nearby!"

And almost at the same time as someone's voice fell, the audience in the audience watching the game through the OB screen from the perspective of God also suddenly burst into exclamation——


Something is going to happen this wave!

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like around eleven o'clock, go away and continue to code.

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