
Chapter 1269 Can't get on

In fact, in the eyes of a few discerning people, this so-called "suspense" that has aroused the appetite of almost everyone in the competition venue from the beginning, there is no suspense at all from the beginning to the end.

Those who know someone's strength won't think about the outcome of this second group of BO3 semi-finals other than Shangcai's victory.

This is still someone playing adc...

If it is the mid laner position that is the main role of life, it is estimated that the time it will take for these two games together will not exceed half an hour, and the average of 15 minutes per game will definitely explode all the way.

And even if it is the adc position——

It's also impossible for a mere president of a SISU e-sports club to be able to match him.

However, after all, only a few people knew this truth at the beginning.

When everything is truly convinced and proved through the facts, the shock and impact it brings to everyone else is still not bad at all.

adc counterpoint.

It's really... the torture and killing exploded.

The first one was slammed, and the second one was overturned inhumanely. From the beginning to the end, the individual performances of the ADC players on both sides were in the most vivid and intuitive comparison at all times, and the core ace of a foreign team The captain of the adc was constantly slapped and swollen in the face again and again, without the slightest ability to resist.

This even made many neutral audiences feel a little bit of sympathy and pity——

It's really miserable.

Anyway, he is also a famous figure in the e-sports circle of Shanghai colleges and universities.

In the end, when he was in front of someone... he was beaten like a rookie in the bronze and silver divisions, he was almost like a super ghost.

This is really a big blow to people, right?

Of course, there is no doubt about this. When the players of the two teams walked off the stage at the end of the game, the players of the foreign team hung their heads like a defeated rooster. Dare to look up.

And as the captain, Zou Siyuan...

From the beginning to the end, he shrunk his body and lowered his head almost to his chest, not daring to see anyone, and walked with some staggering steps.

The distraught appearance made people feel a little unbearable.

Just like the judgments and conclusions drawn by Qiu Yijie and the veteran jungler of Tongji earlier, this really looks like their mentality has been completely broken.

Confidence and pride... all destroyed and nothing left.

But then again—

"You deserve it too."

On the side of the Shangcai e-sports club members in the front row of the spectator seats, Qiu Le squinted at the members of the Shangwai team who were walking back to the back seat not far away, pouted with disdain and showed no sympathy at all:

"That guy is so arrogant that his nostrils are pointing to the sky. He should have been slapped like this a long time ago with a face that owes a lesson."

Even the honest man Shen Zhuang nodded in agreement:

"Before when the president wanted to shake hands with him, he liked to ignore it."

Feng Tao chuckled: "Now... I guess this Zou guy will not dare to see people for a long time in the future. This time he completely lost his face."

Zou Siyuan was indeed unlucky.

In normal times, maybe he is also impossible to be someone's opponent, but it is not so embarrassing to lose.

But today someone was in a hurry to be late for the three training camps, so he naturally showed his 100% state and went all out to end the game in the shortest possible time.

Someone who is going all out now...

That is to the extent that even the top level powerhouses in the national server, such as Huangxue Yege, Tian Tian, ​​Shi Hang, and Dawn Morning Star, would not be able to bear it. Enemy.

There is only one upper-waiter in the area, and the one in the electric-king adc, so it is naturally impossible to watch it.

"Okay, okay," Deputy President Deng Zhe took over the words with a smile: "Anyway, it's a good thing to win, and we don't care about the others. We won the semi-finals... and there will be finals to play after that. The next game is against Fudan University." , probably won’t be as easy as it is today.”

The other members of the Shangcai E-sports Club around couldn't help but feel a little cheered up.


The semi-finals... it's over anyway.

More importantly, after today's promotion, they are only one step away from the Jin Ge Cup championship trophy. Once they win the championship, it will be a record-breaking achievement for their Shangcai e-sports club.

Of course, what my vice president said was right, the final match against Fudan will definitely not be won as easily as today. After all, compared with a team like Shanghai Foreign Languages, Fudan University, which just defeated Tongji 2-0, is now in Shanghai. Recognized as the strongest in the competition circle.

However, don't worry too much.

"Anyway, Fengzi is here!"

Qiu Le waved his hand carelessly, as if he was the savior: "Whether he is Fudan or not, the champion will definitely be ours!"

The other members of the e-sports club also nodded in agreement, that's right, didn't you just listen to the comments of the two commentators on the stage? No matter how strong Fudan is, they still have to hit the iron plate when they come to Shangcai.

"Oh, back!"

A sharp-eyed club member saw several members of his own team walking back here not far away, and suddenly shouted excitedly, and when the other club members turned around and saw it, they all rushed up enthusiastically: "President!" Hey old way! Awesome, I won!" "Hahaha, Brother Sun is very flexible in playing cards——"

The crowd formed a group celebrating and laughing excitedly. The atmosphere was much stronger than the situation at the Shangwai E-sports club on the other side not far away.


On the stage, the two commentators had almost finished their concluding summaries. Xifeng looked at the game schedule on the table, then raised his head and said to the audience with a smile:

"That's... that's basically it."

"It's a great honor to be able to bring you the commentary work of these two groups of competitions today, and I'm also very happy to see the wonderful performances of these excellent teams and players in the e-sports circle of Shanghai High School—"

Accompanied by the enthusiastic applause from the audience, Xifeng paused and continued to add:

"Then Shangcai and Fudan teams will become today's advanced teams."

"Everyone should know the time of the finals. It will be just a few days later. If there are no accidents, I will still be in charge of the commentary. I hope everyone will support me—"

Some spectators shouted in the spectator seats:

"What about Mo Sheng?"

Xifeng laughed when he heard this: "This audience doesn't have a very good memory. Let's talk about it at the beginning. Although it's a pity, Mo Sheng will leave for Manchester, England to participate in the s6 finals soon after today is over. Go——by then, you will definitely not be able to continue to comment on the finals with me."

Mo Sheng stuck out her tongue: "I'm sorry, I'm on business, so I can't accompany you all to finish the work of the finals."

The audience in the audience was stunned, and the others around couldn't help sighing with regret. Compared to a professional male commentator like Xifeng... after all, a beautiful commentator like Mo Sheng is more eye-catching.

But regrets are regrets, such things are still understandable.

after all.

The real world war is currently.

Nothing else can compare with the upcoming s6 finals.

On the side of the Shangcai E-sports club in the front row of the spectator seats, Qiu Le couldn't help being a little envious: "Hey...Go to the UK, it's so cool to be able to watch the finals live, how great it would be if we could go too good--"

Feng Tao rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, let's be more realistic, let's talk about winning this Jin Ge Cup champion."

All the other e-sports clubs on the side nodded in agreement.

Lin Feng seemed to think of something, and turned to look at Dou Zi:

"That's right, beans."

"I forgot to tell you, the final... maybe I won't be able to make it."

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