
Chapter 1274

Although the No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5 coaches who are specially hired coaches are completely absent, the three training camps tonight are still going on as usual.

After having yesterday's experience, the preparation and training work for this evening was carried out in a more orderly manner.

The members of the three teams of kg, god, and Hayami took turns to play against each other, and Lin Feng and Li Shiyi, who were training partners, were constantly interspersed and replaced, doing their best to do the work of training partners.

Compared with last night, today the members of the three club teams are obviously more serious and hardworking, and at the same time, their respective performances are also better than the previous day.

This makes every match more intense and intense.

In every game, the bayonet almost hits the spot.

The tip of the needle meets the wheat awn.

Don't budge.

Each team member showed 100% of their own strength, and under the arrangement and dispatch of their respective captains or temporary commanders of the team, they vividly displayed a set of tactical systems and played a powerful role.

It also made the leaders and coaches of several clubs in the spectator seats couldn't help but nod their heads and showed excitement on their faces.


If this state can be maintained until the next s6 finals...

Then this year, their competitiveness in the LPL division is definitely far beyond the past!

"It is necessary to play the aggressiveness of wolves in the Korean lck division."

"We must have the field control ability of the European teams in the late game."

"It is necessary to learn the rhythm operation of interspersed with various positions in the mid-term of the North American team."

"The early stage of the Hetai service team is bold and strong!"

After several training confrontations, during a short half-time break, the team members of the three clubs sat in a circle in the audience, and in the middle were the coaches and team leaders of several clubs standing in front of a tactical board and slapping the whiteboard vigorously to the players. After giving instructions and lectures, the head coach of the god team made a concluding summary, looked straight at all the team members present, and said in a deep voice:

"at last--"

"Keep the style that belongs to us in the LPL division.


"Dare to fight!"

"You must dare to fight!"

"Don't forget what you can show on the training ground and forget it all because of tension or pressure in the finals. Forgetting means losing our most important and precious qualities."

The chief leader of the kg team next to him came out, looked around and said slowly:

"You probably haven't forgotten what Your Excellency No. 1 said before."

"We had nothing left to lose."

"So, don't be afraid."

"This year...it doesn't matter whether we win or lose, or the result, but at least... we must smash all our things!"

"Let all opponents in all competition regions around the world know that our lpl—is different!"

Everyone was silent.

Immediately, there was almost a tacit agreement, and the audience suddenly agreed.

The training and preparation atmosphere of this night seemed to be ignited even hotter at this moment!


The ten members of the two opposing teams in the new group have already entered the field, while Lin Feng, Dawn Morning Star, Tian Tian, ​​and Huang Xue Yege, who were replaced for a rest, are sitting in the front row of the spectator seats, and they are also not idle. Take the time to communicate:

"For the few routines we talked about yesterday, it is estimated that there is only one that has just been used. The other ones are indeed not mature enough to operate."

"Well, but time is running out, too late to perfect."

"Then remove it, you can't chew as much as you want, and it's enough to keep a few of the most stable ones."

Under normal circumstances, trying and experimenting with a tactical system or even a simple routine requires a whole team, including the coaching staff, to spend a whole week to hone, polish, discuss and research.

But right now, because of Lin Feng, Dawn Morning Star, and Tian Tian, ​​the top players in the domestic and even world professional e-sports circles, and the dedication and hard work of the original, this kind of work efficiency has almost been raised to a level that makes professionals in the circle. To the point of shock.

The team leaders and coaches of several clubs are also very relieved of these few, and simply hand over these tasks directly to a few people, while they themselves focus more on keeping an eye on the training status of other players.

Such an arrangement is reasonable.

Because after arriving at the level of Dawn Morning Star and Tian Tian, ​​it is rare to rely on the help of the coaching team to maintain personal status or seek improvement and breakthroughs. On the contrary, it is more helpful for people at the same level to communicate with each other.

"I can't help you with anything."

Lin Feng shook his head, and said to Dawn Morning Star in front of him:

"You are only half a step away from that threshold. At this time, training alone is meaningless. In terms of actual combat, even if I continue to play against you, I have already reached the upper limit."

As he spoke, he paused and concluded:

"There must be other new opponents."


This is not to say that someone loses their meaning and value as a training partner. Among all the three teams in the Longteng e-sports stadium tonight, only Lin Feng can give Dawn Morning Star a certain degree of pressure and breakthrough opportunities in the confrontation.

But having said that, I have always only competed against the same opponents. After all, there is a limit to improvement.

Even if you are used to only playing against the same opponents, you will develop a bad inertia and fix your own style of play and rhythm of consciousness, which may be adversely affected when you encounter other new opponents.

Lixiao Chenxing nodded: "Then I will fight against Lao Shi later."

Although he was anxious and still failed to break through the threshold of the realm, Lixiao Chenxing actually knew that he could not be impatient now.

At this moment, he could only wait patiently for an opportunity.

Huangxue Yege looked at Lin Feng and couldn't help showing a bit of envy on his face: "You are really good... you can easily break through and break through."


Normally speaking, it should be the situation like the morning star at dawn. When encountering a bottleneck threshold, the last step or half step is always the most difficult to break through. It requires not only hard work, but also timing and luck. I can only endure the anxiety and wait , but someone is different. In the past maybe just a few months, someone's strength and state have almost recovered and improved rapidly without any hindrance.

Shi Hang, who had just played against the Zhejiang University team in the first National College League, only played back and forth at 50-50.

In the back, he had already quietly broken through to the stable Seven Kings Realm.

after that.

Keep improving.

The middle of the seven kings, the top of the seven kings, and the half-step four emperors.

Some mysterious false names and the grading of individual strength titles may sound elusive, but the continuous breakthrough and enhancement of someone's strength realm is something that everyone can intuitively and deeply feel.

The powerhouses at the level of Dawn Morning Star, Tian Tian, ​​and Huang Xue Ye Ge feel especially true——

The current certain person has stepped into the Realm of the Four Emperors.

There seems to be no bottleneck at all.

It is as simple and easy as eating and drinking water to cross the threshold.

He calmly accomplished something that no one in the world's professional e-sports circle has ever done.

Naturally, it makes people jealous and envious.

Lin Feng laughed for a while: "I can't envy this kind of thing."

Of course not envious.

Because looking at the world of e-sports circles, he is the only one who is the only special case. It is not that he has never encountered bottlenecks, but it is precisely because he has gone through all the thorny roads back then, and when he returns...it is naturally a smooth road.

In fact, up to now, he can already say that he has regained almost all the state and feel of his peak period, which is not much less than the current four kings in the e-sports circle.


not enough.

Someone's eyes flickered slightly:

Like the morning star at dawn, he has his threshold to try to cross.

And he himself...

After returning to the Realm of the Four Emperors, there is also a more difficult path for him to follow, which is a path full of thorns and trials that even he has never traveled far back then.

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