
Chapter 1285 Revenge for you

1V2, facing the purple side's ADC Jinx and the auxiliary robot in the bottom lane, Thresh Tower's next wave of Tianxiu completed the ultimate counter-kill.

Such news is simply overjoyed to the girl sitting next to the young man watching the battle, screaming and cheering constantly, and it is definitely an unexpected result for the ADC assisting the two players in the bottom lane of the purple army. .

So for a while, both the robot and the Jinx player couldn't help being stunned.

Opposite Thresh...

Why did it suddenly become so sharp?

After such a long time in the line, they thought they had already figured out the strength of the opponent's support Thresh and the ADC policewoman. The support is better than the ADC, but on their side, the two also played together. Under the hand-to-hand battle, Hei was still crushed and passive.

But this wave——

A wave of towers that should have been killed.

It was counter-killed! ?

As an ADC, the Jinx player is still not reconciled at this time, and wants to forcefully continue to climb the tower in front of the corpse of his auxiliary companion to harvest the bloody auxiliary Thresh on the opposite side.

The robot player who can be used as an assistant has already captured the situation not far behind the opponent's tower from the black and white screen of the first perspective, and urgently issued a warning signal to retreat:


"The opposing jungler is coming!!"

The Jinx player was reminded, and subconsciously looked towards the back of the opponent's tower. Sure enough, he saw the jungle blind monk on the opposite blue side rushing out from the second tower and was about to reach the back of the first tower.

Can't kill it.

It was also enough to make a decisive decision. The ADC Jinx player on the purple side did not hesitate to give up the plan to kill them decisively, turned around and retreated immediately.

the same instant—

The young man in front of the computer screen in the box controlled his assistant Thresh to quickly chase and follow up.

Backhanded a W skill "Soul Lamp" and threw it behind him.

The Q skill key on the keyboard is almost synchronously struck and pressed like lightning!


A clear sound!

The icy sickle and chain in the hands of the warden of soul lock whizzed and swung again. A cooled down "Death Sentence" was thrown forward suddenly, and the ballistic trajectory counted the opponent's ADC Jinx's retreat route. Swipe towards the target like lightning!


The reaction speed of Jinx players is also extremely fast!

Second hand [Flash]!

The runaway loli's figure instantly shifted in a golden light and continued to flee to the distance, successfully dodging Thresh's Q skill's death hook rope!


The girl sitting next to the young man couldn't help crying out in regret, quite annoyed.

The reaction on the other side was still too fast.

If this hook is dodged, then even if the blind monk lights a lantern to keep up, Jinx will not be able to catch up.

But it's already a lot of money to kill a robot... The girl comforts herself like this.


It's still this moment.

The young man in front of the computer screen raised his eyebrows slightly, with a playful smile on his face.

I know you're going to flash.

But so what about flashing, those who can't run still can't run.

In the blink of an eye, Thresh's Q skill "Death Judgment" and the sickle chain, which seemed to be doomed to fail, hit a purple melee soldier at the end of the range.

The chain suddenly tightened.

The girl's gaze was subconsciously attracted——

This little soldier was originally in front of Jinx just now, but after Jinx surrendered his dodge, he became the second target of Thresh's hook, like a shield.

It's just that hooking small soldiers is useless.

Dragging is two short distances, you Thresh can follow up with another two distances, and Jinx has already run away——

Such a thought just flashed through the girl's mind.

But on the keyboard, there is already another crisp and pleasant sound of keystrokes!


Almost at the moment when the Q skill hit the soldier.

As if there was no pause, the Q key on the keyboard was tapped and pressed again by the young man without hesitation!

Q followed by second Q!

As if in one go, they shot synchronously without prioritization!

The moment the sickle chain tightened.

It didn't even wait for the little purple soldier to be dragged forward to take even a step forward.

The figure of the soul lock warden has already flown forward along the cold metal chain!


"It's still like this!?"

The girl sitting on the side was so surprised that she jumped up from her seat!

As a result, a knee bumped into the foot of her chair without noticing, causing her to burst into tears in pain, but even so, the girl still opened her eyes in disbelief and looked at the scene on the computer screen in front of the young man beside her:

"This...how did you do it!?"

It can be done.

The young man in front of the computer screen did not gossip to explain, and his expression was relaxed and calm.

This is……

Thresh's light speed two-stage Q.

Before he was idle and inadvertently saw it in a video on the Internet, that is, as long as Thresh hits the target in the first part of the Q skill, he can follow the second part in seconds, before he makes a dragging action on the target. Then he rushed forward and flew up.

Most of the time, this technique is actually useless, and the operation is very difficult to implement. The ping value of the network and the ability to grasp the timing of the operator's skills are very demanding.

The network delay of Lecheng Internet Cafe is within the qualified line, but it is not completely ideal.


The young man achieved this step purely by relying on his keen perception and control over the timing of skill casting.


It can also come in handy in this wave of hunting operations.

The Q minions rush in two stages, and the minions don't move, which maximizes the length of Thresh's Q skill sickle chain, and correspondingly enables the soul lock warden who advances in two stages of Q displacement to make the maximum displacement distance.

Just happened to dash forward and catch up not far behind the purple ADC Jinx who handed over [Flash].


The jungler blind monk teammate behind him lit a lantern and was pulled over a thousand yards to his support Thresh.

Touch the eye W skills to help and protect you.

Jinx successfully cut behind the target with another displacement.


There is no suspense.

The E skill slaps the floor to slow down, then the Q skill "Tianyinbo", connects to A, and then A, the ultimate move "Raptors Wagging Tail" directly kicks out, and finally catches up with the second stage Q "Echo Strike" and rushes forward again.

A smooth combo combo, directly beheaded and took away the crispy Jinx who had no skills.


The kill announcement by the female voice of the system sounded again.

After a successful wave of support, the jungler blind monk player who also received a personal head walked away leisurely. Before leaving, he did not forget to type in the chat bar in the team to praise his support Thresh:

"Thresh 6666!"

It is indeed 6.

It was originally a 1V2 in the bottom lane, and he forcibly counter-killed one player to the limit, and then dragged his jungler teammates to come to cooperate and get an assist, double-killing the opponent's bottom lane duo.

A situation that seemed to be about to collapse...

It's such an abrupt turn of events.


It seems that it has been reinvigorated and revived in a wave!

The girl sitting next to her had a dull expression on her face, and she even forgot the pain from the injury on her leg just now. She looked at the game screen on the screen and saw the cold corpses of the two ADC support heroes on the purple side lying on the ground. I am dreaming.


He actually won! ?

And it wasn't until this time that the young man let go of the mouse and moved his arms and shoulders, turned his head to look at the girl beside him, and the corners of his mouth curled up:


"Avenged you."

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The update is here, the third update is around eleven o'clock, go away and continue to code.

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