
Chapter 1287 Of course not changing the line

"Double Kill!—"

When the system's female voice announced the kill, it sounded.

Not far in front of them are the corpses of Zi Fang's bot laner ADC Jinx and the auxiliary robot lying on the ground in two rounds and gradually getting cold.

The girl in front of the computer screen looked at the two head-to-head records that the policewoman had obtained, and still felt that she was in a trance, unreal and unreal.

Double... double kill?

The speed of my brain was a little slow, and I still haven't realized what happened just now.

Everything seemed to be done in a daze.

think carefully...

It seems that the young network administrator next to him just ordered "Go up".

Then a wave of 2V2 battles in the next lane suddenly started.

Thresh's Q skill "Death Judgment" went first with the hook, directly passed through the narrow gap between the two purple minions and hit the opposite ADC Jinx, followed by the second Q.

open big.

Then the E skill "Pendulum of Doom" swept Jinx on the energy light wall of the big move, smashed it, slowed down and controlled it.

Then her own policewoman could not help but subconsciously followed.

As for all the details that happened in the blink of an eye, the girl who was still confused and confused at this time can't remember at all, but it seems that her support Thresh played Q three times in a short team battle. Accurately hit the target hero every time, complete the control again and again, and even perfectly give her the connection effect of the metal clip of the policewoman——

In fact her policewoman doesn't seem to be doing much at all.

He just hurriedly placed a few clips in a hurry, and then let his own Thresh cooperate perfectly, forcing the opponent to forcefully move and step on it.

All that's left is for her to keep leveling the A output.

at last……

It's really all over.

Jinx fell first.

The robot that followed the assistant was also hunted down to death.

Her policewoman double-killed.

Even the passers-by players and teammates on the other sides of the blue side couldn't help being a little surprised. A series of praises of "66666" and "it's okay to go down the road" were sent in the team chat bar.

Only the girl herself was still in a daze, and the young man on the side had already turned his head to look at the corner of her mouth and praised slightly: "It was a good fight."

Not bad, she doesn't even know what happened just now, okay?

In a daze, two people got their heads!

What's going on?

Wasn't they still at a disadvantage in the bottom lane? Why did they win a wave of perfect double kills in a positive wave of 2V2? My wife is so unscientific! !

However, for the girls, the double kill just now was like a dream.


This dream is far from over.


It's just the beginning.


For the passers-by players of the purple army, it seemed to be the beginning of a nightmare.

After two consecutive defeats in the bot lane, especially after the ADC female policewoman in the second wave actually got a double kill, the purple army finally began to feel that something was wrong. They clearly had a good advantage in the bot lane in the early stage, and there was no one on the opposite side to help. Under such circumstances, why did the situation suddenly reverse?

It's not good news for the policewoman to grow up.

Immediately, the heroes in several other positions on the purple side's side, including the jungler, began to pay attention to the bottom lane, and consciously prepared to target this side.

"Wait for me down the road."

"Steady a little bit, I'm done teleporting and come over to make a wave."

In the team chat bar, several players from the purple side kept communicating quickly.

Various arrangements and plans were naturally made one by one.


Time waits for no one.

Even before the single-knife girl's summoner skill [Teleportation] cools down on the purple side's army, the jungler's prince is also finishing his own toad monsters and preparing to go down the road.

All I could hear was another two female system kill announcements coming from the next lane:

"An-ally-has-been- (A friendly hero was killed)."


Almost everyone on the purple side was stunned.

down the road...

Double kill again!

It took less than a minute or two for Jinx and the robot to be resurrected and return to the line, and they were both killed again and sent back to the base spring!

In the box of Lecheng Internet Cafe, the young man in front of the computer screen raised his eyebrows slightly, and explained to the girl beside him:

"You just couldn't get the head of the robot."

"I'll let him go if I don't make up for an even A."

Thresh took the head of the last auxiliary robot just now. In the young man's original intention, he should continue to let his own ADC policewoman take another wave of double kills.

But even so... the girl next to her was already shaking her head desperately, turning her head into a rattle:

"it's okay no problem!"

"That's it, it's great!!"

It's really good.

From the girl's pretty face flushed with excitement at the moment, one can see her mood at the moment.

Another wave of bot lane double kills!

Of course, her female policeman scored the first assist, but even this was a good thing that she could not have imagined and expected a few minutes ago.

In just a few minutes...

Her policewoman has directly turned into a positive record, winning three consecutive kills, completely tying the opponent ADC Jinx in terms of economic level and equipment, and even surpassing it!


Suddenly it becomes an advantage!

And all the credit for this must be attributed to the network administrator next to her——

Yes, right now, the girl has completely worshiped the young man next to her to the point of throwing herself into the ground, and she still doubted whether he was cheating or not. My friend forced me to go out for an unknown number of streets!

All kinds of magic hooks!

All kinds of unreasonable forced violence first forcibly opened!

Almost every step of the operation completely restricted and controlled the opponent to death, leaving no room for the opponent to counterattack or escape at all!

Girls can't help wanting star eyes:


This is simply the level of a professional assistant! ?

Glancing at his economy column, guessing that the next wave of returning to the city can directly update the equipment and stack up the CD reduction attributes, the corner of the young man's mouth involuntarily raised slightly——

Long time no play League of Legends.

This auxiliary Thresh... is more to his liking than the steam robot back then.


Summoner Canyon went down the road, and soon another system female voice announced.

The blue team's bottom lane policewoman cooperated with Thresh's duo to flatten the opponent's purple team's bottom lane outer tower and demolish it into ruins.

"I'm back."

The young man casually gave instructions to the girl beside him, and then asked:

"Is the endless electric knife coming out?"

The girl quickly nodded her head: "Come out, come out."

Then he humbly asked for advice: "The bottom lane is over, shall we change lanes and go to the mid lane?"

change line?

The youth raised his eyebrows:

"What are you switching lines for?"

Immediately before the girl was stunned to react, the young man's next sentence came leisurely: "Continue to push down the road."

After he paused, he seemed to inadvertently give an extra sentence:


"Pay attention to my rhythm."

***************************************************** ***********************

The update is here, the next chapter will be later, probably after eleven o'clock, and I will go out to do errands.

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