
Chapter 1292 My ADC is gone

Mu Qiu, the network administrator who left the box and returned to the lobby of the Internet cafe, started his busy work again.

In front of me, because I helped take over Thresh and played with the assistant, the support was delayed for such a short period of more than ten minutes. The hall has already become a mess, full of loud and impatient customers, and the service bell at the front desk has not been known how many times it rang.

Quickly send two bottles of soda here.

Then I helped to adjust the mouse.

Back at the front desk, I was helping to renew the online time for the two machines. One of the old customers of the Internet cafe was waiting to pay the money, and he looked at Mu Qiu with resentment on his face: "Hey Ah Qiu... I just had a big dragon team battle. Five kills at one o'clock, but the computer was suddenly locked, and a wave of being wiped out by the opponent's dough, how can you compensate me—”

Pentakill was missing.

The winning situation was overturned by the team.

It was indeed a miserable experience.

Mu Qiu responded quickly: "I'll add a can of Coke to you later, and it will be credited to the Internet cafe!"

"Great!" The old customer immediately smiled, and then looked at Mu Qiu: "But you keep accounts like this... Later, your old uncle who is the owner of the Internet cafe will check it, can you explain it?"

The corner of Mu Qiu's mouth twitched: "Don't worry, that old guy won't come once in three to five days, and he can't check so carefully."

Speaking up.

Originally, the owner of Lecheng Internet Café was indeed his own uncle, so he was not just an ordinary small network administrator who applied for a temporary job. When the regular customers were chatting and bragging, everyone was joking, and he admitted it as a matter of course.

"But to be fair, although your Lecheng Internet Cafe is a bit small, the business is really good."

The old customers looked around and commented aloud:

"In the future, your old uncle is getting old, this Internet cafe will let you take over, and you can make money while lying comfortably—"

Mu Qiu laughed: "I'll be hiring two beautiful network management girls to work for me, I'm so happy."

The old customer showed a sneaky expression on his brows and eyes: "Yes, yes, yes, if there is something to do, the girl will do it... If there is nothing to do..."

The two looked at each other tacitly.

At the same time, he let out a sinister smile that only a man would understand.

Chatted for a few words, helped recharge the Internet fee, and watched the old customer Shi Shiran go away, but the original smile on Mu Qiu's face gradually faded, and the eyes in his eyes became a little deep and quiet.

Shaking his head and sitting down at the front desk, he stared at the computer screen at the cashier at work for a while. Originally, he wanted to take a moment of leisure to sort out the accounts again, but then he found that his mind was a little scattered at the moment, and he couldn't concentrate at all. Energy to do things.

Looking up at the work interface on the computer screen again, Mu Qiu pushed the keyboard forward, stood up again, took Bao Liqun cigarettes and a lighter from the desktop, and walked towards the gate of the Internet cafe.


Push open the curtain.

Standing outside the Internet cafe under the eye-catching plaque with four neon characters flashing "Lecheng Internet Cafe", Mu Qiu lowered his head and lit a cigarette by himself.

The cigarette case was put back in his pocket.

Taking a deep breath of the cigarette, the gloomy aroma of shredded tobacco quickly enters the lungs amidst the slight rustle of burning, and slowly exhales a white misty smoke ring again, Mu Qiu slightly closed his eyes with some satisfaction.

Leaning against the corner of the wall, looking up at the dark night sky and the faint moon hidden behind the clouds, the young man who is now the "Shaodongjia" of the Internet cafe in Lecheng is quiet and silent.

Behind him, even through the curtain, he could still hear the noise and excitement coming from the lobby of the Internet cafe.

Business was really good tonight.

Also reasonable.

On the one hand, because the Internet cafe is located around the university, there has always been a large flow of student customers who come to surf the Internet or even stay overnight.

On the other hand...

After all, it's almost the finals.

The young man took another puff of his cigarette, watching the slowly exhaled smoke spiraling up in front of his eyes and dissipating in the air with the cool night wind blowing past, his eyes were wandering.

S series world finals.

Really... a word that is extremely familiar to people but gradually becomes unfamiliar with time.


It really has nothing to do with him now.

Thinking of the chat with the old customers of the Internet cafe at the front desk of the lobby just now, including his so-called "young boss" title, the corner of Mu Qiu's mouth curled up with a hint of sarcasm.

With a sense of self-deprecation.

Young Master...

In the future, if this Lecheng Internet cafe is really inherited, and Anan can be a small owner of the Internet cafe, he will indeed be able to lie down comfortably and make money.

And who would have known that back then, he also stood on the top arena that symbolized the highest standard of League of Legends e-sports.

But it's all meaningless.

Just like what he said to the guest girl in the box earlier.

Now he has no interest in professional sparring.


But is it really so?

At night in the magic city, the breeze is cool.

Unknowingly, the cigarette in his hand was about to burn out, but Mu Qiu was still silently looking at the street lamp casting a dim yellow light on the street corner not far away, as if he didn't realize it.

As if uncontrollably, he was still thinking about the half-court support Thresh that he had just replaced in the box.


It really seems to be imprinted in the depths of the soul, engraved in the bones and flowing in the blood.

I have not been involved in e-sports for many years.

It still doesn't prevent him from being able to quickly get familiar with the control and play such a grass-cutting killing rhythm when he gets started with the "new" auxiliary hero that should be extremely unfamiliar like the Soul Lock Warden.

Similarly, even though he had warned himself countless times early on that professional e-sports was no longer the goal he was obsessed with and pursued, but in that qualifying game just now...every step of the operation, Every kill can still bring him an indescribably smooth to trembling pleasure.

This is an uncontrollable joy that comes from the bottom of my heart.

It is something that cannot be concealed and disguised.

You can fool anyone, but you can never fool yourself.

The corner of Mu Qiu's mouth twitched, but this time the curved line seemed a bit bitter.

But what's the use?

Everything, probably as early as the moment the S1 season finals ended, was all settled and could not be changed.

Return to the game?

In fact, as early as one or two years after their team disintegrated and disbanded, with the gradual rise of the domestic e-sports industry, other professional teams and managers came to him through various channels to throw him He offered him an olive branch, and made the warmest invitation to him with the conditions of remuneration that were definitely considered extremely generous at the time.

I hope he can overcome the negative emotions of losing in the finals and cheer up again.

Join a new team and keep fighting.

"It's just a loss, and it's not even a loss. Under such a harsh environment, you still won the runner-up trophy for our national server, which is already a record!"

"In the new season, if you work harder, you will definitely have a chance to win the championship!"

These were the words of earnest persuasion and encouragement by various team clubs that came to him at that time.

Mu Qiu's face showed a more intense mocking look.

Overcoming... Negative Emotions?

Get back on your feet?

He is not the cowardly guy who dare not face the reality after losing the finals. For him, it is a pity to miss the championship, but it will definitely not be a reason for him to retire completely disheartened.

But he still directly rejected all invitations and all high-priced signing contracts without hesitation at that time.

And the reason.

There is always only one—

He played support.

What a support will always need most is an ADC partner who can absolutely trust and fight side by side.

And the partner he recognizes will always be the only one.

So this is also his answer to those enthusiastic and well-meaning team clubs at that time:

"Sorry, my ADC is gone."

"except him--"

"There will be no more partners I am willing to assist."

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The update is here, the third update is around ten o'clock, go away and continue to code.

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