
Chapter 1294 The Young Owner of the Convenience Store

For people who have never really experienced the era of S1, it is difficult to really have too many clear and specific concepts about that distant season.

Many people even think that it is an old antique. Back then, there were no rankings, and there was no distinction between platinum and diamond masters. There were not many heroes, not to mention that the various routines and tactical systems were far from what they are today. comparable to the era.

As for the oldest batch of professional players back then...

Have you become an uncle too?

I've already passed away, those who should retire should have retired long ago, even if it's true now, do you still think that you can dominate in that kind of old-fashioned season like in the past? Nowadays, any passer-by king probably has a professional player at that time level.

Such a view cannot be said to be completely wrong.

Indeed, it is difficult to compare the current and current years in terms of various conditions. The competitive status and level of many professional players in the S1 season was limited to that era, and it is definitely not up to the standard level today.

But also...

Even back then, there were still some people standing at the top of the pyramid.

Back then, they were able to stand at the top of the pyramid, and the strength and effort they needed would not be inferior to the top professional players of this era.

Maybe even more than that.

Count it.

Those who stood at the top of the pyramid back then are all those who are still active in the world's e-sports arena.

F-Han Shihao, the head of the Four Emperors.

The No. 1 French king in Europe, "Phoenix" Phoenix, ranked third among the Four Emperors.

The LPL division has even now recognized the world's number one top laner "Yuan Gun Gun" Tian Tian.

Even people who were ranked in the second echelon back then, like "Adixi" Shi Hang, who was almost bullied and beaten in the S1 season, are already the top players in the national server. Mid laner.

There is also someone who is currently helping the three training camps in the Longteng e-sports hall, even if he quietly returns after retiring for many years, he has easily recovered his strength and state, and once again passed the threshold of the four emperors calmly.


these people.

They all have the same label belonging to the most distant S1 season.

If you list all the players who bear the same label and are still active in the professional arena today, you will be shocked to find a rather terrifying ratio.

At the same time, it silently announces a message to people——

The old people who were able to reach the top in the S1 season...


Never be underestimated!

So in fact, Mu Qiu really has the capital to be proud of. In the S1 season, which was also full of strong players, there was no other choice for the number one strongest in the support position.

Also because of this, the reasons why he rejected the invitations of other teams and clubs are also extremely abundant and beyond doubt.

Except for his former partner.

Other ADCs.

Not worthy of his support.

Because he himself is the strongest support, and from the past to the present, the strongest ADC has always been only his partner.

Just tonight, at the training base of the SSK team club in Seoul, South Korea, M, the legendary existence of Korea and Lee Do-jae in the previous generation, brought up the topic of the ADC of the Chinese team with Han Shihao on the terrace.

What was quoted was the evaluation of an old friend of his from North America who belonged to the previous generation.

It is an unprecedented compliment.

And being able to be praised by the legend of the previous generation in North America is simply an honor that almost any professional ADC player in the new generation will be jealous of.


It is also like what M said to Han Shihao at the end:

You left, no matter how much glory you have had, it will no longer exist with you.

The Chinese ADC who amazed the world back then has left now, and has long been forgotten by people in the scouring of time.

And more importantly -

It's not like someone can rediscover his form and play again after being retired for many years.

That ADC who was praised by the legends of the previous generation, that partner of someone in the past, Mu Qiu's partner...

Perhaps, it is really only possible to leave.

That is, there is no return.


Fujian Province, a small town next to Xiamen City.

How popular is e-sports in China today? If you want to understand this question, you should go to ordinary small counties and villages in addition to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, which have a complete e-sports industry chain and a strong atmosphere. take a look.

Then, it will be easy to find that even in these rural counties, the popularity of e-sports and League of Legends has long been completely unstoppable.

The fluorescent signs of tea menus hung in milk tea shops at intersections on the street have names of innovative drinks such as "red buff", "blue buff" and even "five kills".

At the entrance of the stationery store on the roadside, there are red and eye-catching words-"recharge Q coins on behalf of you", "buy new skins of League of Legends on your behalf".

All kinds of small Internet cafes are scrambling to post the super-large League of Legends game posters in the most conspicuous positions, advertising "Super gods give coke", "five kills get bonuses".

Even the high school and even junior high school students on their way home from school were excitedly discussing League of Legends game-related topics while walking together.

The upcoming S6 World Finals is even more hotly discussed.

"Hey, this weekend is about to start!"

"Yeah, yeah, I can't wait any longer. Fortunately, I don't have any homework on weekends. My brother is a sophomore in high school this year. He has to make up lessons at school for two days on weekends, and he has to study by himself at night. I probably won't see him." It's live hahaha—"

"Wow, I'm really looking forward to it! My idol Star King is in great form this year, and God is expected to enter the finals!"

A group of junior high school students walked into a convenience store on the side of the street, having a heated discussion on game topics related to their interests. One of the boys picked a few packs of Lay’s potato chips from the shelf and called his companions to get a few bottles from the freezer. Coke, and then put everything on the counter:

"Boss, count the money!"

"Okay——" The boss sitting at the counter was a simple and honest young man. After responding, he picked up the things on the counter twice and calculated the accounts skillfully. A customer of junior high school age; "Chenghui, 12 yuan."

A few junior high school students were about to pay their own way, but the little boy who was leading the counter waved his hand grandly:

"No, please!"

Several other boys looked at the little friend who suddenly became arrogant: "Wow, Zhang Xin, you are so rich, so grand?"

The little boy named Zhang Xin smiled, with a smug expression on his face:

"Yesterday I went to the Internet cafe to play two rounds of ranking, and got a pentakill. I earned 15 from the boss~"


The other friends suddenly heard a commotion and exclaimed.

Compared with earning 15 yuan from an Internet cafe, it is clear that hearing their companions get a pentakill makes them feel more excited:

"Penta Kill!?"

"Really, did you kill five?"

"666! What kind of hero got pentakill, you played the ADC position, remember?"

A group of young boys chattered excitedly and surrounded Zhang Xin, while the latter had a proud face: "Of course it is true, I just felt very smooth in the ranking yesterday, and a team battle of mice started a big mess, and I directly wiped out the opponent with five kills and a group. of!"

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The update is here, the next chapter is around ten o'clock, go away and continue to code.

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