
Chapter 1349 Happy

For the top legends of the previous generation, when they bid farewell to the professional arena due to age or various other reasons, they often only care about the same thing——

That is to find a descendant who belongs to oneself.

A heir who can pass his legacy on to his successor.

This point can be most intuitively and truly reflected from Bullet's reaction performance tonight.

Although no matter what caused him to have great hostility and repulsion towards No. 1, when he heard No. 1 say that it could help him find a more suitable inheritor, he could even choose to let go of No. 1. No. 1 rejects hostility, and is willing to come out to see him, and finally promises that if everything is true, even if he owes No. 1 a big favor.

This shows the importance of an ideal successor to him.

In the past, it was almost the only existence of the same level that could stand side by side with Bullet. Of course, No. 5 would be happy to find a suitable and ideal successor for his old friend and opponent, but in comparison, thinking of his own inheritance is still the same. Without the whereabouts of suitable candidates, the mood will naturally be a little sad.

Actually not ever.

Because in someone's team back then, Zhou Mo, the adc position, was actually No. 5's most favored and valued successor candidate.

It is completely different from Tang Bingyao.

Not only in terms of style of play, Zhou Mo back then almost perfectly matched No. 5's calm and calm way of winning, but also in terms of personal strength and talent, Amo back then had already reached a very high level. realm.

It can even be said that at the beginning, it only took another year or two years at most, and there was No. 5 to teach without reservation, then the current world professional e-sports circle would not even have a seven-king-level adc player.


Far more than the Seven Kings.

Because the id "Silent Words" back then has already far exceeded the realm of the Seven Kings.

Therefore, it should be said that given someone who was an adc partner and teammate in the past one or two more years, there should be at least one more player in the current e-sports circle who is comparable to the world's support god Autumn in the support field. God-level ADC player——

That is to say, an ADC that is stable above the threshold of the Four Emperors.

What kind of scene should that be...


Reality does not allow for so many fantasies.

After the team from that year separated and dispersed, Zhou Mo and Mu Qiu returned to their hometown early and lost contact with the entire e-sports circle and everyone they used to be familiar with. Naturally, for No. 5, they lost the most important disciple.

This has to be said to be a huge regret that cannot be easily resolved.

And the more important and heavier point is that——

This regret is now almost doomed to be impossible to make up for, because not long ago, No. 1 found out about the whereabouts and situation of the two adc partners in the bot lane of a certain team through relationship channels not long ago, and learned about the situation. Zhou Mo's almost completely unacceptable bad news.

That is……

Manpower is doomed to an irreparable tragic tragedy.

It almost announced that a star that should have been the most shining star in the world's professional e-sports field has fallen.

Number five shook his head lightly, his eye circles were slightly red:

"I'm not sorry for myself."

"It's just... I feel sorry for Xiao Mo."

No. 1 was silent for a while, and then smiled wryly: "There is really no way around this matter..."


Even he had those heavy moments when he had to admit that there was nothing he could do.

Even when he was on the phone with Fang Hao earlier, it was difficult for him to tell the other party the truth, because he could completely imagine how his old friend would react when he heard the bad news.

In fact, it's useless to tell anyone about it.

No one can change it.

Taking a deep breath, No. 1 spoke again slowly: "So... now I can only hope that the matter of Manchester City can be resolved quickly, even if it is only temporarily - the rest... there are too many There are too many things that Xiaofeng needs to face and solve in person."


At this time, Lin Feng finally left St. Edinson's Hospital.

Earlier, he still wanted to stay in the hospital ward and chat with the childhood sweetheart girl whom he hadn't seen in half a year, as if he could have endless topics and endless energy, just like this whole day The exhaustion of running around did not bring him any sense of fatigue at all.

But he also carefully noticed the faint tiredness on the face of the girl on the hospital bed who couldn't stop laughing and chatting with him.

Naturally so.

After all, he had just had an operation and was still a patient, so how could he have so much energy?

In short, more time is needed to rest and recuperate.

So even though he was a bit reluctant, someone made a decision on the spot to go back to the hotel and give the girl a good rest.


Don't worry.

Anyway, he has already come to Manchester City, and confirmed that the girl is generally healthy, so there will be plenty of time to continue to get along with each other, and even before leaving the ward, the two of them made an appointment to meet again tomorrow morning, and it was An Xin who offered it herself Yes, Lin Feng who heard it at the time was still a little hesitant and felt that the former should take more rest, but the girl couldn't help but make a decision and made up her mind:

"Ok, deal."

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, come over when you wake up, don't sleep in late."

"I'll take you out for a stroll tomorrow!"

Go out...for a stroll?

Someone was a little confused: "Aren't you still in the hospital?"

The girl had a relaxed expression: "It's okay, it's not a serious problem, just take a rest tonight and everything will be fine."

Just a few words and a few words directly forcibly dispel someone's concerns, or it is useless to say that there are concerns. In the way the two get along, someone has always had no right to speak...

Moreover, from the bottom of his heart, someone himself is also looking forward to such an arrangement.

Take a taxi back to the hotel.

Take the elevator all the way upstairs.

Swipe the card to open the door and enter the room.

Then Lin Feng threw himself on the soft and comfortable big bed and rolled over twice, unable to hide his excitement.


It was really a complete relief.

It turned out that the problem was really not as bad as he thought.

The buns are still good!

A little illness was successfully cured by surgery.

Except for the fact that Sister Xue, Sister Xiaowu, and a few seniors were so unscrupulously joking and pranking him, everything else in Manchester this time seemed extremely smooth and perfect.

He and Baozi also completely resolved the previous contradictions.

It was back to the same atmosphere as before.

In the next few days, you can relax and have fun in Manchester City. Maybe you can grab a bun and watch the first round of the S6 finals together?

Oh, by the way, Fatty will be here in two days or so, and the two of them haven't seen Baozi for a long time. They will definitely be overjoyed when they meet again.

One turned over and lay on the bed looking at the ceiling, someone thought happily.

All kinds of plans and arrangements kept popping up in my mind.

The spirit is too good.

Can't sleep at all.

If he could, he would really like to share his excitement and joy with everyone he knows by sending a group message on wechat right now.

Really are……

I feel that the whole person is so light and happy that I can fly!

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