
Chapter 1373 Let’s talk after we win

There have been six or seven so1o games in succession. The Chinese guests at the Internet cafe who were angered by several British youths gathered up the courage to challenge one by one, reporting their positions one by one or naming the ones on the opposite side. Rivals among British youth, but from beginning to end...\u00261t;/p\u003e

But not once did anyone take the initiative to choose this tall, thin, blond young man named Tod among several British youths. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Because the other party is a famous figure among this group of British young people. \u00261t;/p\u003e


He is also the top laner captain among the five members of the opposing team. \u00261t;/p\u003e

In the previous 5v5 duel match alone, the opponent had already shocked the audience with his single-handed sword Ji Shen kills. The last wave of five kills even made the Chinese Internet cafe customers whose average ranking was not higher than that of Silver and Gold fall to the ground. I was shocked and speechless. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Therefore, for them to muster up the courage to challenge SO1O, it may be okay to choose a few other young British people. There may be at least a little chance of winning, but as for this tod...\u00261t;/p\u003e

But really no one thought of challenging it from the beginning. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Because there is really a huge gap in strength. \u00261t;/p\u003e

It's simply impossible to win. \u00261t;/p\u003e

No matter who goes up, he will probably be crushed and beaten instantly. There can be no other lucky ending. i\u00261t;/p\u003e

so. \u00261t;/p\u003e

At this moment,

When someone standing next to the childhood sweetheart girl in the front row of the crowd said such words in a casual and calm tone, almost everyone in the Internet cafe hall was stunned. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Even Tod himself, the British young man who was chosen to challenge the side, was stunned for a moment and wondered if he had an illusion——\u00261t;/p\u003e

This guy opposite...\u00261t;/p\u003e

Want to challenge yourself? \u00261t;/p\u003e


Your own top order? \u00261t;/p\u003e

Before the master could react, Wu Xuan and several other Chinese students next to him suddenly became anxious: \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Hey don't!"\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Brother, please change and calm down."\u00261t;/p\u003e

"It's impossible to choose him. He is the top lane swordswoman from just now."\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Change it! Change it!"\u00261t;/p\u003e

They themselves were players who had faced the tod's top laner Sword Girl before, and they had truly and intuitively experienced the suffocating pressure and terror brought by the opponent's Sword Girl. \u00261t;/p\u003e

No matter how angry they were with those British youths, they had to admit that from the perspective of strength, there was no way they could be their opponents. \u00261t;/p\u003e

And at this time...seeing that someone was so "brave" to stand up, but was about to hit the hardest iron wall, and was destined to be hanged and humiliated even more cruelly, naturally made them anxious and wanted to persuade him. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The British young man's tod finally reacted, but what he felt immediately was an extremely ridiculous and ridiculous thing, which almost made him laugh out loud. He looked down at the person in front of him with a tinge in his eyes. With the same compassion and playfulness as a hunter examining his prey:\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Oh-my...Dear friend, are you sure you know what you are talking about?"\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Are you...wanting to challenge me?"\u00261t;/p\u003e

He really felt infinite pity for the person standing next to that heart-stoppingly beautiful oriental girl. \u00261t;/p\u003e

What kind of mentality did this lead to making such a ridiculously stupid decision? \u00261t;/p\u003e

Challenge him? \u00261t;/p\u003e

He, the strongest top laner captain? \u00261t;/p\u003e

Oh...I see, maybe I feel similar to the boys in the group of Chinese students just now. When they see the girl they like being approached, their desire for exclusivity and self-esteem as a man are violated, so they think about other things when their brain gets hot. Regardless of everything, he blurted out such a stupid sentence that was destined to make him regret it to the extreme. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The more he thought about it, the more obvious the sarcastic arc on the corner of Tod's mouth became, and the way he looked at someone was more like looking at a poor lamb waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board, but in front of the beauty, there was something superficial. Gentleman's etiquette must be done properly, so he put his mind away for a while, tod looked at someone and smiled again: \u00261t;/p\u003e

"If you regret it now, it's still too late."\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Perhaps... you can choose some of my other teammates as target opponents."\u00261t;/p\u003e

"At least, it can make the scene more beautiful."\u00261t;/p\u003e

It sounds like very empathetic and even surprisingly well-intentioned advice. \u00261t;/p\u003e

But the contempt and ridicule revealed in the words were completely revealed without any concealment. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Yes. \u00261t;/p\u003e

It means looking down upon and looking down upon. \u00261t;/p\u003e

It is completely understandable and acceptable to everyone present. After all, one party is a top master who has just achieved the five kills of Sword Goddess, and the other party... is just an ordinary passerby who appears out of nowhere. \u00261t;/p\u003e

No one would think that there would be any other outcome if two people faced off against SO1O. \u00261t;/p\u003e

However, Lin Feng shook his head: \u00261t;/p\u003e

"No need."\u00261t;/p\u003e

"It's just you."\u00261t;/p\u003e

His tone was still relaxed and casual, almost as casually as choosing a cabbage at the vegetable market. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Someone's mentality at the moment is indeed very careless. \u00261t;/p\u003e

He didn't think about anything else, and it wasn't that he was going to slap him in the face or anything like that. He simply felt that if he defeated the other British youths, they would probably be dissatisfied and eventually send their strongest people to the field to regain face. Instead of doing this... it would be easier and easier to simply take down the opponent's leader who is recognized as the strongest. \u00261t;/p\u003e


No matter how strong you are. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Not as strong as me. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Anyway, I win in the end. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Someone felt a little sad at this moment. As expected, time has gone forever. Before he could return to his current level of strength, he was still interested in playing So1o with ordinary passerby players and masters. It's a bit exciting and pleasurable. \u00261t;/p\u003e

It doesn’t work now...\u00261t;/p\u003e


Regardless of whether someone's thoughts are wandering aimlessly at the moment, although Tod can't guess what someone is thinking at the moment, it does not prevent him from vaguely hearing that from the other person's tone. A nonchalant, casual attitude. \u00261t;/p\u003e

This made a cold and cruel look flash in his eyes. \u00261t;/p\u003e

good. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Since the other party is so ignorant of praise. \u00261t;/p\u003e

So this one... He doesn't mind using the most cruel and brutal methods to teach the other party the most painful and unforgettable bloody lesson. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The expression on his face is still smiling with the elegant expression of a gentleman:\u00261t;/p\u003e


"In that case, let's get started."\u00261t;/p\u003e

As he spoke, he did not forget to glance at the girl next to someone, with no concealed greed and desire in his eyes: "Beautiful lady, don't forget the agreement we just made -"\u00261t;/p\u003e

An Xin is also smiling:\u00261t;/p\u003e

"We'll wait until you win."\u00261t;/p\u003e

At this moment, Lin Feng was also preparing to step onto the ring and looked back: \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Hey, what if I win?"\u00261t;/p\u003e

"What's the benefit?"\u00261t;/p\u003e

The girl raised her eyebrows slightly, and instantly changed into a rude attitude: \u00261t;/p\u003e

"You still want benefits from this?"\u00261t;/p\u003e

Someone paused, pondered for a moment, regretted and nodded in approval: "That's right..."\u00261t;/p\u003e

This kind of situation...\u00261t;/p\u003e

It would be really embarrassing if he lost. There is nothing commendable about winning, but this kind of thing is completely useless whether you win or lose... It is really difficult to have any energy and fighting spirit when doing it... …\u00261t;/p\u003e

Someone was walking onto the stage with a long sigh, but a pleasant voice came from behind again: \u00261t;/p\u003e


Someone subconsciously turned around and saw the childhood sweetheart girl's eyes sparkling and she suddenly smiled charmingly at him: \u00261t;/p\u003e

"If you perform well... there may be benefits~"\u00261t;/p\u003e

moment. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Lin Feng was full of energy and fighting spirit: \u00261t;/p\u003e


"Stop talking nonsense and get started!"\u00261t;/p\u003e


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