
Chapter 1383 What to choose?

In fact, the guests in the surrounding Internet cafes did not have many objections to Lin Feng's adjustment of the playing position. Even if they had the slightest doubt, they would quickly resolve it themselves. After all, someone in front of him had already proven his strength with his three consecutive SO1O wins. At most, everyone only had a flash of thought in their minds - your top laner is already so strong, the mid laner needs to be a little more powerful... How strong is that?

On the contrary, everyone felt extremely uneasy about An Xin who unexpectedly asked to participate in the war.


You are a girl.

The strength levels of the five British guys across from them were all at least Diamond 3 and Level 2. Previously, there were so many boys in the lobby of their Internet cafe, and none of them were even half good when they challenged them. Moreover, they were crushed and beaten in all kinds of ways, and they were extremely embarrassed. , you're a girl... It's okay to help and cheer in the audience, but if you really want to go on stage by yourself, don't you have to be bullied even worse?

It was just that some words were difficult to say, so everyone just looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces, watching the girl hesitate to speak.

Seeing the worries of the customers in the Internet cafe, An Xin looked at Lin Feng. The two exchanged looks in a tacit understanding, and then both shook their heads.

The game League of Legends is gender biased...

Sure enough, the situation is similar whether at home or abroad.

However, it would take too much time to explain and defend some words. Originally, An Xin was not a person who liked to show off his rhetoric, so he just smiled and said:

"Don't worry."

"My jungle skills are pretty good, I won't get into trouble."

However, these words are actually extremely humble.

Even teammates such as Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui knew very clearly how powerful the girl was in terms of consciousness, overall outlook, and even personal operation.

Not to mention……

Perhaps not even Lin Feng knew that even in the eyes of No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5, the most legendary beings of the previous generation, the girl's talent and potential... were extremely rare.

So in fact, some endings are almost doomed even before the next 5v5 battle begins.

Just by Lin Feng, he was confident enough to lead the four pits to victory with all his strength.

And now, since they are childhood sweethearts, the two are on the stage together.


In fact, the opponent is basically out of luck.

It's just that the method of death is still uncertain and the length of the collapse is not yet known.

So the players on both sides had already walked onto the ring and took their seats in front of the two rows of computer machines.

Lin Feng adds An Xin to his side, and the other three top lane support and adc positions are still filled by the previous Chinese students.

Just seeing this arrangement made the faces of the British youths opposite suddenly show a look of relief——

Of these five people, three of them were their previous defeated enemies, so there would be no pressure at all. As for the beautiful oriental girl who was temporarily arranged, a girl could not be that strong, so she was the only one who needed them most. Someone who pays attention to vigilance...if there are four more burdensome teammates, the threat they can pose to them will be greatly reduced.

That being the case.

Then this one must be stable.

In contrast, the other Chinese Internet cafe customers in the audience at this moment had the opposite expressions of worry.

None of them are optimistic that their compatriots will win this game. The only thing they hope is that the great guy who has won three consecutive games in SO1O can be more powerful. Let's see if one person can create a miracle...

At this time, Lin Feng was sitting in front of the computer and turned around to discuss something with An Xin, who was sitting in the jungle next to him:

"Ah, do you want this jungler? Yes, that's fine... Then I'll choose someone who can match the boss, how about that?"

"Bar? Is it so stable? It's OK, but the damage in the early stage is a bit off. The damage I did before level six was not enough."

“It makes sense… Then I’ll think about it again.


During the conversation, the blind selection session of a new 5v5 battle has also begun. It was originally an amateur battle played casually in an Internet cafe, so I didn't choose any special competition server. The two sides directly chose blindly, which also avoided all kinds of troublesome professional issues.

The eyes of the Internet cafe guests who were watching the game from the back row on the blue side were mainly focused on someone's mid laner position.

And when Lin Feng moved and controlled the mouse and seemed to select a confirmed mid lane hero, a group of Internet cafe guests watching the game in the back row let out a low exclamation.

This also made several young British people on the purple side opposite have their eyelids twitch slightly.

They still don't know what mid laner the opponent has chosen.


In the previous three SO1O games, someone's sword sisters Sword Princess and Riven were enough to leave a strong psychological shadow on them.

"Be careful later."

tod looked gloomily and ordered to his fellow mid laner beside him:

"That guy... If he dares to switch to the middle, his level will probably not be bad."

The British young man in charge of the mid lane position took a deep breath: "Leave it to me, I won't give that guy too many chances."

Soon, the lineups of both sides were confirmed to be locked.

1o second countdown.

The game entered the reading interface, and at the same time, the lineups of both armies were clearly visible to everyone for the first time.

Purple square, top laner Riwen, mid laner Fox, jungler blind monk, adc policewoman plus auxiliary Japanese woman.

This is the final lineup locked in by several British youths led by tod.

Tod's Riven took it out again. Even though he was crushed by someone so1o just once before, the hero Exile Blade is still one of the former's best signatures.

Of course, what is more worthy of attention... is that the lineup of the Purple Army is simply invincible in the early stage.

"Grass, so fierce——"

Immediately, many Internet cafe customers watching the game subconsciously took a breath.

Really fierce.

Riven, Lee Sin, as well as the policewoman and Japanese girl combination in the bottom lane, are all heroes with extremely strong early laning ability and strong offensive nature. The mid laner Fox is weaker before level 6, and after level 6, he is the most powerful hero. The power of the ap assassin is gradually revealed, and it can also pose a fatal threat to the opponent.

To put it another way, this kind of lineup... As long as everything goes smoothly in the early stage.

That basically means not giving your opponent a way to survive.

Being able to kill the whole game directly and end it before the mid-term in the most violent way.

"This is... revenge..."

Someone in the crowd of spectators murmured subconsciously.

Soon everyone else realized this, and their expressions changed slightly. The British guys on the opposite side made it clear that they wanted to rely on this 5v5 battle to regain all the lost ground, and basically every position was selected. The most powerful and violent laning heroes are more able to take advantage of their early personal laning abilities.

In other words, as long as the purple side plays online in the early stages of this game, it should have an advantage. Even if someone's mid laner in the middle can stabilize the situation, he will never be able to stop the avalanche rhythm of the overall situation by himself.

So for a while everyone couldn't help but became nervous and worried.

But the next moment.

When everyone's eyes subconsciously turned to the blue side's lineup, the moment they saw it clearly, there was another exclamation of exclamation!

Even the young British men named TOD on the purple side of the stage were stunned for the first time when they saw the opponent's lineup.


This is?


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