
Chapter 1392 Thorough calculation

The British young man responsible for the jungle blind monk on the purple side is called mk.

As a senior jungler in the European server Diamond 2, mk is very accustomed to and good at choosing heroes with strong early offensive type such as blind monk and prince. He uses various roaming ganks to capture the opponent's three lanes and help his teammates establish their position. Huge advantages online.

And in this game, he also followed the same jungle idea.

Frequently gank and catch people!

Of course, he could have chosen to invade the opposite jungle area and capture Amumu, the jungler on the blue side. However, considering that the opponent he was facing was an extremely beautiful oriental girl, he softened his heart a little and felt that he You should be a little bit more gentlemanly, otherwise what's the point of always bullying a girl?

Of course, this mentality changed a bit after he went on the road and performed a wave of gank over the tower and retreated to the river, but was killed by Mumu alone.

After all, he was killed by a girl alone, and he was still controlling a wild jungler Mumu who had no threatening ability.

This is a bit embarrassing anyway.

It was only because of the urging of tod and other teammates that mk temporarily put aside his plan to retaliate against Mumu and regain his face. It seemed that he was temporarily letting his opponent go jungle and focus on the rhythm of roaming gank on the three-way route.

Indeed, considerable gains have been made.

At present, their purple side army has such a lead on the field, which is naturally inseparable from the frequent roaming ganks of his jungle blind monk.


When the series of roaming ganks ended, mk finally began to consider that he might also need to farm and develop to make up for his level. Then he walked to his own stone man jungle area, but he was shocked to find that his stone man jungle monster was gone. .

On the opposite side, Mumu is counterattacking.

mk came to this conclusion almost immediately.

But at this time, he didn't care too much, because after all, he had been focusing on wandering and ganking online. The opponent Mumu had been staying in the jungle for such a long time. If he didn't know, come and counter him. Two wild monsters, that's too watery.


The stone man is gone and replaced with other wild monsters.

mk shook his head easily, and controlled his jungler Lee Sin to continue rushing towards his f6 jungle area. In fact, he didn't even need two groups of junglers. After finishing a wave of f6, it was enough for him to reach level seven - well, he was really too focused in the front. Gank and level are a bit behind.

Then the blind man walked to his f6 jungle area.


It was still an empty and desolate place.

It was reversed again.

Mk was stunned again, and a little bit of embarrassment rose in his heart. It was like saying that the entire upper half of the wild area was completely beaten by his opponent Mumu. This Mumu... was really brave.

In desperation, he could only control his jungler Lee Sin to continue walking towards the lower half of the jungle.

Come to the Three Wolf Wild Area.

Still empty with nothing left.

mk's face has started to turn red, because this is not just a problem of one or two wild monsters, almost half of his own jungle resources have been countered by the opponent. This means that as a jungler, he has completely lost his ability to control his own jungle. His control was completely exploited by his opponent.


She is just a girl!

Almost suppressing his anger and impatience, he walked towards the last toad wild area in his home. At this time, all MK could think about was gritting his teeth and thinking about whether he could even cross the last toad wild monster. The "miss" signal sent by his teammates in the middle did not pay much attention.

But that's about it.

The moment when mk controlled his jungler blind monk through his three wolves jungle area and was about to reach his toad jungle area.

The blind monk passed the corner.

The view of the Toad Wild Area was lit up.

What was reflected this time was not the same empty scene as the previous times.

A small figure with his whole body wrapped in bandages and a big eye-catching head came into view.

For a moment.

mk's hair suddenly stood on end!

Mumu! ?

It's called meeting love around the corner.

It should be more or less similar to the situation encountered by mk's jungle blind monk at the moment.

He walked around a corner and ran directly into his opponent's jungler, Mumu. Is it a coincidence?

Did the opponent just counterattack his toad and prepare to leave?

Or did you deliberately plan to wait here?

Various conjectures flashed through my mind, but at this moment, they were no longer important—even the thought of running away.

Because the moment he realized that his opponent was attacking Nomumu, the blind monk was already doomed to die.

Mumu opens w and draws ace.

pick up e.

The "bandage traction" of the q skill is applied to the face instantly.

The dizziness lasted for a moment.

And the next second, which no one expected, with a thunderous roar and flames flying, a ferocious explosive bear suddenly fell from the sky and sat down, knocking the blind monk unconscious and controlling him!

Behind the shadow mist of the partition wall, the petite figure of Annie appeared in the blue square.

Raise your hands.

Another Q skill's "Shattering Fire" is followed by the W skill's "Burning" flames.

With three heads in hand, they developed the best Daughter of Darkness in the game. A well-prepared set of bursts of instant damage is impossible for a mere level 6 blind monk to be able to withstand.

Instant kill and take away!

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)!"

The system female voice suddenly sounded, and the game screen on the computer screen in front of mk suddenly turned into a bleak black and white TV, reflecting his almost dull expression of not believing his own eyes.


What on earth happened! ?


Lin Feng's heartfelt admiration sounded again on the blue team's internal voice channel.

This admiration was naturally given to the girl beside him.

Just after pushing the army line in the middle, someone was directly called over by a signal from the girl, and the jungler Mumu under the control of the girl herself had searched all the jungle resources of the opponent's purple side from top to bottom, and calculated perfectly. After knowing the action route and time position of the opponent's jungler Lee Sin, I and someone's two heroes in the middle and jungle prepared an ambush in the toad jungle area in advance.

All he was waiting for was the blind man taking the initiative to deliver it to his door.


It can be solved as easily as eating and drinking.

This wave of operations actually has nothing to do with how terrible Annie's second-person burst damage is, because any professional jungler who has reached a certain level of strength will see the blue jungler Mumu's performance in the past through the God's perspective ob screen. The course of action and thoughts within a few minutes will make my scalp numb and cold--

This is almost a jungler who has figured out his opponent's thoughts.

It's not just as simple as countering the opponent's jungle area.

From the beginning, Mumu needed to incorporate a large amount of factor information into his calculations, analyze and deduce the location of the opponent's jungler at all times, and then choose to avoid it and enter a "stealth"-like state quietly. Silently but quickly clearing out all the opponent's wild monster resources, even if the opponent is dead, the opponent will follow the time and route of the empty wild areas...

Here in the final Toad Wild Area, you have plenty of time to prepare an ambush.

It is equivalent to saying that the blind man was completely plotted to death.

There were no wild monsters left.

A lot of time wasted.

In the end, you have to take the initiative to kill the person.

Regardless of the performance data, it seems that the blind monk has the advantage and plays more roles, but from a true overall perspective... the blind jungler on the purple side is completely defeated by the opponent's jungler Mumu in the rhythm and I don’t know how many streets have been thrown away in my mind.

This is almost the difference between ordinary passers-by and top professional-level junglers.

That is the gap between the young British jungler named mk and the smiling girl on the blue side.

"So you stole someone's head again——"

An Xin frowned and complained.

Someone was a little embarrassed and said haha: "Oh, aren't we afraid that he will run away... It's okay, it's okay, I'll leave the two in the bottom lane to you!"

The update is here, and it’s done in the third update. The neighbors upstairs have been very noisy recently. . I can't have a good rest and type at all. . Headache.

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