
Chapter 1395 It’s time to fight!

As the jungle blind monk of the purple side, when all his own jungle resources were completely countered by the opponent Mumu, mk's decision to roam and gank was not wrong - because in fact, he did only have There is such a thing that can be done.

But the mistake he made was choosing the wrong target.

No matter who you choose, you should not choose a path.

First of all, purely from a level perspective, the opposing mid laner Fox on the purple side has been nearly one and a half levels of experience suppressed by Annie on the blue side, while mk’s jungler Lee Sin himself has lost more experience due to all the wild monsters in the early stage. After being countered for two whole rounds, her level at this time was even close to 3 levels behind the most developed Daughter of Darkness on the opposite side.

One side is level 7.

One side is level 10.

Just like this, daring to go around alone and prepare to force the way, it is really no different from seeking death.

Of course, if he can let the blind monk hit a set of combos first, and then use the fox's ultimate move to enter the field and receive the E skill charm control, focusing the fire for a full set of damage, he will indeed have a chance to complete this wave of gank. Killed.

But the problem is that with someone's operation and reaction speed, how can it be possible to give the opponent's blind jungler time and opportunity to finish a set of combos first?

Not to mention... almost all the movements of the blind monk Li Qing from the beginning to the end are within the counter girl's insight.

You blind man come to the middle.

However, the jungler Amumu was already one step earlier and was preparing to counter-crouch on the wall of the f6 jungle area.

Just a 1v2 Annie can easily complete the counter-kill, and if Mumu's counter-crouching is also included, then this wave of purple side's middle and jungle cooperation with gank is actually doomed from the beginning.

MK's blind man died not unfairly at all.

But he died stupidly.

For Lin Feng, he didn't mind losing his head for nothing. Of course, even without this wave of rhythm, his mid laner Little Annie's development was already good enough. The important thing was the next wave of fire dragon team battles.

So when he just killed the blind monk, he didn't even use his ultimate move.

Keep it.

Besides, to kill such a blind man, who is almost the lowest level in the game, you don’t need a big move. Just the damage of a few ordinary skills and two light bombs from the defense tower are enough to kill him - oh yes, this blind man was still carrying it just now. Tower...

There are so many flaws that people don’t know where to start.

"The diamonds in the European server are at this level..." Someone shook his head and sighed: "I feel like it wasn't like this before."

What he was talking about was when he was alone in the European server's King Group solo ranking.

At that time, the high-level players he met in the European server were all pretty good, so why were all the players he met now just like this?

An Xin couldn't help but laugh: "It's because your strength has improved and you have become more picky about others."

That's true.

Someone touched his nose. He was still far from the state he was in now. If he were to go to the Champions League of Europe in his current state... it would probably be much easier than before.

Speaking of which, if I could compete against the top professional players in Europe in my current state, or even those from Europe who were the same generation as Senior No. 1, it would be a bit exciting to look forward to it.

When you have the chance, you can open a larger size and go shopping again.

Someone made the decision.

But right now, he still had to focus on the ongoing match. Lin Feng glanced at the time in the upper right corner of the screen:

"Is Xiaolong almost here?"

An Xin nodded: "One minute."

Time passed little by little.

The mood of the Internet cafe guests and spectators watching the game finally became nervous again little by little.

This one...

Up to now, it is almost a balance of power.

But it can only be said that this situation was almost forcibly equalized by relying on the advantages established by the mid laner and jungler on the blue side of the field, because apart from the midfielder,

Riven, the top laner on the purple side on the opposite side of the top lane, and the ADC policewoman on the bottom lane are still far better developed than the Stone Man or ez on the blue side. Especially during this time, the Policewoman's Endless was completed, and the damage has initially taken shape. However, the Tears of the Goddess that the ADC Explorer on the blue side released in the early stage has not yet been fully stacked, and it is far from finished after being synthesized into the Demon Sect Blade. When the magic is cut - it means that ez's combat effectiveness will take at least ten minutes to take shape.

Not to mention the current combat power gap between the two adcs, the top laner Stoneman on the blue side is far less developed than Riven, and the Blade of Exile already has three or four kills... The mid-term happens to be the time when the strongest force is exerted, plus Everyone knows the strength of that tod. As long as Riven seizes the opportunity... he may be able to carry like crazy on his own in mid-term team battles.


The situation is quite stable now.

If it can continue to be so stable, the situation on their blue side will be much clearer after ten minutes, and the power of the lineup will be gradually unleashed.

But the problem is that a fire dragon happened to be killed at this time.

It is simply what the opponent's purple army is most happy to see.

Because if the blue side of the fire dragon wants to grab it, then it must bite the bullet and fight head-on with the purple side's lineup, which is currently entering its strongest period. It is extremely dangerous.

And if this ball of blue doesn't intend to pick up...

The opponent purple side directly defeated the fire dragon easily, and the overall combat power will increase again, which will also bring further huge pressure to the blue side.

Neither option is good.


To answer or not to answer?

The Internet cafe guests and spectators in the audience were too nervous to make a choice, but when they saw the blue team on the field, they seemed to have made a decision. The stone man in the bottom lane had already moved towards the middle, ez and Bron. After Bo returned to the city, he also started walking towards the middle.

This is……

Want to fight!

Seeing the Blue Army make such a choice only made the Internet cafe guests and spectators in the audience even more nervous and worried——

It is true that the fire dragon cannot be released, but the team battle at this time is not easy to fight at all.

Releasing the fire dragon...maybe increased the pressure on our side, but if this wave of team battles fails, almost all hope for this game will be lost immediately, right?

On the purple side of the stage, Riven, who was controlling his top laner, was also slowly approaching the river Xiaolongfjord. He noticed the whereabouts of several heroes from the opponent's blue side on the mini-map, and TOD's face revealed Sneer look:

"Can't bear it anymore?"

Everything was as he expected.

As expected, the opponent was easily unwilling to give up on this fire dragon.

But in this way, he just fell into his trap——

All I want is for you to take over!

This wave is the time when the purple side of their side is the strongest. If the opponent chooses to avoid the edge and delay the time in the later stage, maybe he really has no better way, but since the opponent is so stupid, he naively thinks that this Bo Tuan can fight head-on and even wants to get involved with this fire dragon...

Then don't blame him for being rude.


tod glanced coldly at the heroes on the opposite blue side, his eyes filled with coldness:

Don't underestimate the enemy too much.

Even if the opponent's lineup uses their ultimate move, it's still enough to give them a drink.


You can't really go head-to-head with your opponent in a 5v5 battle. It's best to let your opponent reduce one or two people first.

And in this case, you need to use your brain...to make other arrangements.

After turning his mind, Tod quickly spoke in his team's voice channel:

"This group will follow my arrangements later."

"I'm looking for an opportunity..."

"Go around!"

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