
Chapter 1401 Listen to the Book of Heaven

A wave of team battles resulted in a 1-for-4 victory. Annie got a double kill and continued to lead the game economically, leaving everyone behind him far behind. The Stoneman got a double kill and immediately replenished his level and equipment. return.

In addition, coupled with the steady capture of a fire dragon, the rhythm of the scene has been completely equalized by the blue army.

Of course, if you take into account the lineup characteristics of both sides, it is already the blue side's big advantage.


In fact, there is no need for this wave at all. Just looking at the level equipment development of the two positions of the blue square, midfielder and jungler, it is impossible to lose this game.

So in fact, the blue team in this round does not have any top laner or AD C position.

The real c-positions are Annie and Mumu.

Someone's Daughter of Darkness in the middle is already two and a half levels ahead of the opposing purple mid laner Fox, which is close to level 3 experience. In terms of CS, she almost doubled it with her sword in 14 minutes.

This is to completely defeat the opponent.

Of course, this did not surprise the Internet cafe guests and spectators in the audience, because someone’s strength had already been demonstrated in the previous solo game. At most, everyone was amazed, "This great mid laner is really awesome." It seems to be more powerful than the top laner."

But what really makes people feel creepy and scalp-tingling...

In fact, it still lies in the gap between the two junglers.

Although Mumu failed to get a kill in the previous team battle, if Mumu's Q skill hadn't been used to flash two-stage displacement first move to perfectly start the group and control the four people, it would have been difficult for Annie and even Stoneman to follow up. The combination of moves creates such a stunning and explosive bo.

When the Internet cafe patrons in the audience finally began to pay more attention to the girl's jungler Amumu on the stage, they were immediately shocked and could not believe their eyes.

This mumu...

The level is still one level ahead of Annie! ?

Oh no, it should be a half-level experience bar, but this is already exaggerated and terrifying enough.

How! ?

This is already the highest level in the game, and it actually falls on the jungler Amumu. What's more important is that even Annie is two levels and a half experience ahead of the mid laner. Mumu's skill development is incomparable with the opponent's purple. Compared to Fang's jungler Lee Sin...

A level 14.

Another level 9.

"It's five levels away!?"

The Internet cafe guests and spectators watching the game were all stunned.

Even if it may not be a full five-level gap, it is at least a four-and-a-half-level experience bar. This can no longer be described by the word "disparity", it is simply terrifying.

You must know that the blind monk Li Qing in the jungle opposite him has a good early rhythm.

Various roaming ganks continue to gain results.

Mumu's side...

Except for the wave of linkage with Annie in the lower half of the jungle and the wave of dragon team battles just now, most of the time, the sense of presence seems to be worse than that of a blind man, but how did it become like this unknowingly?

"Even if it's a counter-pressure... it won't be to this extent, right?" Among the guests at the Internet cafe in the audience were players who also played jungle. At this moment, their eyes couldn't help but stare.

Not to mention ordinary passers-by themselves, even if you watch the anchors on any live broadcast platform who go to low-level passers-by games to abuse others, you have never seen such a perverted and terrifying gap in the jungle matchup.

It's almost not like we're playing the same game anymore.

Or unless the blind man just got disconnected and hung up for three to five minutes, how could he possibly be five levels short! ?

Coincidentally, this is also the question raised by tod from the purple team on the stage about his jungler teammate mk.

Because the battle on the three lanes was too close, he didn't pay much attention to the specific development of his teammates in other positions. But now the rhythm of the situation has slowed down a little. When he saw the relationship between the opposing jungler Mumu and his own jungler Li Qing, When there is a level gap,

I can hardly believe my eyes:

"Level 5!?"

"Damn it, mk where's your explanation!?"

You know, his teammate is the top jungler in the Diamond Master level of the European server. opposite……

That's just a girl!

However, faced with such annoying questioning from his teammates, the expression on the face of mk, the purple jungler blind monk, could not help but twitch. It took a long time before he spoke with some difficulty and reluctance:

"She turned my jungle upside down."

Just such a sentence cannot actually explain the huge development level gap between the two junglers.

Because mk couldn't say a more truthful answer at all.

the fact is--

Even leaving aside his frequent roaming ganks in the very beginning, even counting from five or six minutes ago... he has not seen even a single wild monster.

It's not just one or two wild monster resources being countered.

The jungler Mumu on the opposite side...

Almost all the jungle resources in the entire map were completely exclusive to one person for two or even three rounds.

Under such circumstances, there is a reasonable explanation for the huge level gap between his jungle blind monk and the opposite Mumu.

But it is actually full of extreme irrationality.

Even mk himself still feels that his mind is in a state of confusion.

Because he never thought about how Mumu on the opposite side did it, because even if he was given a chance to clear the wild area with two wild monsters, it would be good, but he searched every wild area desperately from beginning to end but failed. He didn't even see any trace of wild monsters, which almost drove him crazy with despair.

There is no reason why even professional junglers can do this kind of thing.

How complex and complex calculations does this require?

How thorough is the overall situation and overall planning ability that is comparable to God’s perspective?

Just an ordinary oriental girl...

How can it be?

At this time, someone was also marveling at the childhood sweetheart beside him:

"Hey, it sounds like your jungle rhythm is stronger than before -"

"You really don't practice secretly in private?"

The girl rolled her eyes angrily and said, "I came here to study, okay? I'm not as free as you are at a university back home."

Someone scratched his hair subconsciously: "I'm not that free... I'm still quite serious... But to be honest, your jungle rhythm is really smooth, and your calculation and control skills in the jungle are so strong - Senior Did No. 4 open a small stove for you?"

The girl shook her head: "It's not like you don't know how busy seniors No. 4 and No. 2 are, how can they have the time - so I'm all self-taught~"

Someone expressed disbelief, and the girl glanced over: "Don't forget, when there were only five of you in S1, I was the one who accompanied you there as a sparring partner, okay?"

It seems like this is really the case...

Lin Feng scratched his hair again. At that time, he didn't think much about it and thought it was quite natural. He was even too late to be happy to have Baozi as a free all-around sparring partner. But now he thought about it again. Even when Baozi was a sparring partner, it seemed that they Several people have never taken advantage of her.

"By the way," someone's thoughts suddenly turned away: "Mumujia Anne, what do you think of this routine?"

What was received was the girl's merciless rejection:

"Don't even think about joining the S-League."

"Even if I encounter any Mafa or any of Nian Shisan, I will be caught by the opponent as soon as I come up."

Do you really think that the British young man opposite who has reached the Diamond Master level can be compared with the world's top wild king?

Someone regretted: "That's true..."

The two of them were talking so casually, but little did they know that Lu Ming and the other three people who were also listening to the conversation between the two on the team's voice channel had already looked as confused as if they were listening to a book from heaven:


s league?

Mafa? Read thirteen?

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