
Chapter 1462 No shame

The commotion in the conference room was so loud that even the staff of the Electrical Association backstage at the venue outside, and even Zeng Rui and An Xin who were sitting in the audience seats of the main venue to rest and chat, were shocked. I heard.

There was quite a shocking exclamation.

It was like there was a fire in the conference room.

Immediately, the staff of the Electrical Association backstage became energetic, and their eyes were almost all directed towards the conference room. They wished they could see through the door and wall to see what was going on inside. .

Zeng Rui and An Xin, who were in the auditorium of the main stadium, looked at each other in tacit understanding:

"It seems like something big has happened."

"That guy probably scared the Legend people."

Zeng Rui shook his head: "It fits his style very well."

They are all too familiar with someone's style. Even if they can guess that such a match will not be easy for someone, but... that guy can always create miracles in seemingly impossible situations. of.

This wave is indeed a miracle created by someone alone.

No one expected it.

A wave of team battles that seemed impossible for the blue side army to take on were forced by the blue side mid laner Syndra, who was controlled by someone, to take the lead.

Flash EQ two consecutive times!

A series of three to knock back the stun and control the three cores of the purple side!

Such an almost perfect first move directly created the most ideal and comfortable environmental conditions for the blue side jungle prince to enter the field next.

Prince Jiawen's EQ 2 connection [flash].

The same smooth and amazing operation was performed perfectly by the main jungler of the Legend team. A wave of connected control picked up three people, followed by a big move "Heaven and Earth" unreasonably moved towards The three purple heroes who had not yet had time to land were hit hard!

boom! ! ! ——

Earth-shattering loud noise!

The purple side's crispy ADC Varus was instantly defeated!

The mid laner Syndra, controlled by someone, used another extremely fast ultimate move "Energy Pour", which was directly aimed at another threatening single-sword girl on the purple side with residual health!

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! ——

A series of black energy spheres slammed into the target Blade Will's body in mid-air.

Explosions one after another!

The sword girl Irelia, who was just a half-tank, couldn't withstand such horrific explosion damage, and the remaining health bar was emptied and taken away in an instant.

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)!"

"An-ally-has-been-(an allied hero was killed)!"

The kill announcement from the system's female voice sounded twice in quick succession at a speed that caught people off guard.

The moment the group started, two people on the purple side were killed directly!

The Legend team members who were watching the game, including other coaches and team leaders, could not help but twitch their eyelids:

This time...

This group is gone.

There is no doubt that the outcome of this wave of team battles is a defeat for the purple side.

In the end, it was a 1 for 3.

The purple side lost another jungler excavator, but the blue side's jungler Prince who rushed into the field with EQ for the second consecutive time was also killed and taken away by the opponent's counterattack.

one way or another--

However, the blue side suddenly launched a wave of unexpected comeback team battles in the most dangerous situation.

Earth dragon...

It can also be won steadily!

At this time, the atmosphere in the conference room finally became quieter, but the gasps from the Legend team members who were watching the game were still coming one after another. Recalling the scene just now, their eyelids were still twitching:

Too cruel...

This Syndra.

How could just one person... do this?

On the Purple side legion's side of the field, the team's voice channel is now quiet. Several Purple side Legend players looked at the corpses of their own heroes lying on the computer screen and their opponents who had already started to fight the earth dragon. They were all speechless.

This wave of blows is really too big.

It almost had a drastic impact on their morale and confidence.

Originally, they all thought that this game was already a sure win at this point and there would be no other changes, but...but... the opponent just relied on the mid laner Syndra to forcefully turn the tide and win this wave of teams. war.

Even their Legend team has rarely encountered this situation in so many years and seasons of competition.

"Mine." Finally, the ADC Verus on the purple side spoke out, with an annoyed and self-reproaching tone: "I didn't pay attention just now, I should have stood a little further back..."

Another member of the top laner Sword Girl also answered, also feeling ashamed and reflecting: "Me too, I wish I had flashed earlier. I didn't expect the opponent Syndra's ultimate move to do so much damage."

Everyone was reviewing one after another, and the atmosphere seemed a bit depressing and heavy.

But listening to the reflections of several of his teammates, Phoenix shook his head:


"I don't blame you for this incident."

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at the opponent's blue square mid laner Xiao Yumen on the screen:

"There is no shame in suffering a loss at his hands."

Only Phoenix himself knew that these words were not meant to comfort him.

This is a fact.

Because not to mention his current teammates, even back then...he had been defeated by someone in this way.

The guy sitting across from him right now...


He has always been a character who can suddenly make a comeback like a thunder if he seizes a wave of opportunities.

Reliving this experience after so many years does make people feel a little sad and sighing, but it’s just a sigh of relief that this battle still has to continue——

"It's just an earth dragon. Don't worry, it can't be turned over."

Phoenix calmed down and said something so relaxed and calmly to the other teammates on the purple side beside him.


There is still no suspense in winning this game.

Although it is thrilling, this wave of luck is still on the side of their purple side army, because the team battle that just ended on the opposite side also lost a jungle prince - he was taken away by his mid laner Xiaoyuren. ——And it was the death of this jungler that caused the opposite blue army to only take an earth dragon instead of directly opening the baron.

If the baron is forcibly removed by the opponent, the outcome of this game will be really unpredictable.

but now……

The light in Phoenix's blue eyes flickered slightly and gradually became sharper:

No matter how strong his old friend is.

But in this game, the blue side almost stopped there.

When the game time came to the early 29th minute, accompanied by the sudden cheers and whistles of the Legend team spectators present in the conference room, the base crystal of the blue team on the field could be seen detonating in a distorted light.

Purple square.


Sitting in the mid lane seat on the blue side, Lin Feng looked at the game screen on the computer screen in front of him and shook his head regretfully——

Indeed, there is still no chance.

It is still too unrealistic to try to reverse this situation.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around eleven o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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