
Chapter 1474 Bullet’s Demonstration

Just like there is always an electric amusement chair at the entrance of convenience stores in small cities or towns in China. A one-dollar coin allows children to sit on the cute little animals and ride them for a while while singing cheerful songs. At this moment This coffee shop in Manchester City also has corresponding game console equipment for guests to use for relaxation and entertainment during their breaks.

It’s not the domestic joystick arcade machine.

Currently placed in the corner of the coffee shop is a rather old game console with an electronic screen. On the console in front of it are nine small buttons arranged in a nine-square grid. There is also a cute sticker on the side of the machine. Gopher cartoon image.

Tang Bingyao didn't seem to be very familiar with this kind of game console, but Number 1 and Number 5 on the side guessed Bullet's intention at the first sight. Number 1 raised his eyebrows and showed a bit of interest. look:

"A gopher machine..."

"I haven't touched this thing in a long time."

Number 5 next to him smiled and answered: "Yes, but it seems that when I was training Xiaofeng and the others, I used a similar machine like this, right?"

No. 1 shrugged: "It's not that big. Isn't it the lightweight type that the girl Baozi bought online that can be carried around? One for each person... I usually use it when I have nothing to do or when I'm sitting on the plane bus. Take it out for training—those boys were lazy and secretly removed the battery and pretended it was out of power, thinking I didn’t notice—"

No. 5 covered his mouth and chuckled: "Didn't No. 3 just show up with a bag of batteries? Xiao Feng and the others were so dumbfounded that they all wanted to cry."

Recalling some interesting memories from that year always made the two of them laugh.

Tang Bingyao listened a little confused, but before the girl could ask the two seniors about the specific situation, Bullet on the side had already frowned and coughed, asking No. 1 and No. 5 to stop talking. No. smiled apologetically:

"Okay, let's not talk about this-"

"Tangtang, just follow your senior Bullet's arrangements."

Number 1 on the side blinked at Tang Bingyao:

"rest assured."

"This kind of thing...is totally your strength, girl."

With a bit of encouragement.

Tang Bingyao was confused for a while after hearing this.

He looked at the game console in front of him whose purpose was still unknown, and then looked cautiously at Bullet beside him:


Bullet said "hmm" and his expression returned to indifference and majesty again:

"This is a gopher machine."

"Ordinary people... of course just have fun."

"But for professional e-sports players, it is a pretty good prop used to test hand speed."

"Let me show you first."

As he spoke, he turned around and faced the game machine, took out a coin and threw it into the coin slot. Soon the light on the electronic screen of the game machine lit up, and along with a burst of cheerful music, a cartoon picture appeared on the screen, as if It is a nine-square grid pattern that corresponds to the nine buttons on the console. There are nine holes in the ground. In the middle hole, a cute little gopher pokes its head out and blinks as if looking at the people outside the screen.

Bullet reached out and pressed the button twice randomly.

Then the screen jumped, and three option boxes appeared in the center of the screen——




They represent different game difficulties. After calling up this interface, Bullet directly selected the last nightmare mode without any hesitation and pressed the button.

The picture on the screen flickered again for a few times, and then the three option boxes quickly disappeared. Instead, a formal game interface came into view. Two numerical statistics bars began to appear directly above the screen, one of which read "0: 00" for the time display and the other for the gopher count of "0".

Following a blur, the cartoon words "Game-Start" appeared in the center of the screen.

next moment.

Moles began to appear one after another in the Jiugongge burrow.

At the same time, Bullet's fingers, which were already resting on the console with his right hand, began to move quickly.

At first, the speed of the gophers emerging from the burrow was not very fast, almost one per second. It seemed that it was not enough for the so-called "nightmare" difficulty, but No. 5 on the side had already thoughtfully helped the slightly confused ones. Tang Bingyao explained quietly:

"In both normal easy and hard modes, the frequency of gophers appearing is fixed."

"However, the nightmare difficulty has no time limit and no upper limit of difficulty. The frequency of moles appearing at the beginning is slightly lower than that of Hard mode, but as time goes by, the moles will appear faster and faster——"

Tang Bingyao understood a little bit and nodded, unable to help but feel curious:


"What's the fastest?"

"Is there really no limit?"

Number 5 laughed when he heard this: "Unlimited is just a gimmick. This kind of ordinary machine will definitely not be able to withstand the exaggerated picture jump and data writing speed. It will stabilize at an extreme upper limit in the future. But... just trying to reach that extreme point is no longer easy."

While No. 5 was patiently explaining to Tang Bingyao, nearly a minute had passed on the game screen of the gopher machine.

The frequency of gophers appearing in Jiugongge burrows has obviously begun to increase.

At first it was just one per second.

But at this time, one minute has passed, and the count display in the upper right corner of the screen has reached "103".

Slowly, Tang Bingyao began to see some of the patterns. It seemed that every thirty seconds or so, the frequency of the gophers' appearance would increase. Moreover, starting from two minutes, the gophers would no longer appear one at a time. It's a situation where two appear at the same time.

We can already see some of the meaning of nightmare difficulty.

"Being able to stabilize this kind of hand speed almost barely meets the qualification standards of professional players."

Number 1 on the side commented in a leisurely tone.

It was in English, so Bullet, who was operating with one hand, sneered when he heard it: "Is this considered a passing standard? When have the requirements for professional e-sports players been set so low?"

As if in response to Bullet's attitude and views, the next moment when the game time came to three minutes, the difficulty suddenly increased again——

The frequency of gophers suddenly increased!

It’s already a little bit hard for people’s eyes to catch clearly.

Moreover, three gophers began to appear in the Jiugongge underground cave at the same time.

Bullet's one-handed operation speed also suddenly increased and accelerated. A series of crisp clicks of buttons continued to explode, and it still kept up with the rhythm of each gopher's appearance. Without missing a single one, the count display in the upper right corner of the screen was even faster. It is growing at a dizzying speed.

Tang Bingyao couldn't help but widen her eyes, and a thought of amazement subconsciously came to her mind——

So...so fast!

Number 5 on the side seemed to see what the girl was thinking at the moment, and smiled slightly:

"Not in a hurry."

"This is just the beginning."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around eleven o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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