
Chapter 1484 Are you willing to be my successor?

Although it can be said to be able to stimulate the physical strength and energy that have been squeezed to the extreme again and again, like squeezing water from a sponge, there is still a limit to human beings. Even willpower... cannot let it go endlessly. People continue to exploit and use it.

After surviving the 7-minute time limit, Tang Bingyao's game trial challenge finally came to an end at 7 minutes and 05 seconds.

My eyesight and reaction speed can't keep up.

It is impossible to continue to maintain this terrifying and high-intensity game difficulty rhythm.

The reaction was only half a beat too slow for a moment, causing him to miss a mole. At the same time, another mole quickly burrowed back into the burrow. The "Game-Over" message appeared directly in the center of the game screen of the mole machine. words.

game over.

And just for a moment, Tang Bingyao, who had managed to hold on until now with sheer perseverance, suddenly relaxed, her eyes turned black, her body went limp and she almost fell backwards. Fortunately, No. 5 Eye Quick Hand next to her quickly stepped forward and stretched out her hand to help the girl. live.

It even seemed like he was in a dazed state for a short while. When Tang Bingyao regained consciousness, he managed to stand firm again with the careful and gentle help of No. 5, but he was still a little shaken and unsteady, which made No. 5 uncomfortable. You can maintain your balance without continuing to support:

"Sister Xiaowu?"

Looking at Tang Bingyao, who was still a little confused, No. 5 couldn't help but feel angry and funny, but more importantly, he felt distressed: "Really, it's just a small test, why do you put it like this... What if you hurt your body?"

"I'm fine..." Tang Bingyao replied subconsciously. No. 5 shook his head helplessly and raised the former's right hand and placed it in front of the girl: "Look, is this okay?"

As he spoke, he reached out and gently touched the girl's finger.

Suddenly the girl let out a low cry of pain, and No. 5 quickly retracted her hand, but her tone was more reproachful:

"Let's see."

"My hands are like this."

Tang Bingyao was also a little dumbfounded. She looked at the five fingers of her right hand and found that the fingers seemed to be slightly swollen, and even the jaws and joints were still aching. She didn't even have to try to know that it would be extremely painful if she touched it. Now the girl He couldn't help but blush, lowered his head and whispered:

"I...I didn't pay attention just now."

No. 5 shook his head helplessly:

"I know you didn't pay attention...you were all focused on the game.

It's strange to even notice it. "

When the topic came to this point, Tang Bingyao suddenly came to her senses again:

"What was my grade just now?"

Because she was too engrossed in the challenge trial, the girl's mind never moved away from the Jiugongge cave for a moment, so she didn't even pay attention to the game time display at the top of the screen. Now she recovered. I couldn't help but crane my neck in curiosity and anticipation and look at the screen of the gopher machine——

"7 minutes and 05 seconds."

Standing next to the gopher machine, No. 1 reached out and tapped on the screen, then looked at Tang Bingyao and couldn't help laughing:

"Girl, are you satisfied with this?"

"If you work hard like this...the rewards will be scary."

Tang Bingyao couldn't help but her eyes lit up when she learned about her challenge result in this round. At least this result was more than a little better than her previous two times. However, after the surprise, the girl felt a little uneasy and uncertain:


"Does this... count as passing?"

Before she challenged, she had heard Bullet-senpai say a few performance evaluation criteria, but she also knew that those criteria were only for most ordinary professional players. If she wanted to use being Bullet-senpai's apprentice as the criterion—— That should be a completely different story.

So the question Tang Bingyao asked at this moment was quite cautious.

But they never thought that No. 1 and No. 5 were stunned for a moment when they heard this question, and then they couldn't help but laugh:


"Silly girl...you really have no idea what an amazing thing you just did -"

No. 1 shook his head and sighed, but probably only a girl with such a simple and pure mind can achieve such a miracle that ordinary people can't even imagine.

Number 5 next to her looked at Tang Bingyao, who still looked confused, and turned her around with a smile:

"this problem--"

"You can just ask Senior Bullet yourself."

Tang Bingyao's body was turned towards Bullet by No. 5. Looking at the senior whose expression seemed to be still changing, the girl couldn't help but feel nervous:


Bullet did not speak, but looked deeply at the girl in front of him and spoke slowly, but the answer he gave was not the answer the girl wanted. Instead, he unexpectedly asked another question:

"What were you thinking just now?"

"Under normal circumstances, your theoretical limit should be between 5 and a half to 6 minutes."

"Starting from six minutes, you should actually be almost unable to hold on, right?"

Tang Bingyao was stunned after hearing this, and then tried hard to remember, but finally shook her head in confusion:

"I...I don't know..."

"Six minutes?"

"I didn't pay attention to the time. In the middle... I seemed to be very tired and almost couldn't hold on."

"However, I think I should be able to hold on for a while."

"That's all."

Even though she has tried very hard to answer the question, the explanation given by the girl still seems quite simple and even makes it impossible to find reasonable logic in it——

Didn't care about time.

All my mind is on the game.

It's tiring.

But I think I can still hold on.

Just made it through.

It sounds like a rather understated, simple and straightforward answer, but if you combine it with the thrilling level of the challenge just now... it will make people know that this is not the case at all.

Bullet was silent again, then looked at Tang Bingyao in front of him, until the girl looked at a loss, and then nodded slowly:


"very good."

"You're fine."

Although the tone is still as plain as ever, the three consecutive sentences expressing the same meaning with emphasis and repetition can make people effortlessly feel the true mood of this North American legend of the previous generation at this moment.

"Yesterday, 001 told me that he had a perfect disciple Miaozi recommended to me. I didn't believe him at the time."

"But after he showed me those videos, I believed it a little, so I am willing to come back today to see you in person."

"Just now, I told him and 005 that I owe this favor."

Suddenly speaking again, Bullet's words seemed a little irrelevant to the topic just now, as if he suddenly said something irrelevant and incomprehensible. The girl listened in a daze, Number 1 and Number 5 on the side looked at each other, but they both saw the relief and satisfaction in each other's eyes.

next moment.

Bullet suddenly took a step forward and came to Tang Bingyao. The girl was subconsciously frightened, but she still mustered up the courage to meet the former's gaze.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Bullet suddenly smiled.

This may be the first time in so many years that this North American legend has shown such a smile.


"Tang-Tang, right?"


"Be my successor?"

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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