
Chapter 1593 Can’t be a substitute

Nate's opinion and evaluation are naturally correct. In fact, any player who knows a little bit about the jungle position will know that jungle heroes like Lee Sin, Lee Sin, can gain some advantages in the early stage and get one or two kills. , does not allow people to feel at ease and content early.

It is necessary to quickly snowball this advantage and use his strong offensive and roaming abilities in the early stage to continuously help set up the rhythm on the third route.

Otherwise, if you do nothing more after gaining the advantage, then in the mid-term, the head and economic level leads you originally gained will disappear quietly, leaving you in a rather embarrassing and embarrassing situation.

The truth is of course this.

But Lin Feng, who was the purple jungler blind monk, didn't do that.

Because the roaming gank task of the blind jungler who got the kill in the early stage is certainly important, but if his own easy advantage on the third route does not require help, then the necessity of roaming gank will be reduced a lot.

not to mention--

Not roaming gank is not "inaction".

Someone is still doing something.

I don't want you to be a hero on the third line, but your jungler must be taken care of and be obedient.

"You-have--an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)!"

The system's female voice's kill announcement came from the lower half of the blue jungle area. The purple jungle blind monk Shi Shiran, controlled by someone, walked past the corpse of the opponent's jungle excavator and killed a wave of refreshed F6 junglers. Take away the blame.

The blind man's record data is 2/0/0.

Excavator performance data 0/2/0.

In terms of level, the experience gap has almost widened by one and a half levels. Except for the half-round of wild monster resources at the beginning, the excavator, which was killed twice in succession, did not get any wild monster resources in nearly two minutes. Experience and economy.

Toad, three wolves, stone man, river crab.

All the jungle blind monks under the control of someone were wiped out, just like the devils came into the village to raid the village. Their attitude was so determined that they would never leave a single stitch for the people...

"It's too awful--"

Zeng Rui couldn't help but hold his forehead,

I feel sincere pity and sympathy for Wood, the BW substitute jungler on the blue side of the field.

"Too cruel! -" Nian Shisan's comment was directed at someone's blind jungler. Although it seemed to be an accusation filled with indignation, when he said this, he could clearly see the number one in the Taiwan server LMS division. The jungler's eyes were shining, and he immediately added the second half of the sentence with praise: "It's so cruel and beautiful! Well, you can definitely increase the intensity!"

It seemed that he was in tune with Nian Shisan off the court. After the second wave of jungle invasions once again killed the blue jungle excavator with a single attack, someone still had no intention of leaving.

He controlled his jungler Lee Sin to a small section of grass at the fork opposite the opponent's red buff jungle area.

The real eye is inserted.

Then squat patiently in the grass comfortably.

Everyone who saw the movements of the blind monk through the OB view from the electronic screen on the wall couldn't help but feel a little numb——

This blind man...

There's still trouble to be done! ?

Isn't it too much? Can't you catch someone online? Are you really determined to get that excavator to your death?

And speaking of it, Rek'Sai has already fallen into your trap twice, so there's no reason why he should be caught in your trap this time, right?

Twenty seconds later, Rek'Sai was resurrected from the blue fountain.

Go down the middle path to the high ground.

Under the focused attention of countless eyes at this moment, the Void Escaper seemed to hesitate for a moment, and finally chose the latter between the two options of walking left and right.

Head towards the lower half of the wild area.

In an instant, all the spectators on the BW team, including the team leader and coach, turned pale at the same time and almost fainted. Nate's eyelids also couldn't help but twitched slightly, and he almost squeezed out a few words from between his teeth. :


When the jungle excavator controlled by Wood walked towards the lower half of his jungle area again, Rek'Sai's fate was basically doomed again.

Pass through the grass.

The moment his vision lit up, the figure of the blind monk Li Qing was reflected in the eyes of the void escaping beast.

At this moment, Wood's expression suddenly turned pale, and he almost screamed in his heart, "Why is it you again?"

Then there is no more.

A wave of combo operations, the level 5 blind man hit the level 3 excavator, and a set of instant kills were carried away. At the same time, with the "Killing-spree" kill announcement from the female voice of the system, the blind monk's performance data also steadily reached 3 /0/0.

No roaming, no ganking.

Just all kinds of mindless invasions into wild areas to capture people.

Suddenly, the blind man really took off his own rhythm, and also sent the opposing jungle excavator into a complete collapse situation.

This wave even made the members of the Hayami Club who were watching the game stare straight in the eyes. Oh my god, it happened three times in a row. Although they knew how terrifying the master Lin Feng was on the court, they couldn't do it like this in a row. It's really weird to grab the excavator three times with precision, isn't it?

If we rule out the possibility that someone had a fluoroscopy...

That's simply the opposite party sending it to me on purpose! ?

In contrast, the members of the Assassin team are not so surprised, but should be more able to understand and accept such a situation, because their own jungler captain Nian Shisan has performed such an operation more than once Routine——

Infinite jungle invasion!

Unlimited arrests!

Every time, it seemed as if he had anticipated the opponent's intentions in advance, and he pressed the opponent's jungler to the ground and rubbed him again and again.

But the more familiar they become with their captain's routines and abilities, the more turbulent and agitated the moods of the Assassin team members are at this moment, and the eyes that look at someone's figure on the field are full of shock - —

They once thought that only their captain could do such an operation, but now... the same operation appeared in the hands of Hayami's substitute jungler.

Doesn't that mean that Hayami's substitute jungler is even as strong as their captain?

And this is just a substitute?

For a moment, all the assassins' eyes were directed towards the sails of the Hayami Club next to them, with a sense of awe like a mountain standing still -

How terrifying is Hayami's main jungler! ?


On the BW team side of the crowd watching the match, the livid-faced Nate squeezed out these words through his teeth with a chill:

"This person can't be just Hayami's substitute jungler!"

However, there is no need for him to say these words. The other coaches and leaders of the BW team next to him are not blind or fools. They have seen all the operations of a certain jungle blind monk, so how can they still say it? I won’t be able to react——

This level...

It might even be at the level of Seven Kings!

Which team's substitute can have such a level! ?

"So, this seems to be Hayami's ace in the box." The leader of the BW team also had a sinking look on his face, and looked at his colleagues from the Hayami Club not far away fiercely: "In order to target us, he actually used this right now It came out, it was so... so gracious.”

Speaking of this, the BW team leader paused, and then sneered again:

"But that's okay."

"We have not lost anything by moving such a big killer out so rashly and hastily!"

An update is here. The next chapter will be around 12 o'clock. I suggest you get up and read it tomorrow morning.

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