
Chapter 1597 The misunderstanding is too big

Seeing that a new match between Hayami and Team BW was about to begin, the members of Team Assassin off the field were so anxious that they almost jumped to their feet. They all had worried faces and were still trying to persuade the Hayami players around them. I didn't know where to start, and I seemed at a loss for a while.

However, seeing such a scene in front of their eyes, Zeng Rui, Li Shiyi and An Xin, who were standing beside the crowd, couldn't help but look a little weird.

"The members of your team...are really kind-hearted." Li Shiyi carefully considered his words and gave his evaluation.

Zeng Rui nodded repeatedly and added sincerely:

"Still very innocent."

As the captain of the assassin team, Nian Shisan felt his mouth twitch slightly when he heard:

"These guys...are really stupid."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but hold his head against his head, as if he couldn't stand the stupid appearance of his team members.

An Xin laughed:

"I can't blame your team members."

"Look at his BW, he is smart, but this kind of thing... if you don't know the truth, how can you guess it?"


Because anyone who sees someone’s jungle performance on the field will never believe that this is just an ordinary substitute jungler of the team. After all, how can any substitute be stronger than the main player of the first team?

There is no other possible explanation for this other than the team's ace in the box.

Naturally, no matter how imaginative and powerful the coaches, leaders, and players on the BW team are, they would never imagine that someone is not actually a member of Team Hayami.

Because from a common sense perspective, in such a team exchange training match, which team will easily let a passerby play?

And to take a step back, even if such a thing can happen, someone with such a level of strength is almost at the level of the Seven Kings. How could such a person be just an ordinary passerby easily? Any team club would definitely do it. Fighting and looting for it.

That's why the BW team recognized their own guesses and judgments.

At the same time it can be seen that

It was clear that several BW coaches had taken out their notebooks again, with serious expressions on their faces, ready to analyze and record the upcoming match.

Nian Shisan glanced at the crowd of Team BW not far away, and couldn't help but gloat:

"Hey, these European guys... I guess they won't know how badly they were cheated until the finals start."


You thought you had discovered Team Hayami's trump card.

Then he was instantly full of fighting spirit and fighting spirit, determined to collect and analyze a large amount of information about such a new and powerful jungler, thinking that this was to prepare for his own future games.

But actually...

No matter how hard you try now to test the depth of Hayami's "ace jungler", or how hard you try to study and analyze someone's style, it is destined to be a futile effort.

The greater the effort and investment.

The losses are destined to be greater.

Because someone’s strength is certainly strong, perhaps even stronger than everyone in the BW team imagined, but the problem is——

He wasn't Hayami's team member at all.

Not even an active professional player.

This year's finals... he had no part in it at all.

To put it more bluntly, even if your BW team is making super advanced preparations for next year's S7 season, you must know that in the end, someone is not even a jungler himself.

His main job is mid lane...

"It's so miserable -" Seeing the BW coaches over there holding small notebooks to record as if facing a formidable enemy, Zeng Rui couldn't bear to read any more.

If the BW people know the truth... they will really need to spit out blood, right?

"Isn't it too bullying?"

On Team Hayami's side of the field, Shi Hang, who was sitting next to Lin Feng, seemed a little unbearable at the moment.

Lin Feng adjusted the mouse and keyboard, then turned to look at the other party with some surprise:

"Why, do you think it's too much?"

"How about putting some water on this?"

The next second, Shi Hang shook his head into a rattle:

"That's no need, that's no need!"

"The greatest respect for your opponent is to go all out! How can you give up? Let's continue fighting to the death!"

His tone was upright and awe-inspiring, as if he was caring for his opponent. As he spoke, Shi Hang shyly approached Lin Feng and said, "Hey, what do you mean, help me with two waves in the middle? To be reasonable, one It’s not fun enough for me to solo with other people.”


Although in terms of personal strength, today's Shi Hang is definitely in the top echelon under the Seven Kings. Compared with BW team's mid laner Fish, he can completely win the match, but after all, BW's mid laner France's style is relatively stable and he does not make too many operational errors easily. Therefore, although Shi Hang had the advantage and got one or two single kills in the last round, he did not really defeat his opponent.

It’s normal. For teams and players that can reach the level of the World Finals, even if there is a difference in strength, it is still very difficult to be defeated by someone directly in a solo line, unless the strength is directly different. The entire realm, otherwise——

I need help from the jungler.

Lin Feng didn't care at all and nodded in agreement:

"Okay, we can try the mid-jungle linkage."

As he spoke, he glanced at the opposite side:

"Anyway...this one also requires a change of style."

Sitting down in the jungle seat of his BW team, Nate's face looked a little gloomy at this moment. He glanced coldly at the teammates around him and said:

"Last one, you guys hit too hard."

The tone was unceremonious and direct accusation.

However, as the core jungle ace of the team, Nate already has a higher status and voice than other players in his BW club. In addition, he did not perform well in the game just now, so at this time, several other BW players The main players could only bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

As the team's mid laner, Fish couldn't help but say:

“But Nate, we were careless in the last game, but that guy Wood’s jungler was really crushed by the opposite Lee Sin, and his Rek’Sai didn’t do anything for us online at all—— "

As soon as he said this, the BW top laners next to him, as well as Ring and Fox in the bottom lane, all nodded in agreement:


"Wood is so disappointing. Rek'Sai didn't do anything at all. He was always killed by a solo in the jungle."

"The jungle is like a waste."

"If Rek'Sai could come to the bottom lane to support once or twice before, we would definitely have a lane advantage!"

"It's mainly Wood's problem."

This put all the blame on their own substitute junglers. However, at this time, several main BW players seemed to have selectively forgotten some of their own rhetoric before the start of the last game.

Although he knew that several of his teammates were looking for excuses to defend themselves, Nate didn't take it seriously. He just glanced at the opposite team, Hayami, and then sneered:

"rest assured."

"I'm not a stupid waste like Wood."

"This round..."

"Their so-called Hayami Ace, don't even think about making any waves!"

His tone was still full of the arrogance and pride of being Europe's number one dark horse jungler.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around eight o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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