
Chapter 1606 Let them go

Although in terms of jungler style, Lin Feng certainly cannot compare with Nian Shisan's mindless ganks, but after a wave of counter-crouching in the middle of the early stage to get a double kill, someone's attack at this moment The wild excavator has not been idle either.

Brushing the jungle to counter-jungle is just to interfere with the development rhythm of the opposing jungler Olaf.

But all the time I just know how to farm... it's too boring.

Even though Lin Feng's jungle style is not as terrifyingly aggressive as Nian Shisan, it is definitely not a "herbivorous" type.

If you have the chance, you still have to catch it.

Especially at the beginning of the game, he and Shi Hang had discussed and set the tone for this match. They wanted to achieve the linkage effect of the midfielder combination. So before such a rhythm can be set, it must first be done. Help Shi Hang's mid laner vampire to cook the opponent's mid lane opponent a few more times.

So the game started in the 6th minute.

The excavator Reksai, controlled by someone, wandered around the middle.

In fact, in the past few minutes, Fish, who is the mid laner Rune Mage on the blue BW team, has been extremely cautious. He knows that he can no longer fight the vampires on the opposite side, so he has been trying hard to hide under the tower to last hits. Sometimes, even if I miss some CS and experience, I force myself to hold back, just because I don’t want to give my opponent a chance.

But the problem is...

Depending on someone's character and temper, as long as they are sure to catch you, they will create opportunities for themselves even if there is no chance.

Are you hiding under the tower and not coming out?

It's okay.

"Come on, come on, Lao Shi, let's go one step further."

Someone on the team's voice channel greeted his fellow mid laner in a brisk tone.

Shi Hang’s answer was equally unambiguous:


"You go first!"

The next second, a wave of purple soldiers in the middle were pushed into the blue defense tower. Fish realized something was wrong when he saw the vampire on the opposite side suddenly pushing forward. Ryze, who was controlling him, didn't even dare to take the line of soldiers. Immediately prepare to turn around and retreat.

But someone's jungle excavator has already quickly circled out from behind the jungle wall to the left of the opponent's outer tower in the middle lane.


Directly use the W skill "Breaking Out" to force the target Rune Mage to fly into the mid-air and control it.

Shi Hang's mid laner vampire strode forward quickly. He used a Q skill full of red fury to draw blood, connected with A and then charged the E skill. The energy tide touched his face and quickly detonated.

The excavator Reksai under the control of someone was then given flat A, then Q and then A.

The two of them were hurt like this.

Directly kill the rune mage with more than half a tube of health under the tower and take him away.

Even Shi Hang's vampire couldn't even use his ultimate move, while Lin Feng's jungle excavator took a few hits from the defense tower's energy light bombs and still walked away from the middle route leisurely with a small half-tube of blood. .

"An-ally-has-been-(A friendly hero was killed)."

The system female voice's kill announcement sounded ruthlessly and coldly in the ears of several BW players on the blue side.

Fish's face finally began to turn pale, and his lips moved for a long time before he spoke with great difficulty:

"The middle...can't beat it."

It was finally at this moment that he seemed to fully admit his inferiority.

The previous pride and arrogance...are gone.

As the blue jungler Olaf, Nate remained silent at this moment. He just held the mouse in his hand with a livid face and controlled his jungle hero to continue to search for resources in the jungle to develop.

However, the blue veins on the back of his hands were almost jumping out of nowhere, revealing that he was unable to remain calm at this moment.

It seems that Ryze's fault for his own mid laner being killed by bypassing the tower was their own fault. They should have been alert in advance and retreated, not giving the opponent the opportunity to bypass the tower like this.

But in fact……

Such a wave of forced killings reflects another problem.

That is, their blue side is gradually losing control of their own wild area vision.

Why can the excavator on the opposite side go around and over the tower like this?

And this is just an excavator, and it hasn't even really leveled up yet. Why can it be so unscrupulous to invade and bypass it?

Aren't you worried about being counter-crouched and ruining the lives of yourself and your mid laner teammate?

You must know that the jungler on his blue side is still Olaf, who is extremely fierce and powerful in the early stage.


However, the excavator seems to have no pressure at all.

The more you say, the more you become.

Where are you Olaf? Do you have the ability to come?

It didn't come, and you didn't even give a warning to your single teammate Ryze. It wasn't until the system female voice announced the kill that you watched your rune mage die tragically in front of the tower.

Nothing can be done.

"When the jungler you are facing can invade the jungle and gank around like this unscrupulously, it means that you have almost completely lost the jungler confrontation."

On the Hayami Club side where the crowd was watching the game, a Hayami coach analyzed and taught the members of his own club beside him in a relaxed tone.

All the Hayami team members nodded in conviction.

The members of the Assassin team next to them couldn't help but have mixed feelings. After all, they knew that the jungler of the opposite BW team was at the level of the Seventh King... A top jungler of this level actually started in only six or seven minutes. Has he been crushed like this by Hayami's excavator Reksai?

Of course, this kind of thought cannot exist in the heads of Hayami and others, because to them this is completely normal.

So at this moment, the members of Team Hayami have even begun to discuss other topics with great interest:

"Hey, tell me, can this great Lin Feng kill that Nate's Olaf into a super ghost?"

"That's not true...after all, the opponent is also at the level of Seven Kings."

"I think it will work! It's been seven or eight minutes, and Olaf has been so suppressed that he can't do anything at all. It feels like he was just as good as their BW substitute excavator."

"Hahaha, it's best to kill them into super ghosts. If you look at those BW guys in front of you, they are so crazy, you should give them a hard slap in the face."

"That's right, I really thought sending their trump card would be useful... We also have a trump card!"

But when the word "ace" was mentioned, all the members of Team Hayami couldn't help laughing again, looking towards the BW Club not far away, and winking at each other again:

"Hey, look over there."

"A few BW coaches are still struggling to take note of things in their notebooks."

"I guess they're so desperate that they want to study our ace jungler who is the best at the bottom of the box."

"Tsk, tsk, it's so hard..."

At the same time, several coaches and leaders from the Hayami Club were watching the game with their colleagues from the Assassin Club. They also noticed that the BW coaches not far away were holding notebooks and recording something with fierce expressions on their faces. The two colleagues looked at each other and laughed again——

Let them be.

No matter how many records you record...it won't hurt or itch.

No, to be more precise, it should be the BW team itself that suffers in the end.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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