
Chapter 1608 Too Shameless

From a personal perspective as an ordinary jungler, Nate's jungler Olaf's current operation and response performance are indeed unmistakable and even reflect some of his strength.

But Nian Shisan’s sharp evaluation is also correct.

Because if we judge it from a seven-king level, or from the perspective of the overall situation faced by the blue side in this game, what Nate, as the jungler Olaf, should do most is to bet.

It's a big gamble.

But if you are a jungler who focuses on strong early invasion and roaming ganks, and you dare not take a gamble in such a situation where the overall disadvantage is close to a small collapse, there is almost no hope for this game. .

You yourself are stabilizing your development, but what if you, Olaf, did nothing in the early stage and compared your development with other people's excavators?

What's more, if you don't step up and set the pace, how can you expect your teammates on the third line to do anything when they are already too busy to take care of themselves?

They are all too busy to take care of themselves.

Then someone has to be the first to stand up.

It doesn’t matter whether you take the blame or sacrifice.

But if you do nothing, it is actually equivalent to sitting back and waiting for death.

Compared to Nian Shisan, someone sitting in the jungle seat on the purple side of the field at this moment made a much more direct and unkind evaluation of the opposing jungler Olaf in this round:

"He's just a guy who only knows how to play with the wind."

Sitting next to him, Shi Hang controlled his mid laner vampire to continue to easily suppress the opposite rune mage Ryze online, while nodding in agreement:


"After all, I'm still just a newcomer. In terms of mentality and competition experience... I'm so lacking."

Perhaps Nate's personal strength has indeed reached the level of the Seven Kings. The factors that can measure the comprehensive strength of a professional player are by no means limited to personal operation ability.

A true seven-king level player should be the core soul of the team at all times. In the most critical situation, you must be the first to stand up and stabilize the morale of the team to withstand the pressure.

at this point,

Any veteran Seven Kings can do it, and this is the style and foundation that a Seven Kings level powerhouse should have.

As the core ace jungler of the BW team, Nate's personal strength has indeed met the required standards, but many other aspects have revealed obvious shortcomings and weaknesses. Compared with the old seven-king level powerhouse, Nate is more than a little behind. Half a point.

"So I guess that guy Thirteen is feeling aggrieved down there right now -"

As he said that, Shi Hang was a little gloating:

"It's so embarrassing to be fucked by such a guy."

Lin Feng shrugged:

"It's also his unlucky thing. He was studied and analyzed countless times by the entire coaching staff of his club. He learned all the playing styles and routines. It's not like he lost to Nate alone."

Shi Hang nodded in agreement: "That's true, it's really disgusting. This kind of thing..."

He could also imagine that if he, the mid laner, encountered the same treatment as Nian Shisan, was frantically targeted and studied repeatedly by his opponents, and all the operating habits were thoroughly understood... I guess he would even be better than Nian Shisan. More uncomfortable.

"Speaking of which, people are studying you right now -" As he spoke, Shi Hang still had time to raise his head and glance in the direction of the BW club opposite: "Tsk, tsk, I don't know what those BW coaches have remembered so far. How many things have I bought from you..."

Someone laughed:

"It's okay, just remember more and make them happy."

Shi Hang suddenly realized: "Wait a minute, so you deliberately set the pace so slowly? You are deliberately stalling for time so that the other party can analyze and study you for a while -"

Someone said matter-of-factly: "Yeah, it's rare to get this kind of treatment. The opportunity is rare, so of course you have to enjoy it."

Shi Hang was silent and gave his evaluation after a while:

"How shameless."

When the game time came to just over 10 minutes, the head count of the blue and purple legions on the field had become 1 to 7.

The only kill that the blue team BW team got was the bottom lane ADC assistant of the purple team Suishui team. The two assistants chose a wave of strong starts. Shadow Puppet's assistant Braum cooperated with his teammate ADC Obama to kill Ring's explorer Yi in seconds. Zerrell, while continuing to chase Nami into the tower, made a small mistake——

Because Hayami was chasing too fast, the ADC team members on Hayami's side were lax and neglected to let Shadow Puppet's auxiliary Braum advance into the tower to deal damage. As a result, when he took the lead in entering the tower to deal damage, Nami used the Q skill Bubble to control him before she died. In the end, he lost his head in such a confused manner.

But even so...

The bottom lane is already a huge advantage for the purple Fang Suishui team.

In addition to these two heads, the remaining five heads obtained by Team Hayami were all related to someone's jungle excavator.

At this moment, someone's excavator Rexai's performance data has reached 2/0/3.

It doesn't look too amazing, but apart from a wave of roaming on the road, the remaining assists almost all help Shi Hang's mid laner vampire get kills.

So now the vampire's performance data has reached 2/0/2.

As for Ryze, the mid laner on the opposite blue side...

0/3/0 record data.

Almost shocking.

"It's so miserable..." The spectators from Hayami and Assassin Club couldn't help but be speechless. This was not a close training match. The main mid laner of a team was beaten like this. It’s almost as good as what happened to Wood’s jungle excavator in the previous game.

And it’s only ten minutes!

With such record data in ten minutes, it is almost certain that Ryze will not have any room to perform throughout the entire game.

But a vampire's development at the beginning can be said to be spent at the most perfect pace in the early stage. By the mid-term stage when it can really start to exert its power, Vladimir's existence will completely become a terrifying nightmare in the eyes of the opponent.

Let’s look at Olaf, the jungler on the blue side——


Compared with several other teammates, it seems that this kind of record data is barely too ugly. Except for the first wave of roaming, which broke the rhythm of himself and his mid laner teammates and gave away two kills, the rest of the time Nate's jungler Olaf has been struggling to develop.

But now most people on the field have understood that it’s useless no matter how much you develop, your level will still be pushed away by the opponent’s excavator by at least one and a half to two levels of experience, and Reksai is about to take the rhythm of the middle lane. The leader is flying, Olaf, you are so focused on farming and development, when will you be able to come out of the mountain?

By the time you get out of the mountain, the game will be over, okay~

So at this moment, the atmosphere in the Assassin and Hayami clubs seemed extremely relaxed and cheerful.

From time to time, some teasing laughter could be heard, and words such as "core ace jungler", "choosing Olaf to be so cowardly", and "what a fool" could be heard vaguely.

On the blue side of the field, the atmosphere in the BW team's voice channel is already dead silence.

Several main players no longer even spoke at this time, or were communicating with each other and anxiously calling for support from their jungle teammates.

But faintly, there seemed to be an aura of dejection and decadence beginning to permeate the air.

Even in this atmosphere, Nate, who was sitting in the jungle position, still stared at the computer screen in front of him with no expression, and controlled his Olaf almost mechanically to continue running through the jungle.


At this moment, the body of BW's core ace jungler was trembling slightly unconsciously.

The update is here, the third update is done. Good night, good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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