
Chapter 1834 The real purpose

? In many cases, even the word "fair" is not absolute.

Perhaps in the professional arena of e-sports, the outcome can be determined purely by the personal strength of the team and players, but behind the scenes, many things cannot be determined by simple " "Fair" is used to measure and evaluate.

Because if we really want to be fair, then the Chinese e-sports circle and No. 1 and others have put in huge efforts and efforts to win the right to host the intercontinental competition and the S7 World Finals, but suddenly they have to lose it because of such an honorary advisory group meeting. It makes no sense to give up all your hard work.


From another perspective, this kind of honorary advisory meeting adopts the form of a show of hands, but it is completely in line with the rules.

It just sounds too realistic and cruel.

Seven votes in total.

The minority obeys the majority.

It couldn’t be a simpler and more direct way to measure and judge. And the legends of the past generation, such as Crow and Lee Do-jae in the European and Korean e-sports circles, have relied on this method to compete with No. 1 and others twice in succession. Win among them.


This cannot be considered a "competition" at all.

Because before all this started, all the results had been completely determined.

So what Arrow said just now is not unreasonable, and it even hits the mark. Even if No. 1 has enlisted the foreign aid of Bullet, it helped them in the Chinese e-sports circle to win additional awards at this honorary advisory meeting. Their precious votes, but added together, they only have three votes in total.

But what they are facing are the four vote rights held by four honorary consultants from the two major competition regions of South Korea and Europe.

There can be no other accidents.

It's always a 3 versus 4 ending.

If you really want to say it, then it seems that the only remaining method for No. 1 and others is that as the chief of the Honorary Advisory Group, No. 1 still has the power to veto, but he only has the right to use it once. …

But there are a total of 9 motion proposals in this thick document on the conference table.


A drop in the bucket.

In fact, if there were others present at this time, they would probably be anxious when they saw this situation, because so far, the first two motion proposals have been passed, but No. 1 has not yet used the one-vote veto power. Use out of line.

It’s not necessary…how long will it take?

That’s it for the intercontinental competition.

But the S7 World Finals is the top priority. There is no other competition that can compare with the S League in terms of size. If you don’t even veto this motion, you will give it to your opponent in vain. This is a huge price to pay. It’s too painful——

More importantly, among the other motion proposals, is there anything more fatal and critical than the S-League?

"Is there something more important than the S7 finals?"

The same feeling of consternation also fell on Han Shihao in the Hilton Hotel room. Hearing such shocking news from the casual words of the young general supervisor on the sofa not far in front of him, the former's eyes immediately turned to He looked at the other party with rare surprise and uncertainty.

It's also reasonable.

After all, no matter if you ask this question to any League of Legends gamer in the world, they will almost always answer "how is it possible" without thinking.

As long as it is a professional League of Legends event.

Then the S-series league will always be at the top and deserve the top spot.


Nothing can compare.

Just like Han Shihao, the leader of the Four Emperors, he has a status above all professional players.

"What else?"

Han Shihao couldn't help but ask, but the next moment he was surprised to see Park Chanyeol sitting on the sofa suddenly taking out a laptop and putting it on his lap to turn it on:

"what are you doing?"

The young general supervisor quickly typed on his powered-on laptop without raising his head:

"Talking to you about this suddenly reminded me of something."

"Something...perhaps scary."

"Need to verify."

Han Shihao frowned. He was accustomed to the mysterious behavior of the young general supervisor in front of him, so he just asked the question he just asked again.

And Park Chanyeol finally raised his head and looked over:

"Didn't you guess it?"

"Yes, as a professional e-sports player, you are indeed a bit too pure, but some things outside the arena are actually closely related to every e-sports player, and you should know more about them. "

Having said this, Park Chanyeol paused and continued in a slow tone:

"Simply speaking of its status in the minds of all players and professional players, the S-League is truly the supreme tournament. At this level, nothing else can compare with it."

"So, you should think about it the other way around -"

"The S-League is number one within the framework of our current professional e-sports system."


"Since it is more important than the S-League, it can only fall outside this framework, or fall above this framework, such as -"

“Something that can elevate professional esports to a higher level.”

Park Chanyeol's tone was meaningful.

After Han Shihao was stunned for a moment, he suddenly thought of something and woke up, with a look of shock on his face again:

"You mean-"

In the center of Manchester, the branch office building where the headquarters of the World Electricity Association is located.

The honorary advisory meeting in the conference room continued as if in an orderly manner.

With the unchanging tone of Martin's rigid and emotionless voice as the host of the meeting, the documents placed in front of each honorary consultant turned page by page.

Each motion proposal was read, watched, discussed and voted on.

the third item.

Item 4.

Item 5...

There were no unexpected changes in the results of each vote from beginning to end. It was always 3 votes to 4, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room seemed to remain unchanged and depressing.

Although compared to the first and second motions, the following motion proposals are significantly lighter in weight, but they are obviously carefully designed and prepared by the proposers, and are almost perfectly targeted at the Chinese e-sports circle. All interests of the country are being eaten away as viciously as hyenas and hungry wolves.

Every bite is like biting off a piece of the profit cake of Chinese e-sports.

Drenched with blood.


The air was so oppressive that it was almost suffocating.

Finally, the documents were turned to the last few pages. The old man sitting at the head of the conference table adjusted his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, raised his head, looked at the legends present, and slowly spoke:


“What follows is the final motion proposal for this meeting.”

"Everyone, please go through the materials first."

So the legends lowered their heads and looked at the documents, and the translations of the three countries printed on the paper came into view clearly and unmistakably.

The first line of title text seems to have been deliberately underlined and bolded by the printer.

At this moment, if anyone else was present and saw this line of text, they would definitely be uncontrollably shocked, and perhaps even horrified to the point of being extremely shocked.

Number One slowly raised his head.

His eyes glanced at Li Dozai across from him, and then looked at Crow at the end of the long conference table.

Then he smiled:


"This is your ultimate goal."

The tone of his voice remained calm and casual.

Just as these words fell, suddenly, the temperature in the entire conference room seemed to suddenly become cold and dropped to the extreme.

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 7:30, so go away and continue typing.

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