
Chapter 1866 Face to face!

? "The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind" seems to be used more than once in this training match.

There is no need to mention the previous two waves of team battles. Just the scenes of battles that took place in the past few seconds from the battlefield in front of the Dalong Gorge on the river made this old saying come true again. Perfectly confirmed.

First, the blue side assisted Thresh in trying to find opportunities to hook up and start the team.

Then he was forced backhand by the purple side's assistant Niutou.

And when the two sides retreated after the first battle, and their respective large forces retreated at the expense of money, they never thought that another wave of confrontational games would start between the mid laners on both sides, which seemed to be calculated and unintentional.

In other words, the plot changes so quickly and the rhythm is so ups and downs that people have no time to react.

But at least when Moon's mid laner on the purple side Fate team uses a set of QW skills in the grass, the second consecutive set of QW skills directly takes the lead to instantly drop half of the blood bar of the Lord of Shadow Stream, and the "Phantom Chain" of the E skill. When the attack is already close to the face——

In the training room, both on and off the court, almost everyone has already determined the outcome of this wave of confrontation between the two mid laners.

There can be no more variables.

Whether it's Enchantress's single-point burst, it can cause damage in seconds.

It is also Moon's top Yonko-level operational skills as a controller.

It is impossible for the Lord of Shadow Stream, who is the mid laner of the blue side, to have any chance and reason to escape by chance.

Even at this moment, for all the professional players watching the game, they felt that even at this time, whether it was Dawnstar, Spoon or Phoenix, the world's top mid laner at the same level, Dharma King was in the same situation. There is no hope of escape.

So even Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao in the front row of the crowd completely changed their faces and showed panic.


It is true that no one noticed at this moment. The person sitting in the mid lane seat on the blue side of the field was facing the critical situation that he suddenly entered, but he did not seem to be at all panicked.


It seems like I've been waiting for this for a long time.

Lin Feng had no idea that just a few minutes ago,

The training room he was in at the moment was just a few floors above the hotel where his biggest rival had made some judgments for him.

But that doesn't matter.

Because compared to anyone else, he is always the one who knows his own strength best.


Perhaps he has not yet returned to his golden peak state.

Perhaps the strength of the Fate midfielder who is facing him at this moment is unfathomable, and even though he is already in the realm of the Yonko, he is still far underestimated by the outside world.

Perhaps based on a comprehensive assessment, he may not be any better than his opponent at the moment.

But there is one thing, but there is never any suspense——

There are too many factors that need to be considered in the evaluation and comparison of comprehensive strength, and it is difficult to easily distinguish between superior and superior, but if we only talk about pure personal operational ability...

In today's new generation of professional e-sports circles, there is only one old enemy who stands at the top of the Four Emperors.

He has no rival.

A fatal crisis is already upon us.

The blood volume of the health bar on the head of the Lord of Shadow Stream plummeted crazily the moment the opponent's QW fell twice in a row.

The trickster LeBlanc's E skill "Phantom Chain" is thrown towards the face with her hand.

That is at this moment.

Someone in front of the computer screen squinted slightly.

The operations on the mouse and keyboard suddenly exploded!

As a result, the figure of the Lord of Shadow Stream suddenly disappeared in the lightning and flint. He almost went to the extreme limit to avoid the control of LeBlanc's E skill Phantom Chain, which was almost close to the face.

At the same time, several blood-red afterimage clones came from all directions to attack the target Tricky Witch!

Lord of Shadow Stream: Tribulation, ultimate move.

Secret meaning.

Instant Prison Shadow Killing Formation!


The crowd in the training room shook with exclamations that almost blew up the ceiling.

Even for the top first-line professional players of various clubs off the field, the response of this wave of Shadow Stream Lord Zed's actions made them unable to stop being excited and shocked by it!


Still strength! ?

The hand speed of Enchantress's set of combos is extremely fast under the control of the controller Moon, not to mention that this wave of shots is still stuck in the shadow of the grass, and the sudden sneak attack makes it too late to do anything. reaction.

Coca-Flan's E in the face was actually dodged by Zed's ultimate backhand move!


It seems that the Lord of Shadow Stream, who has escaped this critical and fatal control, still has a chance to escape?

Many people think this way subconsciously.

But in the front row of the crowd, An Xin shook his head slightly with a slight smile on his face, while Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao on the side suddenly lit up after the sudden excitement and surprise——

They are too familiar with someone's playing style and temperament.

Since this wave has escaped control.

Then someone's reaction can be completely expected:

"You can fight back!"

Several blood-red clone afterimages that flew from all directions converged into one place, and the figure of the Lord of Shadow Stream appeared again in front of the target trickster enchantress.

Almost within a short distance.

Between the four eyes.

It was as if cold and violent murderous intent suddenly arose!

The mid laners of both sides almost coincidentally used the summoner skill [Ignite] on their opponents at the same time!

The Lord of Shadow Stream raised his hand.

The shurikens of the Q skill "Shadow Secrets: Blades" are thrown out from the hands of the main body and the clone like lightning at the same time, forming an angle and shooting towards the target of the trick enchantress.

LeBlanc instantly dodges!

While avoiding the opponent's Q skill shuriken damage for a period of time, he met the Lord of Shadow Stream head-on and came behind Zed!

Backhand R!

The second phantom chain that "repeated the same trick" once again pounced on the target prey like a poisonous snake at a faster speed, hit the target, and wrapped around it!

The Lord of Shadow Stream uses his W skill!

"Shadow Secret: Clone" Suddenly another clone shot forward and hit the target LeBlanc again in two seconds!

Flat A!

Take E and slow down!

Draw A again!

And it was still at this moment that the second stage of LeBlanc's W skill "Shadow's Trace" was activated, and the figure of the Trickster Enchantress flew back hundreds of yards away in the blink of an eye and once again opened up to the Lord of Shadow Stream. However, the phantom chains still tightly bound Jie to death despite the distance!

Immediately, a cloud of fine golden light exploded——

The Lord of Shadow Stream suddenly dodged, and his figure suddenly retreated in the opposite direction, out of the control range of the opponent's enchantress's chain, and forced to break the chain!

All the confrontations took place in the blink of an eye.

The mid laners of both sides were moving and tapping their mouse and keyboard at this moment, almost exceeding the theoretical limit. The sound of extremely rapid and crisp tapping operations could be heard continuously, even to the sound of all the spectators on the field. They didn't even have time to catch it and see it clearly.

It’s almost a scalp-numbing battle of operations!

The most extreme head-on confrontation between personal strengths!

But when they saw Enchantress' second-level W widening the distance, and Qie Jie dodging and retreating to break the chain, most of the players and spectators in the training room subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.


No one should be able to kill anyone.

Perhaps this is a battle between top mid laners, each showing off their skills, but in the end they are inseparable, and no one can easily defeat their opponent.

But this is the moment when such thoughts flashed through everyone's minds——

The crisp operating knocking sound suddenly started again!

For a moment.

The figure of the Shadow Stream Lord, who retreated violently and broke the chain, suddenly returned to the place where the clone started using the R skill like a ghost.

Appeared in front of the scheming enchantress.

Flat A.

Answer Q.

Completed in one go in the blink of an eye.

Accompanied by the second stage of death mark damage of the ultimate move, it detonates at the same time.

There seemed to be a "pop" sound in the air.

As if the leather was torn.

The health bar above LeBlanc's head exploded to zero instantly, and the system's female voice announced the kill:


The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing. It's snowing in Hangzhou today. .

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