
Chapter 1895 Doubts

? Sometimes, what prevents you from seeing the truth is not just that you don’t observe carefully enough, or that you don’t think thoroughly enough.

It's entirely because of the limitations of your own vision and strength.

It's just like if you let an ordinary Bronze and Silver player see with their own eyes the various dazzling operations of the top masters in the King tier, they will only be dazzled and amazed at most, but it really makes you want to analyze and comment carefully. But he couldn't explain the reason. After holding it in for a long time, he could only mutter out an exclamation of "fuck" or "cool".

At this moment in the stadium, perhaps most of the ordinary players and spectators present can also marvel and praise Tian Tian’s single-handed Sword Girl’s violent carry performance throughout the game, while the real professional players of the team can enjoy it. There is a deeper truth: "It seems that KG's 'Yongami' YGG has gradually touched the threshold of the four emperors realm."

But even if these professional players in the finals are allowed to watch the performance of Han Shihao's mid laner Victor of the SSK team, they can only fall into a confused and confused mood. At most, they can only conclude that "F God's state is not good." "Good" conclusion.

Even though he was stronger than the other three Yonko, he only vaguely sensed that the truth might be more than just the word "status".

But the answer to the question is still hidden in a vague fog and difficult to see clearly.

And some of the truly top strongest people of the previous generation, such as M, Li Dozai and Crow, have learned more about it.

But what they knew and guessed...

It's too horrifying and shocking.

It has even reached a point where even with their level of realm and their magnanimity, they can't help but feel excited.

So at this moment, even though they are teammates fighting side by side, in the SSK team's competitive room on the stage, Ray, Wolf and Cube among the other four main SSK players are only because of the performance of their captain. There was a moment of uncertainty, and only Mafa barely noticed something. His eyes fell on Han Shihao, and he spoke cautiously and thoughtfully:

"Shihao, what are you doing-"

However, such careful consideration and testing only resulted in Han Shihao's answer that was so calm and indifferent that it was completely unacceptable:

"It's just not done well."

"my question."

This bento really blocked up all the remaining confusions and questions of several teammates with just one sentence.

It even made it clear that he didn't want to continue talking in depth.

Take the blame directly.

No other defense is intended.

But this time, Mafa was finally unwilling to let the matter go so easily. Hearing the almost irresponsible answer from his single companion, the former frowned slightly and spoke again without any concealment:

"That's not the answer we wanted."

"We can all tell whether it's a 'bad fight' or not."

"But what we need is a more reasonable explanation. No matter what kind of problem it is, or what kind of reason it is, at least you should let us as teammates have a little understanding, right?"

This is a rare occasion for Mafa, as the second core of the team, to directly question and accuse Han Shihao.

The atmosphere seemed to suddenly become tense and solidified.

Ray next to him felt something was wrong, and quickly came out to apologize and smooth things over: "Hey, brother Mafa, don't worry, brother Shihao must have his own reasons, and I feel that brother Shihao really hasn't had a good rest in the past two days, please understand, let's talk about it anyway. We still won this game - it would be great if we won!"

But these words had little effect.

The atmosphere was still solid and depressing, and Ray's laughter also became dry and stiff in this atmosphere. In the end, he could only hold back in embarrassment and retreat to the side.

And Mafa's eyes were still fixed on Han Shihao's face:

"do not forget."

"We are teammates."

"And you are not only SSK's mid laner, but also our captain."

Emphatic tone.

After Han Shihao was silent for a moment, he slowly spoke:

"Don't worry."

"Just my own little problem - I'm trying something."

It seemed that the answer was the same as before, but a certain keyword in the words this time was keenly grasped by several SSK team members——


Ray still looked confused and confused, but Cube's eyes suddenly flickered slightly as if he had guessed something, and the expression on his face suddenly changed a little. Wolf seemed to realize the truth, and looked at his captain with the same shock, and Mafa has already woken up, and the serious expression just now has been replaced by an unstoppable and violent surprise:

"You mean!?"

Han Shihao nodded, but then shook his head again, his tone still calm:

"I haven't tried it yet."

"So it's hard to say yet."

But this answer seemed to be enough to satisfy Mafa. The second core vice-captain of the SSK team was already nodding his head with a heartfelt smile of joy on his face:


"Just make it clear."

"If that's the case...then just keep trying, and don't worry about the rest."

Cube adjusted the frame on the bridge of his nose and smiled: "Yes, just leave the rest to us."

Wolf next to him nodded slowly:

"The SSK of four people... can be beaten equally."

It seemed as if several main players had made their firm commitments at this moment.

Probably only Ray is still confused and not in the situation:

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"Why don't I understand? What exactly is Brother Shihao trying?"

After all, not everyone can hear some answers and explanations from Han Shihao like these main players of SSK, and thus learn part of the truth.

So most people are still outside the situation.

Even for the few people who vaguely see the problems and something wrong, the only thing they can confirm is only one point——

"Something's wrong!"

"There's definitely something wrong with this guy!"

Even Nian Shisan couldn't help but run over from his club teammates at this moment, gritting his teeth and making his own judgment and conclusion in front of Lin Feng and others.

But as for “what problem” is——

"I'm just a jungler anyway, I don't understand the mid laner position."

Nian Shisan seemed quite straightforward. The next second he looked at the morning star and raised his eyebrows:

"how do you say?"

Dawn Morning Star could only helplessly smile and shake its head:

"He was not like this when we played a training match with SSK yesterday morning."

"There must be something we didn't see, but I can't think of what it is specifically."

The next moment.

Everyone's eyes suddenly fell on someone.

Among everyone present, if no one can come up with a clear answer, then only one person should have the most say.

However, at this time, Lin Feng spread his hands with an innocent look on his face:

"Don't look at me."

"It is none of my business--"

An Xin, who was standing next to him, raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at someone with malicious eyes: "Who is asking if it has anything to do with you? I'm just asking for your opinion. Why are some people anxious to explain themselves?"

Someone was choked to the point of almost choking, and then he coughed for a long time, and then he forced himself to fight it out under the eyes of everyone who was also gradually becoming suspicious, looking like a bachelor who had no food and salt:

"I don't know anyway!"

"There's no point in asking me!"

The update is here, the next chapter will look like before 10 o'clock, go away and continue typing.

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