
Chapter 1927: Force out the trump card

? Maybe God is really blessing the LPL region this year.

It wasn’t just the group stage draw that had good luck.

And this luck... seems to have extended to the current top eight knockout groupings just as countless players in the national server had expected.

Such a list of top eight groups is indeed true, and it perfectly confirms the best expectations of all players in the national server.

Three LPL teams.

Perfectly staggered!

There is no internal friction in the top eight that people were originally worried about, and each has been assigned a different opponent.

And even on this premise, the opponents encountered by the three LPL teams in the national server were all satisfactory enough.

At least first -

It really avoided the originally estimated 60% chance of encountering the SSK team!

In this year's quarterfinals, the SSK team's opponent is the top seed Season team from the North American division.

"The champion and runner-up in last year's finals."

"This year we reached the quarterfinals ahead of schedule and met each other."

In the stadium, on the official commentary stage, several European and American official commentators expressed such heartfelt exclamations.

In the official live broadcast rooms of major domestic live broadcast platforms, countless players and netizens of the national server cheered and celebrated like a New Year!

What a joyful atmosphere!

“This component is well composed!”

Many Chinese server players and netizens were so happy that they burst out laughing.

Apart from anything else, the fact that the champions and runners-up of last year's finals met directly in advance of the quarterfinals is simply the most exciting situation to see. Whether it is SSK or Season, they are originally a huge threat to their LPL teams. They met directly in the quarterfinals. As the saying goes, two tigers compete with one another. No matter which of the two teams is eliminated in the end, it will eliminate a serious problem for them in the LPL competition in advance.

As for the remaining three groups.

Also well distributed!

KG faced off against the Fate team.

Although the latter has just fought its way out of the death group of Group D in the group stage a few days ago, and its strength should not be underestimated, you must know that this year's KG is also extremely strong, even facing the LCK SSK, the top seed in the division, pushed the world's strongest team to the edge for two consecutive games, and regrettably lost by just a hairs-

So now that they are facing the third seed in the LCK in the quarterfinals, Fate's strength must still be far behind SSK.

In other words, KG's chances of winning against Fate are definitely not low!

Hayami from the other group met Team Legend.

This is a bit difficult.

But think about it from another perspective. As a team ranked at the bottom among the top eight, Hayami first avoided the civil war with its two brother teams. Then among the other five opponents, they had already lost two games against MLG and knew that their skills were inferior. , it will only be more difficult to play SSK or Season——

So to put it this way, it seems that being assigned to Legend as the opponent is the most ideal situation.

Because don’t forget…

This year's Legend team is also not as strong as in previous years.

Phoenix, Europe's No. 1 Dharma King, may even be slightly inferior to MLG's Spoon this year.

As for Team Hayami's core ace mid laner, Shi Hang, he was able to compete head-on against Spoon before and barely managed to lose. This time his opponent is Phoenix, and he might actually be able to take advantage.

As for this group of Team God——

Needless to say!

To be fair, this year's God team, even if it is not ranked first in terms of strength among the top eight teams, is at least in the top three.

However, MLG's overall strength level should only be ranked in the bottom three of the eight teams.

This way the two families meet...

God’s chances of winning are absolutely certain!

So when seeing the results of such groupings, Lin Feng's comment that "everyone can play" may have seemed a bit modest and polite.

the fact is--

In this year's quarterfinals, under this grouping situation, the LPL division may really have a chance for all three teams to advance again!

The results of the lottery draw made not only their respective fans, but also the players and players of the three teams in the LPL division couldn't help but beam with joy in the audience.

This year's fortune is really good.

Dawn Morning Star, Tian Tian and Shi Hang, as lottery representatives, walked off the stage and returned to their respective club teammates. They also received a warm welcome:

"Captain is awesome!"

"Hahaha, this is a good draw!"

"Don't worry, don't you?"

"I really feel relaxed all of a sudden. I was nervous for a long time just now, thinking about what to do if I get Season or SSK..."

Lin Feng also looked at the dawn star and smiled:

"Your group should have the best chance of winning."

"The luck in the draw in the group stage was average...this time the top eight were fully compensated."


Because the strength of the MLG team is indeed strong and should not be underestimated. It even surpassed Legend to become the top seed in the European LCS this year, but it was really perfectly countered by God-Hand of God.

"MLG's overall comprehensive ability is not too strong. The main reason is that Spoon in the middle lane is the core of the carry, and their bottom lane happens to be the team's weakness-"

Zeng Rui took over and said this, looking at Fuxiao Chenxing and Huangxue Yege with a bit of sigh:

"It's really... God is completely countered."

The core of MLG is Spoon, the mid laner, but when it comes to the mid lane matchup, God has Fuxiao Chenxing sitting in the middle. Now he is only a step away from the Four Emperors realm, which is enough to win the European King of Magic.

Not to mention that MLG's bottom lane is a weakness, and God's bottom lane has Huangxue Yege, the ADC, who is another strong core.

So even if the quarterfinals of this group have not started yet, everyone can foresee the situation and even the result of the battle later.

"Fate's words can't be underestimated."

Fuxiao Chenxing cautiously reminded Tian Tian:

"Although they lost to us twice in the group stage, it was not easy for us to win those two games."

Tian Tian nodded seriously:


"Don't worry, we won't be careless."

This is also natural.

Apart from other things, just being able to forcefully advance to the quarterfinals after defeating Minx and Assassin in a death group like Group D, the strength and state of the Fate team this year should not be underestimated.

Even if KG's state is also better than last year, it is still not possible to say that they will win against Fate.

Shi Hang listened for a long time and looked around:

"Hey, is there no one here to give me some advice and suggestions?"

Huang Xue Ye Ge looked at him sideways:

"What can you say about your group?"

"Your luck is not bad. If you want to win, you should work harder as a mid laner. As long as you beat Phoenix, it should be enough."

Shi Hang was so angry that he vomited blood:

"Damn, they are the Four Emperors, how can it be so easy!"

An Xin next to him smiled and said:

"But at least it's better than meeting Season or SSK, isn't it?"

Everyone calmed down a little.

Looking at each other.

Huang Xue Ye Ge also restrained his expression and turned solemn:


"It's just right for these two to face each other."

Tian Tian nodded seriously: "If it's Season, it should really be able to force SSK's bottom line out a little more."

Update sent, the next chapter is around 9:30, go away and continue typing.

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