
Chapter 1932 Unbearable

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​       In fact, for everyone else in the LPL division present, it is not that such thoughts have not crossed their minds.

Because indeed, from the perspective of regional competition, if a new team led by those legends of the previous generation emerges in the European LCS region in the new season next year, it will definitely give other major regions Causing huge impact and pressure.

To put it more exaggeratedly, the entry of several European legends from the previous generation may even directly cause seismic destructive effects on the entire new generation of world professional e-sports circles.

After all, you must know that in today's world e-sports circle, even though there are also new generations of players emerging, the overall pattern is still that the Four Emperors and Seven Kings occupy the top of the pyramid, and there is a gap between the top old and powerful teams. A tacit competitive pattern has been established.

But if those European legends from the previous generation reorganized their teams and entered the field, they would be at least five top players with seven or more realms of strength.

There may even be more than two Yonko among them.

Not to mention that the living space of several strong local teams or new teams in the European Division will be severely compressed. For teams in other divisions, you have just worked hard to rise up, and you will immediately hit this terrifying iron head-on. Board, how can we play?

This is simply a terrifying opponent that even SSK, Season or God teams cannot easily defeat.

It is precisely because of the possibility of such a prediction that everyone in the LPL region could not help but feel a bit of resentment and complaint just now——

You, the legendary seniors of the previous generation, have already shone brightly in the previous era, and have already had your own peak moment of glory. Now in the new generation, you actually have to go down personally. This is indeed a bit "for the sake of the old". "Disrespectful", and even suspected of bullying the younger ones.


These senior legends from your previous generations in Europe must come to an end.

Well, it’s not like our LPL division didn’t have such legendary masters back then.

If you have the ability, don't bully the small. If you have the ability, try to compete head-on with our senior legends.

Then why don't I beat you one by one until your faces are full of peach blossoms?

However, such an idea was indeed just a passing thought in everyone's mind, and they were quickly dismissed by shaking their heads.

on the one hand,

It's because everyone in the LPL division also knows that other people's seniors are shameless, but there is no need for our own seniors to lose their grace. What's more, these seniors from their home division have retired for many years and no longer participate in such disputes on the field. , it is extremely rare to be able to serve as special coaches for these three teams this year, and it is enough to make the younger generations feel grateful.

on the other hand--

In fact, it is also the pride they have as professional e-sports players in the new era.

Even if a few legends from your previous generation in Europe were powerful and terrifying, so what?

It doesn't take our seniors to take action.

We, the younger generations, are still not afraid to fight with you.


But never thought about it.

When everyone in the LPL division has adjusted their mentality in this way and is mentally prepared to face those European legends of the previous generation.

Someone said something so suddenly.

Everyone was stunned on the spot.


This time, Huangxue Yege subconsciously widened his eyes and looked at Lin Feng:

"You...what did you just say?"

Shi Hang's eyes went straight:

"What I seem to hear is...'it may not be impossible'?"

Even the shadow puppets, Tian Tian, ​​Li Shiyi and even Dawn Morning Star and others nearby swallowed their saliva subconsciously and stared at someone, waiting for a definite and convincing answer.

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Feng scratched his hair:

"Oh, you heard that right."

"In the new season next year, the seniors should also be able to play in person."

The news that was almost unbelievable just now was confirmed again by someone here. However, before everyone could even try to digest this shocking information, another new message was thrown out by someone again. I was so blown away that I was dizzy:

"It's not just seniors and them."

"The two from Korea will also come out."

"Oh, maybe Bullet-senpai from North America is no exception."

The atmosphere suddenly became dead.

On the way back to the Hilton Hotel, you could see that everyone in the LPL competition area was frozen in place as if they were petrified.

Everyone was in a daze, their heads turned to mush. They just stared blankly at Lin Feng, who seemed to be understating the situation and threw out several explosives one after another, knocking them all out. Each and every one of them tried to open their mouths to speak but could not speak at all. Say half a sentence.

Shi Hang finally forced himself to come back to his senses and slapped himself to wake up a little, but his jaw still almost dropped to the ground in shock:

"Fuck...fuck, is it real or fake!??"

There was an exclamation of shock that could not be concealed in his tone.

Everyone was in the same mood at the moment, and the shadow puppet subconsciously murmured, even his voice trembled a little:

"This... next year's new season, isn't it going to cause chaos in the world?"


No exaggeration at all.

Originally, any one of them alone would be enough to shock the world's e-sports circles. So if these legends from the previous generation are really as someone said, they will all die in person next year——

Then this is not a simple vibration effect.

It was simply a terrifying tsunami with dozens or twenty levels of landslides and ground cracking. The energy it erupted was enough to completely overthrow and disrupt the entire new generation of e-sports circles in an instant.

Li Shiyi and Tian Tian had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Because they have been in contact with their seniors for the longest time and are more familiar with their seniors’ handling styles, it makes no sense for what Lin Feng just said to happen——

Even the other legends from the previous generation will all come to an end.

It's not like those seniors from my family are going to be together.


In such an atmosphere, An Xin still seemed quite calm and relaxed, and raised an eyebrow at Lin Feng:

"If you want to say something, say it all. Don't say it half-hidden and half-hidden. It can easily spread an atmosphere of panic."

Everyone was stunned.

Look at someone again.

Lin Feng scratched his head awkwardly:

"Hey, I was planning on telling you more, but you guys reacted too quickly—"

After saying this, he coughed and continued:


"It's not as serious an exaggeration as you think..."

Then he briefly explained the outline of some things and selected some key points that needed to be known to everyone.

Everyone was stunned for a while.

Then gradually he came to his senses.

Dawn Morning Star was the first to show a look of realization on his face:


"Next year is the most critical year for our national e-sports."

Huangxue Yege also suddenly realized:

"That's why there is no room for failure. Even several seniors have to die personally."

Shi Hang felt a little itchy:

"Damn, I didn't expect those senior bosses from other divisions to be so careless. They didn't care about the friendship at all and just came to cause destruction!"

Someone's simple description just now omitted some details, because it is really not necessary to go into that level of detail, and the explanations and answers he gave and the conclusions that everyone drew from them were enough -

To put it simply, someone wants to cause destruction.

It's going to ruin the next good thing for their national server professional e-sports circle.

"Damn, can you bear this!?"

Shi Hang was furious: "We must fight back!"

The update is here, the third update is done, ah, it’s the last day of 2018, I didn’t expect to have to go to work on the last day.

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