
Chapter 1962 1 feeling

? Shi Hang was the first among the people to say this.

But it's not the last one.

Because just after he took the lead in making such a statement, everyone else in the LPL division shook their heads one after another and gave the same answer:

"can't read."

"Really... I'm confused."

"How on earth did you win? I have no idea at all."

"I didn't even react. It's over now..."

Among the people who spoke, they included Tian Tian, ​​Shadow Puppet, Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui, as well as KG’s Yaogui, Konjac and Lao C, as well as other members of the God and Hayami teams.

Huangxue Yege frowned as if he had been thinking hard for a long time, and finally gave up in frustration:

"Depend on."

"It's so evil!"

He also reluctantly admitted that he was in the same situation as everyone else.

It stands to reason that if you are just an ordinary player audience, then it is fine if you cannot understand it. After all, everyone is just an ordinary player with limited strength. It is difficult to tell the reason after watching the excitement.

But now everyone in your LPL division is a professional player, and many of them are even the world's top first-tier star players, but they can't understand it like the ordinary audience at the scene——

That seems really unreasonable.

KG's jungler C looked sideways at the direction of the members of several other teams and clubs not far away, and then looked at the commentary table:


"It's not just us."

"It seems... everyone is pretty much the same as us."


The members of the other top eight teams couldn't hide the bewildered expressions on their faces at the moment. They were whispering to each other just like everyone else in their LPL division, and it was obvious that those players could be seen. The confusion on the faces of the team members not only did not lessen, but became more and more intense...

Not to mention the commentary desk.

At this moment, several official European and American commentators are working hard to analyze and evaluate the last decisive game that just ended. It sounds like the exchanges and discussions are quite lively, but if you listen carefully, you can easily discover these things immediately. The official explanations, which are usually very professional, are obviously a little weak, and the things they say are quite empty and pale, as if they just want to be fooled and perfunctory...

The situation is similar at the China commentary desk.

The two beautiful commentators, Mo Sheng and Fei Yan, were both in a daze and have not recovered yet. Moreover, with their professional knowledge and ability, it is impossible for them to watch better than their European and American commentators or the professional players in the audience. They were more thorough, so only Lao Mi, the only one responsible for supporting the table, continued to rack his brains to consider the words:


"In the last game, there is no doubt that both teams gave their best."

"It is commendable that both sides basically did not make any obvious mistakes in this game, which fully reflects the style and strength of the world's top teams."

"Ray's ADC Ice is almost impeccable from laning to team battles, and the final damage dealt is the highest among the ten players in the game. It seems that the Ice Shooter hero will become completely popular after the finals. Get up, hahaha——"

"Ahem, of course, we also saw that although the Season team unfortunately lost the decisive game, in the last two games, Autumn, the captain of Season, really showed his terror as the god of support. strength."

"In the last round, we didn't even talk about the supporting Japanese girl in the early stage. The pressure of the line with Obama almost put SSK's ace bot lane combination into great danger several times, and although it fell into passiveness in the middle and late stages Disadvantage, but Dawn Goddess almost made a comeback with her ultimate moves and methods in team battles - in the end, the single-game MVP award to Autumn was well deserved!"

"This... um... we also have our world's number one mid laner F player. In the last game, it's Victor again. But compared to the performance of the mechanical pioneer in the previous game, F seems to have recovered a little bit this time. In terms of status, looking at the damage statistics, it only ranks third behind the ADC heroes on both sides. It can be said-"

"Yeah! Very good too!"

That is to say, Lao Mi's many years of commentary experience are rich and solid enough. At this time, even if he insists on the scene, he can do it as calmly as possible, so that people can't see too many abnormalities.

But if a thoughtful person listens carefully to such an analysis and evaluation, they will be unable to help but hide their faces——

This is all special...

What nonsense are you talking about?

What's more, "it's also very good"? Isn't it a hasty ending that I couldn't continue editing anymore?

In the front row of the audience, everyone in the LPL division shook their heads.

"Brother Mi, it's really not easy."

"Standing on the commentary stage, even if you don't understand it like the rest of us, you still have to bite the bullet and make it up——"

KG's mid laner Yao Gui said with emotion.

Next to her, Huangxue Yege also nodded in agreement:

"Basically, we can only use data to explain the matter. If we really analyze it in depth and in detail, no matter how professional and experienced the explanation is, it is probably impossible to explain why."

But at this time, Dawn Morning Star, who had been silent before, suddenly spoke again:


"One thing is true."

Everyone was slightly startled.

Lin Feng raised his eyes slightly and looked over calmly.

Dawn Morning Star once again looked far away on the stage, and the giant viewing screen replayed and displayed the statistics of the final game of BO5:

"This one, F's damage is the third in the game."

The demon scratched his head when he heard this:

"That's right..."

"But, it's just third place, right? The two ADCs Han Bing and Obama are ranked first and second in the front, and his F's Victor's damage output is ranked third, and there's not much difference between fourth and fifth in the back. I think——"

Some members of the other three teams also subconsciously showed approval:


"It's just a little stronger than the Victor he had before."

"The MVP of the last game was also Autumn's. Looking at the record alone, among the ten people, Victor, who is F, is at the fourth or fifth level at most..."

But Dawn Morning Star shook its head:

"You can't look at it that way."

"KDA data and the like can only be used as a reference."

"But this one, the reason why SSK can win——"

Speaking of this, Dawn Morning Star paused for a moment, looking towards the direction of the SSK Arena on the stage, with some bright and dark arcs flickering in his eyes:

"I think the core key lies in his Victor."

Everyone was stunned again.

Shi Hang's body trembled slightly, and he raised his head to look at the morning star:

"You think so too?"

"I had the same feeling just now, but I really didn't dare to say it-"

Dawn Morning Star hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly:

"I'm not any better than you."

"It's just a very strong feeling."

"But what exactly is going on...it's really hard to explain just by sitting in the audience and watching."

Huangxue Yege raised his head and glanced in the direction of the Season team's competition room on the stage: "I think...even those who are playing on the stage may not be able to explain clearly——"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around ten o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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