
Chapter 1979 Reference Object

? From the group stage to the quarterfinals, after these successive battles, the KG team's performance and achievements are extremely impressive and amazing.

This is inseparable from the hard work and efforts of every KG member.

The amazing performance on the field is supported by the hard training off the field.

Among them, Tian Tian is definitely the hardest working one among all the KG players. For the same reason, in the quarterfinals knockout stage, KG faced Team Fate and was able to defeat such a formidable enemy. Tian Tian also He is undoubtedly the biggest contributor to the team.

In the training battle just now, people like Lao C, Yao Gui and Konjac on KG quickly absorbed the reminders and suggestions from Dawn Morning Star and Huang Xue Ye Ge, and their respective operational performances were obvious and effective. The improvements made have produced satisfactory training results.

As for Tian Tian’s top order——

The performance of this one is also basically faultless.

Even after the quarter-finals, when Tian Tian once again achieved a breakthrough in promotion and faintly took his own half step towards the threshold of the four emperors, he may now be dissatisfied with the title of the world's number one top laner. The words have become more and more worthy of the name.

But after such a training match, no one else could find fault, but Lin Feng, as the opponent's sparring partner, frowned and felt a little dissatisfied.

And not just Lin Feng.

Even Tian Tian himself nodded vigorously after hearing someone's comment:


"I also feel like... there's still something missing."

Everyone else on the side was a little confused:


"What did you two say?"

"What's missing... what's missing? I think it's pretty good, isn't it?"

Everyone looked over with doubtful and questioning eyes. Lin Feng scratched his hair and showed a somewhat troubled expression: "Well, I can't tell for a while -"

Huangxue Yege raised her eyebrows:

"If you can't tell, let's play another round.

Maybe it will be clearer. "

It is also the simplest and crudest method.

Training is basically about finding problems in constant battles. If you don't understand it after one battle, then keep fighting until you understand it.

So soon another training match began, but this time Lin Feng did not play and retreated to the side. A top laner from God's side was responsible for facing off against Tian Tian, ​​while he watched and studied from the side.

After 30 minutes, the battle ended.

Compared with the previous match against Lin Feng, the opponent in this round was replaced by the main top laner of the God team, and Tian Tian's strong personal operation ability was more vividly and unreservedly displayed.

The matchup... is almost an absolute crushing of the single line.

Jess beat Rambo 16 times in five minutes.

A wave of solo kills in 7 minutes.

Destroy the tower alone in 12 minutes.

It can be said that today Tian Tian, ​​at least in the national server LPL division, looks at the main top laners of all teams, and there is no opponent who can really compete with him head-on. There are only a few like The-Sword, Wolf or Seven. Only a top world-class professional top laner can put a certain degree of pressure on him.


The two sides in this battle are basically the complete main lineups of KG and God.

In the end, KG lost.

The training battle ended in 33 minutes.

Although Tian Tian's own top lane had a huge advantage in the early and mid-term, his two lanes were also perfectly suppressed by God's Dawn Morning Star and Huangxue Night Song. In the mid-term, the former's top laner Jace was still there. It was able to exert sufficient effects, but God's perfect operation delayed the rhythm to the later stage, allowing Jace's strong period to be exhausted. In the end, no matter how strong Tian Tian's personal ability was, he was finally unable to recover by himself. sky.

But now that the battle is over, no one cares about the outcome.

Huangxue Yege looked at Lin Feng:

"How about this one?"

"Did you see anything?"

Lin Feng frowned again, nodded slowly as if thinking about it for a long time, and then shook his head:

"There is indeed a problem."

"In the early and mid-term... fat Jace should be able to play better."

When these words fell in their ears, everyone couldn't help but look at each other again. Zeng Rui next to him couldn't help but speak at this time:

"This is... too vague."


The purpose of training matches is of course to find out the operational problems or specific problems of the players, and then correct them for improvement. However, someone's words seemed to point out the problem, but it was too much. Vaguely saying, "You should play better", this kind of statement can be applied to anyone, but isn't the problem originally about figuring out "how to play better"?

No matter how rude it is, someone's words will seem to be in vain.

Lin Feng also scratched his hair in distress:

"Hey, I know-"

"But it's just a vague feeling. If I really want to be specific, I can't say it."

In fact, for the vast majority of people present in the training room at this moment, they don’t think there is anything wrong with Tian Tian’s performance in these training games. They even think that Tian Tian is now better than his previous state. Stronger.

Indeed, if it were before this finals, or even before the quarterfinals, Lin Feng would definitely be full of praise for Tian Tian's state and performance.

But by this time...

When Tian Tian successfully took the half-step towards the threshold and became stronger, Lin Feng saw many problems.

Nothing else.

In fact, it's just that someone's standards for his former partner and teammate have subconsciously become higher.

The criterion he used in the comparative evaluation tonight was not the difference between Tian Tian's past and present strength, but the reference to other truly top professional experts he had seen——

For example, a talented rookie like The-Sword.

Another example is the legendary J from the previous generation in Europe.

And our senior No. 3...


Someone suddenly slapped his forehead:

"Not talking about The-Sword, I just made a comparison based on senior No. 3 and Mr. J."

"Compared to this, Fatty is obviously not very interesting."

Everyone was also awakened.

But then the expression on his face became a little tangled and weird:

"If you say that...then there is indeed nothing wrong with it."

"However, you wouldn't want to compare Yuan Shen with a senior of that level in the first place, right?"

That's the truth.

Even if Tian Tian is now recognized as the world's number one top laner in the new generation, half-stepping into the threshold of the Four Emperors, but if you want to go straight to the top of the previous generation like No. 3 or J right now The legend is relatively high, and it is really a bit exaggerated.

The morning star at dawn shook his head:

"It's not a big deal."

"Before, maybe there was really no need to compare, but now A Tian has made another breakthrough, and he is very close to the two legendary seniors in terms of realm."

"The right thing to do is to look for those two people as reference objects."

As a professional e-sports player, if you want to become stronger, you must constantly set higher goals for yourself, find stronger opponents and more powerful role models to chase and surpass.

Everyone nodded subconsciously.

Konjac couldn't help but interjected again and asked:

"So, let's compare those two seniors, and then what?"

"What exactly should we do?"

The training room fell silent once again.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng again.

Someone looked a little embarrassed and scratched his head again: "Ah... I might not be able to handle this."

The update is here, go away and continue typing. The latest update time and schedule are really a mess. . . Let’s see how hard we can adjust after being busy for a while. .

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