
Chapter 1997: Hold on tighter

Before being eliminated in this finals, this year's MLG team had always been a team that was very optimistic about the outside world.

In this year's professional league of the LCS European Division, this team's sudden power was a blockbuster. It defeated the Legend team, which had been the strongest in Europe for several years, and won the number one seed in the division.

Following the group stage of the World Finals, they also ranked first in the group and advanced steadily.

The outside world has even vaguely believed that as the single captain of the MLG team, Spoon's personal ability may have caught up with the former European No. 1 King Phoenix, or at least reached the peak of the Seven Kings. His real strength is not far behind that of the Four Emperors.

But unfortunately, this team, which was highly anticipated by the outside world and countless European players and fans, encountered the hand of God in the quarterfinals of the finals and was directly eliminated without any room for maneuver. Out.

However, at this point, although it is a heavy blow to the members of the MLG team, the only thing they can be thankful for is that at least their elimination did not make the entire European LCS division lose hope.

Team Legend still managed to survive.

It became their last banner in the European division, and they were able to continue to compete in the finals on behalf of all European players and fans.

As for the lottery grouping of the semi-finals of the semi-finals, when they learned that Legend was going to meet the God team, although countless European players and fans were a little nervous and worried, many members of the MLG team were not so pessimistic.


They were indeed defeated by the God team in the quarterfinals.

But also, the BO5 matchup in the quarter-finals also allowed them to see the true strength of God-God's Hand. Coupled with their own familiarity with Legend, an old rival in the same division, they were able to come up with a handicap. The conclusion that gives people a little peace of mind——

Although God is strong this year, Team Legend is also not a vegetarian. When two strong players meet, who will win will really have to show their abilities on the field.

Even Spoon, the captain of MLG, thinks so.

Even though Legend had already lost in the first two games of today's BO5 and was directly forced into a match point match, before the third game actually started, Spoon still believed that the Legend team under the leadership of Phoenix still had a chance to make a comeback. The opportunity and hope to win.

Of course they lost the first two games.

But Legend only lost by a small margin, and even God's victory had a certain amount of luck.


The third BO5 game had just entered the fourth minute, and when the announcement of a first-blood kill came from the middle, in the training room of the MLG base, Spoon's eyelids suddenly jumped uncontrollably.

At the seventh minute of the game, the blue side's midfielder and jungler teamed up to invade the lower half of the jungle area of ​​the Legend team. Ice Girl successfully intercepted the purple side's Wild Boar Girl who flashed across the wall and successfully scored her second head. ——

Watching the game in front of the electronic screen in the training room, the mood of the mid lane captain of the MLG team suddenly hit rock bottom.

Because of this moment.

He finally discovered something.

Some... truths that were enough to make his original confidence in Team Legend and Phoenix completely disappear.

Less than ten minutes into the game, Jace, the future guardian on the purple side of the middle line, lost his right to push the line.

It doesn't sound like it's a big deal.

But any professional mid laner who has reached a certain level will suddenly feel shuddering if he thinks about it carefully.

Because this is Jace——

Even if the opponent lost a kill in the early stage and the ice girl got the first blood of a solo kill, the rhythm control of the line should still fall into the hands of Jace, but now even the right to push the line has been lost. This is This means that Jace has been completely suppressed in the early stage to the point where he is unable to resist, and even when his own wild area is in danger, he is unable to get out to support or block it.

A Jace was suppressed to this extent, and he basically collapsed.

Often this happens only when there is a clear gap in personal strength between the two mid laners.

But right now...

The one controlling Jace is Phoenix.

Staring at the OB picture on the electronic viewing screen in front of him, the pupils of his eyes reflected the figure of the blue midfielder Lissandra, and the shock in Spoon's heart was like a tidal wave -

This guy……

Compared to the quarter-finals knockout a few days ago, were you hiding your true strength?

Or, in just a few days, he actually became stronger! ?

After two waves of rhythm, the situation on the scene seemed to be tilting towards the God team on the blue side.

The Legend team on the purple side seemed to be restricted everywhere and kept falling into passivity.

But the situation remains relatively stalemate.


Game time is 10 minutes and 25 seconds.

In the middle of Summoner's Rift, another system female voice's kill announcement suddenly resounded across the map again.

"Killing-Spree (One of the heroes has made a killing spree)!"

The body of the purple midfielder Jace collapsed.

The figure of Lissandra, the ice maiden, stood calmly and calmly on the center line.

Solo kill.

Another solo kill.

The entire competition venue was shaken. Several European and American official commentators' unbelievable and inflected exclamations came from the commentary desk, as well as several Chinese national service commentators' ecstatic cheers.

In the blue square God team competition room on the stage, Dawn Morning Star in front of the computer screen remained calm, but the flames deep in his eyes were burning more and more blazingly, making people feel heart-stopping.

In the Legend team's competition room opposite, Phoenix was sitting in the mid lane seat, staring at the game screen that turned into a black and white TV in front of him, and his expression finally changed.

Even if he loses the first two games in succession, even if it is the critical moment when the opponent forcibly steals the last game at the last moment, even if he is forced to the match point——

The No. 1 Dharma King in Europe has always maintained a calm and calm attitude.

Until this moment.

A look of awe and shock finally flashed across his face.


He saw it too.

North America, Season team club training base.

Autumn, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly laughed at this moment.

Originally, according to his estimation and judgment, the BO5 match in this group should be a battle between evenly matched players, each with a chance of winning. However, the current situation seems to have slapped him in the face unceremoniously, but at this moment, the assistant But the God didn't seem to care at all, and the smile on his face even revealed his rare and relaxed mood.

Because he suddenly thought that his team was defeated by SSK in the quarterfinals.

If your skills are not as good as others, you will naturally have to admit it.

But now it seems——

Maybe in this year's final showdown, someone might really come to avenge their Season.

Inside the competition venue.

In the front row of the audience, the faces of everyone in the SSK Club became more and more serious and even ugly.

Ray kept gasping and didn't even know how to comment.

Park Chanyeol's expression became a little dark and difficult to understand.

Turning to look at Han Shihao beside him again, his tone became a little solemn for the first time:

"I admit that your judgment is correct."


"You should hold on tighter."

Updates are coming, there may only be two updates today, and there is still work to be done a few years ago that needs to be done in a hurry.

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