
Chapter 2005 Three to One

People are always eager to see miracles happen.

I also always hope to witness the emergence of legends with my own eyes.

Rather than seeing legends, perhaps for the taste of most people, what they would rather see is the scene of the former overlord being defeated by the challenge of the new legend.

There is no doubt that in this hope, the SSK team belongs to the former, and KG belongs to the latter.

The former is truly legendary.

But because the world's strongest team has occupied the world's strongest throne for so long that people have lost their original sense of freshness and become a bit tired of it, so I will look forward to having fresher faces and a stronger team to dislodge it from the throne.

This year’s finals seems to be the best place to satisfy people’s expectations——

For the first time, SSK's status has experienced such an obvious decline.

And KG's strong performance in the group stage and quarterfinals also makes this LPL's second-seeded team really qualified to challenge the best in the world.

However, hope only exists in the hearts of most ordinary players.

After all, most people have limited strength and can only see these things on the surface, and make hasty judgments in excitement without thinking.

The top players who really have enough vision and strength can see deeper and think deeper, so they will not be too optimistic about today's BO5 duel.

Because even No. 2 and No. 3 said words like "God's will" and "miracle" when encouraging the KG players.

No. 5 made a conclusion of 3 to 1.

The exact same prediction as M on the corner seat in the back row of the auditorium.

When several of the top legends of the previous generation came to such a conclusion with such certainty...


The actual results are really hard to deviate from.

The outcome is 3 to 1.

The second group of the semi-finals of the semi-finals,

The BO5 showdown between the two teams KG and SSK officially started at 9:20 am in Berlin, Germany.

Then it took a full four hours.

Finally at 1:25pm.

Declare the end.

3 to 1.

With this final score, the SSK team defeated the KG team and won the second place in the semi-finals of the semi-finals, advancing to the finals.

When the score was finally displayed on the giant LCD viewing screen on the stage, the entire competition venue was silent for a moment.


They are all trying hard to digest and accept this result, trying to calm down the complicated emotions that have been surging up and down for the past four hours.

At the China commentary desk, the two female commentators, Mo Sheng and Fei Yan, both had slightly red eyes, while Lao Mi took a deep breath, sorted out his thoughts and words, and spoke slowly and deeply:


"Anyway, let us congratulate the SSK team for winning the final victory in the BO5 match in the second group of the semi-finals."

"It is indeed worthy of being last year's championship, and worthy of being recognized as the strongest in the world."

"The strength and grace they showed today..."

"Still, worthy of the title of the strongest!"

Official commentary desk.

The expressions on the faces of several European and American commentators at this moment were also solemn and solemn. They did not praise the SSK team that became the final winner. One North American commentator solemnly gave his most fair and objective opinion. evaluate:

"Although the winner is the SSK team."

"But I have to admit that the style KG showed today is also enough to win everyone's praise."

"Their performance in today's group of BO5... may be even more admirable than the previous group of games against Fate in the quarterfinals!"


Assassins club training base.

Amidst the sounds of regret for KG, Nian Shisan touched his chin:

"It's a pity, but it's not a pity."

"If you lose, you are really inferior in skill. The objective strength gap cannot be made up by a few days of sharpening your skills in battle, or by relying on one person to save the world."

"But after today's battle is over..."

"Fat Guy's title as the world's number one top laner is really secure."

In fact, as early as when the quarter-finals ended, Moon, the mid lane captain of the Fate team that was defeated by KG, made the same evaluation of Tian Tian in an interview after the game.

However, these remarks at that time were questioned and criticized by many people outside.

Many people still believe that even if KG defeated Fate, Tian Tian's title as the world's number one top laner may not be fully deserved. After all, there are top professional top laners like The-Sword and Wolf, who will not be better than the former. Any inferiority.


After today.

The ownership of this title seems to be no longer controversial.

KG lost the game.

But Tian Tian has truly and steadily won for himself and completely confirmed the honorary title of the world's No. 1 top laner.

Offstage, in the audience.

No. 4 nodded and expressed sincere praise:

"Well played."

And even No. 2, who was the most demanding, had a relaxed look on his face at this time:

"At least, everything that needs to be beaten is indeed beaten out."

This is already a very high praise and can even be considered a compliment.

Number 1 turned around and glanced at Number 3 beside him:

"A Tian, ​​this boy, I didn't embarrass you at all."

No. 3 curled up his lips:



His tone sounded a little arrogant, but the companions and old friends beside him could easily hear the unconcealed satisfaction in the former's words.


The final outcome was 3 to 1.

The miracle that people expected did not happen.

Just as Lao Mi lamented on the commentary stage, today's SSK is indeed worthy of being the strongest in the world, and the strength displayed is still enough to shock people.

But today's game has never been a one-sided massacre.

Every game.

They all almost reached the end of the bloodbath, where the bayonets were red.

The game that ended the fastest did not end until the 35th minute.

And among them——

Although several other main players on KG's side have also tried their best, it is Tian Tian's top laner who really carries the weight.

A knife girl.

A Rambo.

A game of Gnar.

One-handed swordswoman.

In the semi-finals of the top four, Tian Tian almost showed his top lane hero pool to the fullest today. The top lane heroes selected in each game were different, but they all played an incredible game that almost carried the whole game. Style.

Solo against Wolf, the main top laner of the SSK team.

Perfect laning suppression in four games.

Even without the help of jungle teammates, facing the constant roaming gank attacks of Mafa, the world's top jungle king on the opposite side, he still forcibly stabilized the rhythm and stood firm, and in the mid-term period, he was still unable to do anything. Unstoppably, they began to exert force, giving the opponent's SSK team thrilling and fatal threats time and time again.


Single belt.

Every tactical choice and every personal operation forced even the world's strongest SSK team to make forced adjustments and responses, and had to devote more energy to solving opponents. At this point, KG was forced to slow down the pressure on other wingers of KG.

Especially the third game, the only one KG won among these four games.

It is still the natal Nar that Tian Tian made famous.

Two waves of god-level team battles.

The two big moves entered the field perfectly.

Change your fate against the will of heaven.

After falling behind by 6,000 gold in 20 minutes, they managed to force a comeback with only the help of Lost Fang's team.

Seoul, Korea.

Having returned to the training base of his Minx team club, The-Sword and his teammates were watching the game on the electronic screen for the first time, with a look of awe and shock in his eyes.

Fly next to him curled up his lips, looking a little disinterested, but looked sideways at his teammates:

"Hey, can you handle this guy?"

The update is here. The next chapter will be around nine o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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