
Chapter 2008 Now that we’re talking about this

The guy Wolf was talking about was undoubtedly Tian Tian, ​​the core ace top laner of the KG team.


In today's BO5 match, if you just look at the matchup between the top laners on both sides, then Wolf's presence is almost completely overshadowed by Tian Tian's brilliance.

The focus of the audience, and even all the players and spectators around the world, fell on the ace of the KG team.

As the main top laner of the SSK team, Wolf, whose real strength should not be inferior to Tian Tian or The-Sword, has become a mere background.

Four games.

Heroes are constantly rotated.

But in the early stages of every game, there was almost one-sided suppression.

It's not to the point of crushing, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that under Tian Tian's fierce and extremely powerful offensive operations, the top lane hero under Wolf's control can only be in a passive defense. , barely maintaining the rhythm of their own development.

You even need to rely on the help of your own jungle teammates to roam frequently and constantly put pressure on Tian Tian's top lane hero, so as to maintain the rhythm of the early laning as much as possible and avoid more serious problems.

To put it bluntly, among the four BO5 games today, the only one SSK lost was on the top lane.

And if Wolf can play more aggressively and proactively in the top lane confrontation, then the wins in the other three games should have come faster, easier and more smoothly.

"Can't blame you."

Mafa shook his head:

"YGG's level of performance today was something we didn't even expect."

"Besides, if responsibility is to be counted, I have to have a share."


In today's four games, Mafa, who is the jungler of the team, also focused most of his energy on the top lane in the early stage. However, after several roaming ganks, the world's top jungle king, who is as famous as Nian Shisan, has unprecedented success. He also returned without success several times——

Even in the third game,

His jungler prince wandered up the road. There was a momentary operational error and the opponent's top laner Gnar seized the opportunity to directly counterattack, which further led to the unstoppable development of Gnar.

"First, because that YGG has indeed become stronger now to a very troublesome level."

"Secondly, the current version is indeed an environment where the top laner dominates. It just allows their KG team to exert more than 120% of their combat power."

Cube spoke and analyzed calmly and objectively:

"But KG can only be regarded as a special case and does not have more reference value - after all, there should be no other top laner like the current YGG with perfect laning and stronger teamfighting ability in the world. , even Minx’s The-Sword can’t reach this level yet.”

"However, we still need to be vigilant."

Having said this, Cube paused for a moment, looked at the teammates in front of him, and spoke calmly:

"Because originally if there was just one top laner, even if the top laner was YGG, it shouldn't cause us such a big trouble."

"Competitions between teams are mainly divided into two aspects. One is the personal ability of the players, and the other is the understanding of the version and the coordinated execution of tactics."

"The fact that we were forced to this extent by KG today is all due to YGG alone——"

"Another important reason is that KG's understanding of the version and execution and coordination of tactics are no less than ours."


"It's not just the KG family."

"Don't forget, KG is only the second seed in the LPL division, and what we have to face next..."

"It's their No. 1 seed."

The words fell.

Several other people in SSK were silent and solemn.


In fact, Cube doesn't need to say this truth. They all know it in their own hearts.

Today's LPL teams have completely caught up with them in terms of understanding and use of the version. Today they only encountered KG, and the God-Hand of God they faced in the finals five days later was well known in the version. A top team that is even better than KG in terms of understanding and tactical application.

In the past, SSK was able to be far ahead of all other teams in terms of individual player abilities and version understanding and application.

But now, the strength of version understanding and application is missing.

If you still want to take the initiative to win, you can only consider the personal abilities of the players more.

But this is also a difficult road to walk.

Because although God-God's Hand does not have the world's top professional top laner like Tian Tian, ​​but similarly, their two major C positions, mid laner and AD, can never pose a threat to them as much as KG's Tian Tian. It's a little bit inferior to what comes from heaven.

KG's Tian Tian is only on the single lane, but when facing KG, they need to rely on the absolute advantage of the middle, lower and jungle lanes to defeat him steadily.

But God-God's Hand's Morning Star and Wild Snow Night Song, there are two paths here, the middle and the lower.

Moreover, the personal ability of the top laner and jungler should not be underestimated.

"Analyze it this way."

Cube spoke again and made his final objective and calm judgment:

"We will face Team God in our current state today."

"It's going to be very troublesome."

On the word "very", the SSK main auxiliary player deliberately emphasized his tone.

Ray next to him couldn't help but said angrily: "Hey, why does it sound like there's no chance of us meeting God? It's not such an exaggeration -"

But Cube just glanced at his fellow ADC coldly:

"Of course it's not that exaggerated."

"Even if we face God now, our chances of winning are still at least 50%."

"But that in itself is a problem we've never had before."

“What we need is greater certainty—even a sure victory.”

As he spoke, he turned his eyes back to the other teammates:

"Any single position of the God team may not be enough to pose a big threat to us, but their two most difficult and troublesome points are the tactical and operational cooperation of their team, and the second is Dawn Morning Star's The ability of the two C positions, the mid laner and Huangxue Yege’s AD, to work together in the mid-to-late game.”

"If we cannot break the linkage between these two C positions, we are destined to be subject to great threats and risks."

"As for Huangxue Yege... leave the bottom lane to me and Ray, and with Mafa's cooperation, we should be able to suppress it to a large extent."

"But there is still one Dawnstar left in the middle -"

Speaking of which.

Suddenly, Han Shihao, who had been silent from the beginning until now, finally spoke:

"Just leave it to me in the middle."

His tone was as indifferent and calm as ever.

But this time, Cube did not choose to accept it, but looked directly at his mid laner captain:


"Now that we've come to this point, we need to talk about this issue in more detail."

"Even if you, Brother Shihao, can make such a promise, at this time, such a promise is not enough."

"As teammates, as partners fighting side by side, we still need to know more."

"for example--"

"Brother Shihao, how far can you go against Dawn Morning Star?"

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 9:30, so go away and continue typing.

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